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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
.?ii:fiSfclM iinC laS ., TUK COCONINO SUN smu. ever, the southwesterly winds mean dry weather and the'sotither'.y lo south easterly mean clouds and rain, lint tilt: .shower are local and it cannot lie told exactly when the, will ocenr. The winter storms are totally differ ent. They last for days with little or no regard for night or day, tliey cover hundred-, of thousands of square miles and show an effect on the haromcter long in advance of the real storm; they seldom ever havo thunder and lightning in litem when they do it is from some temporary local cause: and lust and most important of all. they travel across the continent in well do llned and well known tracks. In Northern Arizona these storms aro preceded ly southwesterly or west erly winds. This is quite different from tli" ease in the Mississippi valley and the eastern states where the storm is preceded hy south to southeast winds. Tho difference, is perhaps due to the configuration of the Kooky Mountains. At any rate we find west and southwest winds preceding a win ter sjorm and a north to northeast wind following it. In 18!l.i during the months of .lim itary, Fehruary and Match, I watched the currents in tho upper atmosphere on every night In which stars could be seen. With the regularity almost of clock work the wind hegim in the northeast with clear weather; worked round through north and northwest to west when clouds began. At south west it was snowing and when the sky cleared off tho wind was northeast again. During those three months there wuro seven cases in which this occurred and one case in which snow failed to appear in tho southwest wind. Also, the longer tho southwest wind blew before tho storm, the longer and heavier was tho storm. This knowl edge enables 'us to make an estimate of the probable local weather for a day or two ahead. Longer prediction than this must come from the weather bureau, and they do it by their knowledge of storm tracks. They have found by years of observation that stormscoming in from the l'acilie Ocean somewhere north of San Francisco may either cross the Rockies toward the St. Lawrence val ley or travel down the coast and pass to the eastward in our latitude and disappear. As soon as they lind which of tlu-o routes It Is going to take they can predict for the regions toward which it is moving. Of course the rale of travel is not alwajs exactly tins same, and In their predictions they use the average obtained from years of observations. At best, these predictions of indi vidual storms can be done about a week In advance, provided thestotm has already developed on the coast, longer prediction, especially in Ibis part of the United Slates, isitnpossible in the present state of knowledge. No living man knows whether the coming winter is to give us much fiiow or lit tle nor the dates upon which lite storms will occur, nor is anyj guess about it of any value. Of course it is common sense to sa that after several unusually drv jears we are likely to have a rainy or snowy one, but as to whether the wet year is tills or the next or the one after that, no man can tell. ' A. B. Douglass Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the fo id, distress after eating or any form of dspcpia. One little tablet, gives immediate relief. 2.") cts and fll) cts. V. R. Kd wards, druggist. ' I ) 'Jfc reaam MHmamwnmwL.-ja