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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ttKA', MWMSbnKSMftSKN TI1K COCONINO SUN. LJelJ- f Santa Fe Pa, R, R, Co, Condensed Time Card No. 10. In effect November 10, 190(1. No. I. No. 3 No,: ID ()p Hi uiajil.v 1(1 SOa lUISli su.i :inia" 4 25a II Ma Ulifipliaip! saw I Jfti ft Ma' r 45a 7 05.1 3(1.1 3ua is 10V II 12a IMIp! I J Kip a 4flp Ar ttUlp 7 Slip, 8 45p Il52p sua Lv ,Ar Chicago Kansas Cltl Denver I..i Junta Alhuiuer((i(t Wiiurate Uallup liolbrook WlnsloH I'lau'stalT Williams ,f Ash 1'ork Ash 1'ork Jerome .1 PlCsCOlt Mix No. 4. 2 13p 2 40.1 OIOp rtt.l .I Alt" 40.1 'lOllOa 111 liv. 8 30a'llS5p :i SXil . 3 IKKll O 45p "lIX.p 10 40p 3 (Op 'l 8 l.'p 1 25p 7 Ifp 12 lOp M i &3SpI05l Ar 5 I5p i.i :l2Sp ii ii'i 8 4.)!., I2 35p l.v Ash Fork Ar Slip Peach Sprliuis , 3 45p' .'i 45p Klmrmun 3 Slip 7 2.). The Needles 7Sp (tip IIUlic V Kip i lluxil.iil U i. i ll.uontt 1255 230a' llarstow I 45 Kramer S4. ' Mojave 7lhi 8 3.ii Ar l.os Anieles 1 0Ti I San llleiro tt (up 'Ar Sim Francisco I.v 3 Ii5a 3 50a S.Mia 5 .Y I 4p 1125a 8 35a 7 Ida 4 :iiiii I .Via o 4up I H5.1 12 15a 7 : I) 15i I ft5p IMtll Train No. 3 leaies Chlcam), Tuesilnjs. Thurs days and Saturdais. Passes FlaKsliiR Thurs dais. Saturdais and Mondais. Arrives Los Angeles Fridays, Sunilms undTuesdais. No. 4 leaies I.os Anifeles, Tuesdais, Thurs- dais and Saturdais. Passes Flagstaff. Wed-1 nesdaVK, Frldais and Sundais. Arrives Chlcat'o. 2:30 p m. I'rldais, Sundais and Tudsdais. Overland Express Pullman Palncoanil Tourist Sleeping cars to ciilriiL'ci dally. Personally Conducted Excur inneivltlitlirom.'hToiirlsi'Sleentntfcars m St. Louis every Monday; St. Paulcicrv Monday ami Saturdai : and to lloston eierv Thursday. Experienced Conductors accompany these cars throuL'h to destination, to look after the comfort of passencers. The Santa Fe Route Is the most comfortable win across the con tinent. Dlnlnir Itooms and Dinim; cars are managed by Mr. Fred llariey, and nre perfect In cyery detail. Hates, tickets and full Information cheerfully furnished on application to ). K. Sum.H'an. AKt.. Flagstaff. Flagstaff Steam Laundry. After NovemiiiM' lt Famfly Washing, Rough Dried, 7 Cts Per Pound. Overshirts. - - 7 1-2 Cts Undershirts. - - 7 1-2 Cts Socks. Handkerchifs. Overalls. -Jumpers. - - 2 1-2 Cts - 2 1-2 Cts - - 10 Cts - - 10 Cts Flagstaff Steam Laundry. rwsssy -5 r