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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
numraaniin rm-ri-tiiirinnnm TUP. COCONINO SUN. A V- TOWN TREASURER'S REPORT. Quarterly Statement of the Town Fi' nances. (WNEUAL FUNDS HFCK1PTS Licence taxes, July 2IH M t Aug l(B N Sept. IOT M fill M Dot? taxes, Julv . Is AW l M Sept I ) 4 " Fines receiv el from I W. Quintan. Jul) . SOW Sept 21 0 Aug . 1J 11 63 ISO Property taxes, Au . B6 UJ Sept. 1 4U M -' lterelpts for quarter - W llalancu on hundJune 30 !(.") $1,731 5.' lIlmlL'llSt MENTS. General warrants paid off $ 614 74 S ifti from tounty -' "" Salaries Uc, July -Mat Interest to Arizona Central Hank on morlgiite -w uu Telephone stock . 25 01 Letter press 8 0.1 Do. tairs 4 50 Justliefees II 00 Salaries ami small bills palil, Sept 2W .V) Salaries, August - IV) 00 K. S Clark, I) ilance for ledger 10 IM Expenditure for quarter- $160) n Ilnlanic on hand Sep- 29 71 37 $1,731 V WATKIl FUNDS it rt fipts. July, rent and taps $1 WW bs August, rent and taps C07 01 September, rent and taps 417 30 Heti'led from A. I. 4. T. Co , board of men - .13 25 Transfer of freUht on meters V) 47 Transfer of freight on meters 28 Of Itccelpts for quarter . $,3K7 Jti II ilanee on hand June M l.H .14 Overdraft on Arizona Central 11 ink 105 31 $l:i41 04 uisi!imsKM.?rs Interest on w iter bonds .... ti KiO no Labor and salaries In Julv ... M7 75 August 2J Vi September 611 17 Expenditures for quarter $4,34.1 ill L V., Treasurer. Ludiea' c.illinj cutis, in the coned f.t.lcs, piinted in the Iiitestoopper-pliite script lit this offlee. Spitting Blood "I used tc cough a (jreai deal and spil blooil, and my neighbors in Dayton. Ohio, where II Ihe, said among them sehes that 1 had con sumption, nl though they did not tell mo so to my face, for feai of making me despondent. I kept on coughing and trjing diner cut sorts ol riiedicines.hu1 nothing seemed to reach my trouble until 1 pot hold of a bottle of Acker's English Itenicdy. I pra)td for health nil the time, and my pra)ers wire answered as soon as I began taking tills celebrated Eng lish expectorant mid tonic. Since my re covery I bate told hundreds ol sufferers from coughs, colds and weak lungs that Acker's English Itemed)' would cure them Some of them won't try it, and it does seem to nie terrible when an) one dehber ately refuses to lie cured. There ought to be a Ian compelling consumptives to take it. Een if tiny don't care for their own lives, the public's welfare should be consid ercd. Don't )ou think so too? I hope such a law will soon lie enforced." (Signed) Mrs. Riciiabdsov. Mold t !5c , COc. and St a bottle, throuKhout Ihn VnUtt Rtatpsand Canada; nndlii F ngland. at Is sl .3 81 4s 6d If you nrp not gattsfled after buying, muni Itu bottle to your druggist and get your money bttk. H tiHtltnri'C tie rOtmc gtiamntre IV. II. llOOKUt S. to , l'mprutan, 2ew 1'orfc For Sale by W. R. Edwards. 7:-mx mrAv i ' P1 Tho Dcmociat or Cochise count) nominated their count) ticket on Oct. 1(1 Sick headache uhsolutel) and per mitiuiitly euied l using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb di ink. Cures consti pation iitid indigestion, makes jou ear, sleep, notk siml hupp.v. Satisfaction guiitunteed or mone back. 2j cts and ."0et. V. It. Kdwiu-ds, drudjjibt. 2 zasmEsmjukLjLdi ju HMMTi. ii-ir