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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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hi4ifciii mmmmimmmmift k. tyiJtS MffMUMMM martr.i Villi COCONINO SUN -, economical in his own affairs and will ii-D iln H.IIIUJ judgment In conducting tin- I'lioliiunH of tlu count. v as hi (loci in ihe conduct of his own affair. Ho is an old resident of tho countv and is popular not only in hi.-, own party, hut 'iih the people in noneiul, and there is no reason why ho should not receive the support of many Democrats who desire a good, clean, honest adminis tration of the sheriff's olllce for the next two years Heing strictly a man of i he people, the chances are that Sauford Howe will he the next sheriff of Coconino countv. Vote for N. 0. Murphy and Statehood. Harry Kulton is deserving of elec tion as treasurer of Coconino countv. Ho will improve the facilities of the office for the convenience of all the people who have to trau-aci with him. The office demands a man of stable and iuh uc-t immlile ufood char acter. The funds of the county arc in his keeping, and the office is one that represents the greatest fonlldenco of the people, and those who have the hest interests of the county al heart should cast theirvote for Harry Fulton for treasurer. Harry C. Hihhcii, the Republican nominee for recorder, is making an excellent run for that office. There an .t numlier of reasons why he should lie supported at tho polls by the voters, regal dless of political linps. , few of the reasons arc: That ho is the best litted of the two candidates non he fore the people, and for that matter, no better candidate could be found: he is a thorough, practical book keeper: he is an excellent penman, and is com petent to look after the clerical and legal business of the office; he is per fectly familiar with the records of the office; he is a hard worker and takes u personal pride in keeping up the work of the office and is always ready and willing to perforin his duty. As deputy recorder Mr. Ilihbeii has been tried mid not found wanting. He is popular with the people and the indi cations are that he will lead Ills ticket at tho xlls. Vote for M. J. Riordan for Member of Council. The office of survojor is not yet con sidered of much importance and there is no remuneration to be received by tho man elected. Hut in the event of tho county requiring the services of u surveyor, it is best to have the ser vices of a competent man for that osi tion and the Republican nominee, .I.T., McWIIlIauiH, is just the man for th place. John Clark, one of the nominees for member of tho board of supervisors. Is one of the .successful business men of Coconino county. Ho is just the kind of man needed on tho hoard, and his well-known honesty and fair-mindedness will bo to the advantage of every taxpayer. He has lived hero for the past twenty-live years, hasahvays taken u lively interest in tho affairs of tho county and is familiar with the needs of the county. He should leeelvo the support of every voter who desiies the affairs of tho county faithfully admin istered for tho next twoyeais. C. A. Greenlaw, one of the Ilepub llean nominees for member of tin.' boald of supervisors, has had an ex ' IBfifPt