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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
T1IK COCONINO SUN. A r 1,820 feel to curlier .No. 3; thence south .'.tl feet to corner no. I; thence cast 1,320 feet to comer M. 1, the place of beginning, (Corner No. I bears south HI degrees, east 172 feel from Two-Mile spring, u well-known spring, which Is aland tnurU widely ami commonly known by that designation throughout Coconino county und Northern Arizona, und situated ubout two miles In a northerly direction from House Hock spring. Ateuch corner of the tract Isu post two Inches square, set In u mound of rocks. three feet high, properly marked. 3. "One-Mile" tract, situated In House Itoclt Valley, la the northern part of Coconino coun- tv, Arizona, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the south east comer, or corner mi. I, and running i thence north 1,3.1) toil to comer Mi. 2: thence i west 1,320 feel to corner No. 3; thence south 1,320 feet to corner no. 4; thence east l.3ii) feet to corner No. I, the place of beginning. Corner NO. 1 bears south 8.1 degrees 4(1 mln. east HI feet distant from One-Mile spring, a well-known i spring, which Is a landmark In Coconino coun- . tv and throughout Northern Arizona and i Southern Utah, commonly und widely known by that designation, situate about one mile in a I northerlvdlrecllon from the well-known House ' Kock spring. At each corner of the tract Is a post two Inches square, set In a mound of rocks three feet high, properly marked. 4 "Canaan Heseryolr" tract, situate In the northwest part of Coconino county, Arizona, alHiut la miles from Utah State line, more par ticularly described as follows, to-wll: Com-' mcnclngat the southeast corner, or corner No. J. and running thence north I.3.M feet to corner -o 2; thence west 1,321 feet to corner No. :; thence south 1,320 feet to corner No. 4; thence I east I.3.M feet to corner No. I, the place of be ginning. Corner no 2 bears north o degrees east fill) feet distant from the center of the dam i of tin Canaan rcsenolr, which latter is a well ' known landmark throughout said county and I all Northern Arizona and Southern Utah, and is situate south 21 degrees west about 10 miles distant from 1'ipe springs, widely and com monly known as a landmark throughout North ern Arizona and Southern Utah. At each corner of the tract Is a post two inches square, set In a mound of rocks three feet high, properlj I marked. j Within the next 30 days from date hereo protests or contests against this selection on I the ground thai the land described, or any por- I lion thereof. Is more aluable for Its minerals than for agricultural purposes, u 111 lie recclied and noted for report to the Commissioner of the (leneral Land Office. i I'lti.iiKitiL'KiA. Tin r I. k Jr., Keglter. First publication September 2". i AfkiTn KiiirliHh Hemedy will Mop uj oouifli lit uny time, iinil will cure the worm cole in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2."ie und ."() u l V. It. Ed-! tviirds. drujfirist. 1 Summons. In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, of the Territory of Arizona, in and for the County of Coconino. The Arizona Lumber & Timber Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Lora Lellarron und Oscar Lellarron, defendants. The Territory of Arizona sends greeting to I,ora Lellarron and Oscar Lell irron. You are hereby summoned and required to appear In a civil action brought against you by the above named plaintiff In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, In and for Coconino County, Territory of Arizona, and answer the complaint Hied with this Court at Flagstaff, In said county (a ropy of which complaint accom panles this summons) within ten days (exclu siie of the day of service) after the service upon you of this summons. If seried within the county, but If scried out of the county and within the district, then within twenty dajs. In all other cases thirty days. And 5ou are hereby notitled that If you fall to appear and answer the complaint aMiboie re quired the plaintiff will take Judgment by de fault against jou. Given under my hand and the seal of the said District I ourt at Flagstaff, Arizona, this 13th day of October. A. I). Iiki. (Seal C. M. FUNSTON. Clerk. K. I- Kl.l.lNWoon. Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication Octolier 20. c CIIUHCHES. HUltCli OF T11K NATIVITY. Ilev. F. Wily, rector. On Sundays: Low mass at K o'clock a. in.; high mass at lu.ttuii. in. Sunday school at 1 1 :3t o'clock a. in. Itosaryand benediction of the Most lllessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. On week days, mass at 8:l!i a. in. All cordially ln I ted. FIKST MF.THODIST CHUUCH. Kev. J. II. Henry, pastor. Sabbath services: Sunday-school, ID a. m.; preaching service. II a. m.: class meeting, I2:ui m.: Junior League 3 p.m.: Epworth League. 15:30 p. in.; evening service, 7:30 p.m.; weekly pr.ucr meeting, Wednesday, 7'30 p. in. Kvery one Is cordially welcome. FIKST PUESHYTKKIAN CIIUIICH. Iter lieo. Logle, II. D , pastor. Services: Sunday-school nnd lllble Class, 10 a. m.: morn ing service, 11 a. m.; Young People's meeting, 6:45 p. m.: evening sen Ice, 7:30 p. m.; pr.uer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. You are cor dially Inilted. Strangers In town are nsked to come and make themlseies known. Jl