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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
THE COCONINO SUN. The Racket store has ulol of cooking and heating stoves t,ll:it will be boltl ut rl;lit prices. Moue.v to Loan In sums of $100 mill up. Will build houses on instalment plim Apply to D. Wallace. Pencils, writing tablets, bag-, whites, composition unil copy liooks; in fact ubout everything needed by the school boy or air), ut llie Racket store. Henry Limb urrived from Los An geles Tuesday itntl on Wednesday, in company with J. A. Vail of Flagstaff, went out to Dim C.ibezas. We under stand that the ore body in the Dos Cubezas Consolidated mines Is growing larger and richer us they go down, und that this will bo one of the great mines of Arizona in the near future. Willcox ltiinge News. Flagstaff will he well represented at the l'hoeulx carnival. A rate of one fair forthu round trip over the S. F. I. & P. railroad ha been announced. Tickets will be sold beginning on December 0 and ending December 1, good to return until December 1". General A. .1. Sampson, United Stales minister to Ecuador sails today from New York lo his post. He came north in September- and after a short visit to his home in Arizona, went east and during the campaign he spoke throughout Michigan and Ohio. Mrs. Sampson will remain for some time with friends in Illinois. The olllco of assessor is now an ap pointive one, the Board of Supervis ors have the appointing power. The board is democratic und it is presumed that they will appoint a democrat. Petitions for the appointment hevo been circulated by S. L. Cornish, the democratic candidate for probate judge, und H. II. Jones, the democratic editor of the Gem, und it is said that there are still others in the field. The H.icket Store is the place lo buy Navajo blankets. Henry Slos-on left Thursday on u short trip to San Francisco, Cal. F. M. Zuek, of Holbrook, and the next treasurer of Navajo county, is in town t day. Flagstaff Lodge No. 7, F. and A. M., will elect and install their olllcers for the ensuing year tonight. For Sale Four lots on Heaver street, between Uirch and Cherry avenues. For terms apply to .1. II. Morse. Theie is a movement on foot here to organize u company to develop u num ber of nining claims on the Little Coloi udo river. Attention is called lo the air.iouiicc mentof the New York Store on another page. Mr. Hei man announces a sweep ing cut in prices for the month of De cember. Colin Campbell, of Wiuslow, is In tottn today. Mr. Campbell is one of the republican members nf the coun- I ut 1. Ho Is an able representative and will do good work us a repiesenlarive from Navajo county. Clark D. Long, who lias spoilt the past few months here, left tills morn ing for Nevada, where he has secured a position with u surveying oullit. Mr. Long has made a host of warm friends during his stay in this city who will regret his de urture. May he have unbounded prosperity in Ills future undertakings. The Albuquerque Citizen: Dr. 1'. G. Cornish, ihlef surgeon of the Santa Fe Pacific, with headquarters and home In this city, expects to get Into his handsome new residence on the Highlands in a fow weeks. The car penters have about, completed their work, and now Hrockmelr & Cox are busily engaged in putting in the plumbing. - t. A