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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
"jTP1'-J! -v4atfr JtoilEaaffiMjL -Jj--h-ax-. Jc-g t iHMHBnnnnBnavBnnBBniaMK ) THE COCONINO SUN. K. S. Clark returned from Kingman last night. Governor Mu-phv will speak at Hol brook on Friday night, October 2(i. Hon. Kobort E. Morrison will tpuiik nt Williamson Monday night, Novem ber .V Thu population of Arizona a an nounced by r ie census bureau for 1!)0() i 1JJ.2U. I i lo'.U it was .VJ.(!14, h gain of lO.'i pur colt In tun years, or un in crease of ti2,.V,3. The St. Jjlitis Herald sas: Hon. J. T. Lesuour of this oily sold his entire sheep interests, amounting to 10, (MX) bead, to the Colorado Arizona Sheep Co. Cons.derution S20,(KK. The greit teglstor has closed mid It contains iiliont 1,2."0 names, being 1100 less tluiii tivo years ago. There are a large numberof duplicates in the regis tration this year anil it is said by those who have gone over the register that there are about 100 mimes duplicated and that the double registration Is largely in Williams precinct. Mr. Frank Gibson, a former lino re pairer for the Western Union who re sided for some yeais in Gallup, was severely injured a few days ago by falling from a telegraph pole. Here moved fiom here to Sail Heruadiuo, Cal., with his family and while work ing near thai place met with the acci dent. Gallup Gleaner. The Republican candidates addressed the eill.ens of Williams on Wednesduy night. The opera house was we'll tilled witli voters of both parties, who listened attentively to and frequently applauded the speeches of the candi dates. The meeting was also ad dressed by E. S. Clark, who made an excellent speech. The Republicans of Williams are doing good work and have every conlidenco that they will carry the pieclnct forthecutiro ticket. There are 4,223 names on the great register of Maricopa county. For sprains, swellings and lameness there Is nothing so good us Chamber lain's Pain Halm. Try it. For sale at Pioneer Drug Store. The assessment rolls for the year l'JOOof the town of Flagstaff, gives Flagstaff the largest assessed valua tion of any year since the incorpora tion of the town. The figures are as follows: Heal estate, $107,itl(i.."0; Im provements on real estate, $17!),32.").0(l; alite of personal propel ty, $l(i",711,00; total, H-2,!.V2.:.0. Probably Perished from Cold. ' On Saturday lat Joseph Brown re ported to the sheriff's olllce that he had found the remains of a man about eight miles from town, on the east side of Eldou mountain. Deputy Hogan Harry Hoxworth went to the placo and tound but the skeleton and cloth ing of what Mr. Hoxworth believe- to bu the remains of Wm. Hieinan, a tie cutter in his employ in January, 18!l!l. One cold night Hiemati left the main camp to go to a camp two miles further on and no trace or him could be found, although a diligent search was made tin ough the heavy snow that covered the ground at the timu, and it was be lieved at the time that it was lie who perished from the cold. A loaded re volver and liftecn cents in money was found near the skeleton, (lieman was a coiiipaiativc stranger hereaud stated that he came from Colorado. w S. KOIIINSON. I'HYSICIAJf AMI SU!Mli:oN, FlairstnlT. Arizona Ollru In Loy tiullillnir. Office hours, into II n. in.; S to 4 and 7 to 8 i. in. E.s S. CLAKIC, ATTOUNKY-AT-I.AW. I Prnctlco before tlin I.nnil Department n spe cialty. Wllec Hntililtt llliirk. Klairotnrr. Artnna. I Y