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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
Villi COCONINO SUN I X The Racket store has some bargains in furniture. Tlio Ladies Aid Society of the M. 10. church will jflve u dinner on election iJ.ij. Money to Loan In sums of $100 unci up. Will build on instalmeni plan Apply to I). Wallace. The Racket Store N prepared I o Mote your fnrnitnru safely and iti reason able rates. On Sunilay afternoon at .1 o'clock Dr. I, liken will hold a meeting for men 11 1 the Presbytei Irn church, assisted by Mr. W. R. Johnston. Both gentlemen are former Y. M. V. A. secretaries and entertaining speaker. Acoidiul and general invitation is extended to the pntilie to hear Dr, Luketis. W. A. Richards and his brother. Austin C. Richards, were visitors to thn (rand ('utnnn tills week. W. A Riclmtds is tlie assistant commissioner of the (feneial land ollice and wan on hs way to bin home, in Idaho to vote. He was formerly governor of Idaho in its territorial iliivs. Austin (.'. Rich aids is a prominent stock raiser of Shasta couiitv, Cat. They were both highly pleased with the portion of Arizona they passed through. The lire dearptment held a meeting at the city hull lust Sulurduj and reor ganized. II null K. Cainplioll wasuliosen us chief, .1. O. Mndersb.icli assist ant chief, I. V. Wlieeler hceond ussist utit cliief. and Larry V. Qiiltiluii see lefary and treasurer. All tlie com panies are well satisfied with tlie new oflicers, and things look well for the fntnreof thedepui tmetit. Orderswere issued to the various companies to make a report as to members, condi tion of implements, hose, etc. Hugh Campbell will uiakeun excellent chief, as he is popular und 11 natural leader. You are sure to tiud something at the Racket Store you need. The Racket store has a lot of cooking and heating stoves that will lie sold at right prices. Ladies' culling cards, in, the correct, 1 styles', printed in the Imesteoppi-pluie ., script at this ollice. The Ladies' Aid Society of tlie M. K. church will serve dinner on election day in the Bank Hotel dining-room., beginning ut 11:30 a. m. Dinner. Iti cents. Ladies Mrs. M. Stein will be in Flagstaff the otli of November, at the Commercial Hotel, with a line line of tailor-made suits, coats, capes, eider down saeques and robes: also corets. Kvery lady should bear in mind the date, as if joii miss this opportunity you miss seeing the latest, styles. I will also have a line of wool and cotton underwear. Respectfully. Mrs. M. Stein. ' The ballot box for Bellpinont pre cinct was left in charge of a proper pet son at the last election, who stored I in a proper place, or supposed he did. I Now the ballot Iioxps used in ( oeonino county sue made of steel and tire hand some in appearance. A Mexican wo man saw the box and not knowing its ue. concluded thai it would be jiM tlie thing to store her finery in. Slip appropriated it and hud it shipped to Flagstaff. She intended going to New Mexico on u visit. The ballot box or trunk, as it had become known under its new ownership, was taken to the depot where L. L. Hums, thinking it a little early to be sending out elec tion phiirapherualia. made enquirv about it. He notilied the county olllcials who summarily took po-stion of it, much to tlie inconvenience of tlie fair senorita. who was proud of her handsome aud convenient trunk. SlSlmSHSSSSSSSS -M