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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
r.wMVi -itaiaaafaMfefcj THK COCONINO SUN. A ROUSING RECEPTION. Gov. Murphy Addressed the Largest Meeting Ever Held in Coconino County. Gov. N. O. Murphy, thu ltupuliliuati nominee for deleato to eonjrccs, re ceived n most flattering reception at the opera house on Saturday nitfht. Kvery -oat in the house was tilled and stand In;; room was at a premium. An hour before the meeting the explosion of powder anil display of lireworks commenced and continued till the meeting begun, and the reception to tliu governor did credit to thu commit tee on ariangcuicuts. .1. G. Verkanip, ehairtnan of the Ue piihlic.tu ceiitial eommittee, called I lie meeting to older. The coventor was introduced In Franklin I). Dorr in a few well chosen words. The governor was received with hearty applause. He is a speaker of anility and u ready talker and his enunciation and de livery is clear and pleasing. Ho -poke for an hour and twenty minutes and during that time he was attentively listened to hy the large audience. He reviewed tlie atTair.s of the terri tory and the Yavapai bond question, so familiar to all our people, and fully convinced the doubters that In '"legalizing" tho-e houds was honest and fair and pieven'ed the repudia tion of a just debt, a thlnif much to the credit of Arizona. On the subject of statehood Governor Murphy said that he was in a position to do much towards obtaining the boon all Ai so much desire. He had the promise of President McKinley that he would sign the bill and the promise of the chairman of the house committee on territories, that Arizona would lie admitted. The Governor is making many votes throughout thu territory by his straight forward and business-like manner in conducting bin campaign, and Coco nino county will give hi in a good round majoril on election day. Vote for John Clark for Supervisor. Chan. Cauall, manager of the Wil liams Telephone, has made arrangement- to place a telephone at the Hrighl Angel hotel at the Grand Cuimm, and for the u-e of the tele graph line on the Santa Ke & Grand ( auxon rallioad. Telephone uiesuigcM will 'bo tran-mitted on the line from Williams to the (iratid Canyon or vice versa for twenty -live cents each. This will bea ureal conenienee to those stopping at tlie urauu Galium. Vote for C. A. Greenlaw for Supervisor. Klder B. W. Webster, a returned mi-sionary. will give a lecture Sunday" at 7:1." p. in. on "The West Indies as United Slates Colonies and as a Mis Inn Field." at the Seventh Day Ad ventlst church. The lecture will be illusi rated by tiumeinus curios. Ad mission free. All coidiall-i Invited. Town water bills are due the lir-t busbies-da of each month and i.eeome ileliiHiuenl on the fifth day. Hills must be paid to clerk at his olllce in town hall. ""Flu null Miiitit liiti flf tt. Iiiik liMMlfifPfl i "" - ... . more man passing atieniion mis weea because of a largo display of line beef. The market will be known as the United Cattlemen's Meal Market. It is their intention to supply this market with choice meats at reason able prices. The management of tlie Templo Bar has made arrangements to receive tlie omplete election returns on the nights of November 0 and 7. The bulletins art! free to everybody. Yon are in vited to call at the Temple Mar.