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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THE COCONINO SUN LODGE DIRECTORY. B. HOCK, WittSWMm" Stationery News Stand. FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Fresh Fruits and Confectionery. HAILHOAD AVENUE. THAT ROOF Dot's It lc.ikJ Hctterwt It repaired be fore the wet season srts In. THAT BATHROOM Iletter eft figures on It at once. I have done some of the best plumbing jobs In Flagstaff and will take prMe In referrlne to any of them. I am prepared to do nmtlilru' In ItooHnv, I'lumblnif, Hcntlmr or any other Job work. Come and see me. WILLIAM FRIEDLEIN, Sanitary Plumber, railroad avenue, flagstaff. o KAim TIUBK. NO. , I. O. H. M. Meets on Sleep of 2d Sun. Kach 7 Suns at 7 Runs, 30 Itreaths. Wlirwam, II. I'. O. E. Hall, corner San Francisco street and Aspen aenue. VIsltlnK tribe members welcome. F. A. DoH BUT Y, Sachem. K.II.MAKI!f K. C. of . F.M.Hitow.NlNU, C. of V M OUNTAIN LODGE, NO. IS. K. Of P. Meets In Masonic Hnll every Wednesday night. VIsltlnK nlKhts nre cordially Invited to attend. J. M. Simpson, C. C. Louis Sim Kits, K. of It. and S. fOUUT COCONINO, NO. RK1. INDEI'END-- est oiinrit or roiiESTKits. Meets Tuesday nlKhts In M.vsonlc Hall. Vlslt Iuk members inlted to attend the Court meet ing. W. H. Noiiman, C. It. Louis Spieks, Kecorder. FLAGSTAFF LOIX1K, No. 4W. IIENEVO I.ENT ASI PltOTECTIVK OHUrit OC FXKS. Meets cerv Tuesday nlitht In II. 1 O. K. hall, corner of San Francisco street and Aspen nve nuc. VIsltlnK brothers cordially Invited to attend. E. S. MILLEK. E. It. C. M. FtiNsTOS, secretary. F LAGSTAFF LODGE, NO. 13. A. O. U. W. Meets eycry Thursday nlirht In Masonic Hnll VIsltlnK members Imlted to attend. W. H. NoitMAN. M. W. A. S. KoiiEUTs, Itec. J. C. Ohim, Fin. pi.AOSTAFF LODGE NO. 7, F. & A. M. Reirular meetlnir, on first Saturdny of each'1 month at F. and A. M. Hall, ocr City Hull. Visiting brethren invited to attend Ult. E. S. Miixeii. See. J. A. MAt'HEK, W. M. CLAOSTAFF LODGE. NO. II, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday nlirht In Masonic Hnll. VIsltlnK brothers cordially Invited. C. A. CI.AKK, N. G. V r I.avton 'ecrelarv. AfjpTt tMtmm? "al alums' fibstSErsrsaa HR3ET X wMi-