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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
TIIK COCONINO SUN. A Santa Fe Pa, R, R, Co, Condensed Time Card No. 10. In effect July 10, lim 2 5 VTA1 Ions. J lowip Lv . . Chlcium Ar 10 30a .KanoniC'ltA 3 2(U Dcm cr 4 SSa . . I,.i J until 9 03p . Albtiqueniue J2iu ... . H'lntruU' , .'Ma ... (ialiup ft 4Ba 1 1 nl brook TUSa Win-Inn . V 30a FliiKstuir 11 I -'a Williams I J 1P Ar Ash I'ork Ij , fliwp l.v Ann Fork. Ar 7 Sup Ar Jerome Jc i. K 4"p .. I'rescott Ilfi.'p m;ressjij 3 3it Ar 1'hiiTilx hy I.' lap l.v Axli l'irk Ar .' Ilji IVmh Sprlnir l.v 3 4p Klri'nn.ui ft Nip Tho N'tcdles 7 Sip III il,c V lOp Ilairdad U' I-1 Daia'ett . IJRS.i . Ilarstnn 1 4V ICrnmrr 5 4i Mojave "Khi Ar Los Anircles I Kip Sun Dleim 6Wp Ar San Francisco l.v 7 40i ft 4'i,t 10 Ula 10 301 H.tlli 3J3i 3 0lM 1 1 Sip 10 40p H 4.p 7 I8p h Sip s rp 3i"p J 4ip 11 111 2L" . .Sp 1 -Hip ii js i 8 .II I 7 11)1 4 3iia 1 a ISO I I ll;l I.1 I'll 7 sop I Kip 900.1 Overland Express I'ullmaii 1'alarennd Tourist Sleeping cars to Chlca-'o dally. Personally Conducted Slons I til tlirmuh Tourist '.Meepliiir cars lo St. Louis every Mondavi St. I'aulcverv Mondav ami Snturdav ; and to lloston cicrv Thiirsdnv Experienced Conductors nccompinv these iars through to destination, to look after the comfort of passengers. The Santa Fe Route Is the most comfortublewav itcross the con tinent. Dlnlii-' Kooms and Dlulnu' cars are innnaicd bv Mr. Fred llarvcv, and are perfect In every detail Hates, tickets nml full Information iheerfullv furnished on sippllr.ttlon to II. K. Mil I.IVAN, AKl.. Flat-staff. Notice of Sale. In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the Territory of Arizona, in and for the County of Coconino C. K. Ilovcc, plaintiff, . C.I Sllvernall and I. II. Slhern.ill, defendants. Under and In virtue of a decree of forcclos urc. dated April 12. 18(19, and an order of sale dated October 4, 1900, Issued out of the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the Territory of Arlron i. In and for the Countv of Coconino, In thcnhoveentltled action, bj virtue of which decree C K. Dovce, the above-named plaintiff, obtained a judgment ncralnst C. P. Slhern.ill and I.. II. Slhern.ill, defendants, on said April I.', I89, which said decree was on the l"th day of April, IW9, recorded In Judgment Hook One of said District Court, at 1'aire ISO" and also under and by v irtue of a certain Judg ment and supplementary decree of foreclosure rendered In this court onthcSth daj of Sep tember. WOO, dissolving the temporary injunc tion sued out by the above-named defendants airalnst the Sheriff of Coconino iount and the abovc-nimed plaintiff, to restrain sale of the property hereinafter described, under said tlrst-named deuce of fori closure, which le ireo of SpptenilxT 29, 1900, cotillrms the decree of foreclosure of April Ii, 1K99, 1 am commanded to sell all that propert, situated in the town of Williams, Coconino County, Ari zona, described as follows, to-w It: All of lots Nos. e 7 and x In Illock N'o IK, and lots Nos. 1 1 tiitil 1 .1,, lrtr Vt t it k tlil tnut, ., k,,c jvcvednnd platted by II C. Nutt, trustee for theAtl.intii &. I'lcltle Itallro id Company. Notice is hereby lilvcn that on Monda. Oc tolter -"i. won. at II o'clock a. m , of said dav. In front of the court house. In the town of Fl iistaff, said Co conino roiiutv. Arlzoni, I will, in obedience to slid onlerof sale and decrees of court nfore s ild. sell the above described property, or so much thereof us may lie neeessjrv to satisfy plaintiff's Judgment, with Interest thereon and costs, to tho hlnhestand best bidder for cash, in iold coin of the United States Witness my h mil this 4th da of October, A. 1). 1900. J. A JoIInso, Sheriff of Coconino County, Arizona. Kin- Insurance Tliu Al'lon.t Cen Hank i'1'iiivsunts it ntimbor if the llllyi'st Atlll'l il'ltll 1111(1 Klltfllsll Colli- p.inies. A, J, GARCIA, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP In the Cook Building on RAILROAD AVENUE. ALL WORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. mOMmiMASJQUiL "ML