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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
'l"JJ"t'll' sft-1"-, -' ?f, 1, THK COCONINO SUN. LODGE DIRECTORY. o KAIMTItlllK, NO. 8, 1.O. It. M. 5. HOCi:, WWWWWW- Stationery News Stand. FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Fresh Fruits and Confectionery. HAIUtOAI) AVKNUH. Meets on Sleep of id Sun. Kach 7 Sunn at T Huns, 30 Hreaths, Wigwam. U. I. O. K. Hall, corner San Francisco street and Aspen avenue. Visiting trlbo members welcome. F. A. DoilEUTV.Sachcm. lt.II.MAHINK. C. of It. F.M.IMownino, C. of W AI OUNTAIN r.OlXlK, NO. IS, K. OK V. Meets In Masonic Hull e erv Wednesday night. Visiting ulghts are eonllallr Invited to attend. J. M. Simpson. C.C. Louis Spikus, IC. of It. and S. OUUT COCONINO, NO. KWI, INDKI'KND- .NT OIIIll.ll OP POIII.srKHS, c Meets Tuesday nights In Masonic Hall. Visit ing members Invited to attend the Court meet ing. W. II. Noiiman, C. It. Louis Spikus, lfecnrdcr. I?LAGSTAFF LOUGH. No. 4W, IIHNHVO- 1 I.KN T AND PltOTMTIVK OUIIKIi OK tl.KS. Meets cerv Tuesday night In II. I O. i:. bull. corner of San Francisco street and Asnen ave nue. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to I attend. 1'.. S. MII.U'.H, II. It. j C. M. Fitnston. Secretury. i - J7LAGSTAFF LOlHiK. NO. 1:1. A. t). I". W. Meets every Thursday night In Masonic Hall Vlsltlnir members invited to attend. W. If. Noiimav. M. W. A. S. ltinitins, Itec. J. C Ghim, Fin. IF THAT ROOF DoesltlciU? Hetterget It repaired lie foro the wtt sea .on sets In. L.U1STAFF LOIHJF. NO. 7. F. & A. M. Jf. ila of rucli KcL'Ulur merlin.', on llrst Satnn! month at F. ami A. M. Hall, out City Hall. Visiting brethren Invited to attend Hit. K. S. Mil, I, Kit, Sec. J. A. Mauiikii. W. M. THAT BATHROOM Hetler get figures on It nt once. I nine done some of the liest plumbing jobs In Flagstaff ami will take pride In referring to anv of them. I am prepared to do anjthlng In Hooting, Plumbing, Hcntlng or any otV-r o'i wor't. Come and'seo inc. WILLIAM FRIEDLEIN, Sanitary Plumber, RAILROAD AVENUE. FLAGSTAFF. C"LAGSTAFF I.01)(li:.NO. II, I. O.O. F. Meets eierv Friday night in Masonic Hall. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. C. A. CYlliK. N. (i. N G. Lavi on. Secretary. f mr m H hgWr$ I k v rTj