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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
iiBiiiiiiirinnrimtyirr-"" " -mfIMMil fye Coconino Sun. Vor.. XVII. FLAGSTAFF, OCTOHRK III, 1900. No. 3S X V t THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. Excellent Nominations Made by the Grand Old Party. Tliu fact tlutt every Republican in supporting the entire ticket is evi dence that it is one of the bent over placed in the Held by the p.irty. No fault can bo found with it single nomi nee, unci this in another evidence tluit the ticket in its entirety will be elected. Kvory nominee in honest, capable unci fully quail Med to Mil thu pluco for which he was nominated. ' In their choice for their candidate for member of the territorial council the Republicans madea most excellent selection. M .1. llinrdau is a nativcof Illinois, and came to Arizona on ac (JMiint of failing health twelve ,cars ago. For a niimber of eaishe bus been connected with the Arizona Lum ber & Timber Company in an ollieial cipacity. During liis residence here he has taken a lively in'crest in all things toward the progress and devel opment of the town, county and terri tory. His election to the council would be in the Interest of ever citizen of Coconino county. He is a man of ability and thoroughly familiar with the needs of the county. F, It. Nellls, who is the nominee bli the territorial assembly, is a native of New York and has been a resident of Williams since the advent of the rail Ho is one of the progressive citizens of that town and has done much for the upbuilding of that pro gressive city. He has s.erved in the territorial council and his influence was felt for the good of Coconino county. He also served the county as member of the board of supervisors, and in all his public life ho lias been a raithftil ollieial and the people of Coconino have unlimited f.ittli in Ferd It. Nell in. N. G. Layton has ulready served three terms as probate judge, and Is highly esteemed by attorneys and the public, regardless of politics, for his ability and integrity. He is also ex ollicio superintendent of public schools, and in that c.ipacit he has taken great interest in our schools, and to bis en ergy in this direction is largely due the ellicieney of the public schools throughout Coconino county. Judge Laton is a nativeof Indiana, was edu cated in thu public schools of that state and for a time followed teaching. He came to FlagstatT when the town was in its infancy ami ban identified himself with tho interests of the coun ty. He has nude an able and popular ollieial and liisreuomiiution adds great stiength to the ticket. For the important olllee of district attorney the Republicans chose Frank lin I!. Dorr of Williams, a young man of more than ordinary legal ability. Mr. Dorr was born in Wisconsin, whole ho attended the public schools, graduating from the University of Wisconsin and later fiom the law de partment of Harvard University. He went to Iowa, where lie practiced law for two , ears, coining to Arizona two joarsugo, when lie engaged in mining in Yuma and Yavapai counties, where he and his associates spent a small fortune in mining. He then resumed BiaiMU.WLlllJtUlftftLi 'II.1. '