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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
TUB COCONMNO SL'N TK PROCLAMATION OF ELECTION. l'errllurv ot Arlroni. Kxecuttie Department. Whereas, under an act or the .cglsliitltu An xemblvof tho Territory, "ntttliil Klci'tloti-.," and upproied March ft 1XX7. Il Is irovili-il llicri" shall lio liclil throiiiihout tho Territory upon tin- Tuesday after tlio first Mondaj in November. A. I). I PUS, and every two le.irs thereafter, an election forinemlicrsof thelculs. Htlve assembly and such oilier ortlcers us mm lw required by law sli'ill lie chosen at such elec tion: and, Is further provide 1 In said ail that at least thlrt das before e.uh ireneinl election the 'iovernor must Issue an election proclamation, under the meat seal of the Ter iltory. and transmit copies thereof to the clerks of the boards of supervisors of the iouu ties In which such elections are to be held: such proclam Ulon to rout tin a statement of tho time of the election and the offices to be lllled, and the olTer of a icward In the form pre scribed by said u-t, "N'oit, therefore. I. N' O. Murphv (Joi e'rnorof Arl?on t In pursuance of the duty en Jnlnisl upon me do hereby order a ireneral elec tion to be held on the Tuesday afler the tlrst Monday In Noemlier. A l.. limi and thcoftlces to be lllled lit such election 1 do heroh ileslij. uate 1 1 be as follows to-wit One Dele lite lo tlie Clfti-seicnth Congress of ilia I'lilted States , Twelto members ot Die Council of the I,eKls. lath ssemblv of Artoua and twenti-fnur niembers of the House of Kepiescntullves of the Legislative Assembly of Arl7ona, njipur tloiifsl nirreeablv looxlstlni.' laws as follows: Apiche county, one memlMTof the rouncll md one member of the House of Kcpres nt i tiles; Coconino Cmnt one member of the rouncll and on, mem'ierof the House of Rep resentatives. t' hlse Count! one membtrof the oun"ll mid tlirt e members of Urn House of lt"precnt Hive (Jlla fount, one membi r of the Council and one member of the House of lleprescntnthes (tralium Count, one meuilwr of the Council ml two members of the House of Kepre.eit itlies M irlcopa County, one member of the Council nnd four members of Ihe House of Id-present alios Mobile Counti one member of the f oun-tl mil onememb-rof the House of licprc-uitullics; N'uinjo County, one member of the Council and one memtier of tho House of lteprcscntntles; I'lmn County, one member of the Council, jointly with the e.iuntv of Santa fru, anil thne members of the House of Ifepro-entlies: final County one member of the Council and two memliors of the House of liepresentatlvt-s: s intu Cruz County, onnmemlM-r of the Council, jolntli with Ihe county of I'lma. us uforcs.ild ami one in mber of the House of Kcpresenliitlies; Yuiapil County, one memler of thefouucll and time members of the House of Kcpresentntlics; Yuma County, n-i member of the Council and one member of the House of lCcpresuilallies. And there shall be elected In each county of the Territory one l'robate Judire, ono District Attorney oneMieillT, one Treasurer, one He lorilir one Surieior, two members of the Hoard of Supervisors, except tliulln tin-county ot Cochise there shall be elected three mem bers of the Hoard of Supervisors, and in tlio i utility of s.intu Crur there shall Ik- elected llitce membersof the Ho ml of Supervisors, and In each lountv of the first class and In each count of the second class one Assessor shall bo el cted- also in the several precincts of each counti one Justice of the 1'e.ico and one Con stable shall 1 elected, ami In such precincts ns aieentllled to two Justices of the feiiioand two Constables, that number shall be elected. I here shall also be elected In each county of the tlrst class one Count) School Superintend ent And I doherebv oiler a reward of Ilfty dollars for the arrest and conviction of nnv ami every person violating nnv of the provisions of Title IV fart I of the Penal Code. Inwltne s whereof I have hereunto set mv hand and causisl thedreat "seal of the Territory to be hereunto affixed. Done at Phoenix, the uipllal, this 27th day of September, A 1). liKKl. suit, N O MUltl'IIY lly the (Ioiernor: C. II. AKKIlH, Secretary of the Territory of Arl7ona. RELIABLE ASSAYS. .Ml .. mi Samples by mall receive prompt attention Hold Lend (old ami Silver.. . . (Sold, silver and Copper. Rich Ores and Bullion Bough. OGDEN ASSAY CO., 14.11 Ifilh St.. Denver. Colo. Notice to Taxpayers. in- October IK won. Tho assessment roll of the Tow n of h'liursluff forthoiear Itnills now complcud and in the hands of the Common Council The aforesaid Council will sit as a Hoard of Kquiillutlnu on Mondui. Not ember I.'. Woo, at which time any objections to the assessment will be heard nnd considered. I.AllllY V. yiilMiN. Town Clerk nnd cx-ofllclo Tax Assessor. I't'lH-iN, Wfilillj; tablets,, sillies, composition mill fO) books; In fm-1 nlioiit ousntliinif iiimmIi'iI bi 1 1 - si-ln,(l bin or sfirl, :il lliu rt.ti-lfi't sioic. ' A A