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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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li THE COCONINO SUN - ilft Jti iWjitVil i"i I oa. i A V ELECTION OFFICERS. The Board of Supervisor Make the Ay polntments for the November Election. The following election precinct ollieers have been apoluted by the bourd of supervisors for the election on November (i, 1000: Flagstaff John Y. Weatherford. In spector; E. S. Clark, John Llnd, judg size of a silver dollar. The board abolished the voting pre clnt of Hay Lake. They also deemed it advisable not to establish any ad ditional precincts. Shot Hit Companion. A Williams correspondent writes the Su.v as follows: One of the saddest accidents that has .s: G. H. Itimmnv. v. n.u... n... taken place here for years occurred H. Collin, P. C. Ueid, clerks; Al Dovle, I Jeiday. when Matthew Groe acei murshal. dentally shot and killed James Yureo. Willlams-L. H. Tolfree, in-peetor; J T1,e Uvo ,M)y who wele tlle cll,st't,t "f J. Salzman, F. O. Poison, judges; L. L. ,,len(l!, were "ut hunting In the vicin Ferrull, E. H. Simpson, A. Tyroler, T. ! ,r-v "f nl" Williams mountain. They A. Fleming, clerks; Martin Huggelyn, ,md K'n separated, one going one way marshal. ' . and the other in the opposite direction Bellemont-F. W. Payne, inspector: l"'"nu' " hill. After they had been C. W. Davis, H. Smith, judges: J. C. sePI",1,Ml sometime Yuree lay clou n Moritz, J. P. Parker, clerks. , -'-' a tree to rest, tits companion, Canyon Diablo F. W. Volz. iiisnee- ituso, coming near mm, saw ins lint tor:G.W. McFadden.Wm.Lee, judges; b,,,,n'1 ,l,e fee and thought that it Win. Volz.C.Ybarrl, clerks, was a cub bear. After watching the Maine-Hen Crow, inspector: J. M. ' ltUil'ct U,v M,lne time hu to)k !li'" ,1,h1 Dennis, W.G. McDonald, judges: Vm.,il''-',1 Ul"m "Pitching the object Naylor, W. H. Furlow, clerks. ' ho f"l"", l,ml ho ,,,m1 8llot Yuive Greenlaw Mill-It. Irwin, inspector: , "''"""U'li me Ueatl, Killing lilm Instant R. May field. E. F. Greenlaw, judges F. Taylor, J. I,. Treat, clerks. iy. Deceased was a son of Mrs. Henry Cone, and aged lti your. The funeral Tuba City C.H.AIgerl, Inspector; D. ' ,,M,k ',,llt-'u from t,"- Methodist church Irinkerhoff. Fred Tanner, judges: i"" 'I'hursclay. Rev. J. H. Henry of Flagstaff preached the funeral sermon Hri J. H. Tanner, .1. L. Foutz. clerks. Fredonia K. A. Jackson, inspector: H. W. Drown, Lorutn Pratt, judges; C.tss Lewis, E. U. Stewart, cleiks. Mortnan Dairy S. Henderson, in spector; Norman Clark, W. W. Durham, judges: Wm. Leheriehts, .lolmO. Clark, clerks. Al their meeting Friday the Itoard ordered the number of ballots requited by law to be printed. The Republican ', C. II. MiClure, II. McClure and vlguelle chosen was the national flag. I Porter GittTey left Thursday for the The Democrats adopted a fac-slmile of Grand Ctnyon mines. Mr. .McClure the silver dollar. The Prohibitionist will .ship several car loads of ore next emblem i an ornate affair about the week. When you cannot sleep for coughing it is hardly necessary that any one should tell .win that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy hi allay the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by tlie Pioneer Drug Store. sJMMKa