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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
rtiA&um'7j. 'tfA&ariagfcajtiuMi-i THE COCONINO SUN. A. r "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attuck of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum ber!," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. "I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen dilTerent medicine, but sill to no purpose. I sent for u botllu of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy und three doses re lieved mo entirely. This remedy i.s for sale by the I'loneer Drug Store. Census of Arizona. The following ilgures lelutive lo the census returns of Arizona Imve been made public: The population of Arizona is 122.212, showing an Increase or 02,."i!2, or 104.1) per cent. The population of the fol lowing cities is: Chloride town 400; Klagstatl town 1,271; Globe town 1,4!)."; Jerome town .2,801; Mesa town 722: Nogales town l,7il; Pima town "22: Presenti, city .1,.V!); Solomonville city jj!2!);Tempe town 82!; Thatcher town 044: Tombstone city (i4fi; Tucson city i31; Wiuslow town ,'M. Yuma city 1,402; Phoenix, .r,544. Moki Te.i positively cures sick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruplions of the skin, producing a per fect complexion, or money refunded. 2-k; and 50c at W. R. Edwards, drug tfisi. 1 Ladies' calling cards, in the correct styles, printed in the latest copper-plate crlpt at this .illlee. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. ( 'tires heart burn, raising of this food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little table' gives immediate relief. 2.1 ets and .V) cts. W. R. Edwards, druggist. 1 Summons. In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, of the Territory of Arizona, In and for the County of Coconino. The Arizona Lumber & Timber Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Lora LeHarron nnd Oscar Lclt.trron, defendants. The Territory of Arizona sends jrrcetlnu to Lora t.ellarron and Oscar Leltarron. You are hereby summoned and required to appear In a civil action brought niralnst jou by the above named plaintiff In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, In and for Coconino County, Territory of Arizona, and answer the complaint Hied with this Court at Flaitstaff, In said count) (u copy of which complaint uccom pmles this summons) within ten ilajs (exclu sive of the day of servile) after the service upon jou of this summons, If served within the county, but If served out of the county and within the district. Uteri within twenty days. In all other eases thirty days. And you are hereby notitled that If you fall to appear and answer the complaint us above re quired the plaintiff will take judgment by de fault uirulnst jou. Given under my hand and the seal of the said District Court at Flagstaff, Arizona, this nth day of October, A. D. WnJ. Seal C. M. FUNSTON, Clerk. K. i:. Et.MNWooi), Attorney for I'lulntlfT. First publication October 20. Notice for Publication. Land Office. I'rescott, Ariz., Sept. 12, l00. I Notice is hereby Klvctithat the follow ink'- named settlet has tiled notice of his Intention to make tlnal proof In support of his claim, und that said.' proof will 1 mode before the Clerk of the I'robate Court at Flatstaff, Ariz., on Monday. October 22. WW, viz.: Thomas J. Coalter, of Flagstaff, Ariz., for the SV i Sec. 12, T. 22 N.. II. 5 r.. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: J. Harbor. William Klpson, of Itellemont; Ariz., K. It. llayless, H. II. Cameron, of Flrnstaff, Ariz. riihiiEincK A. THITI.B Jr.. Itenlster. First publication September l.S, Notice to Taxpayers. Fi.a;stafk. October 10, 1900. The assessment roll of the Town of Flairstnff forthe.vcar llioo Is now completed and In the hands of the Common Council. The aforesaid Council will sit as a Hoard of Equalization on Mondav. November 12. 1900, at which time nny objections to the assessment will be heard and considered. Lahkv W. Town Clerk and ex -officio Tax Assessor. The Racket Store is the place to buy Navajo blankets. BRBI5S88!