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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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tdrifru i mMT"if"tc,r,AiiMt .; (VM1 r. VVN." Cbe Coconino Sun WM&yi. "MfJti r $ 1-- Vol. XVIII. FLAGSTAFF, JANUARY 12, 1901. No. 2 i LOCAL BREVITIES. Flagstaff has experienced all kinds of weather during the week. Town Clerk L. V. Quinlan is on the ilek list this week. Sheriff .1. A. Johnson 1ms appointed E. J. Levengood h deputy. A. TetzIalT, Dr. P. A. Melllek mid W. .1. Tetluff of Williams wore here Monday. .1. B. Jones the newly appointed as sessor, has Med his bond with the re corder. Owing to a storm in Kansas all pas senger trains from the east are from two to seven houis late today. G. W. Glowner let to-day for Los Angeles California on legal busi ness and will lie absent ten days. Mrs. P. It. Weutlierfoul leave to-day for Weatherford, Texas, where he ""uill vlit relatives during the winter. Mrs. L. S. Drum was biought to town from Stonemau Lake Sunday and is liow at the residence of W. W. Dur ham. Joseph Fisher ha closed his saloon and left Wednesday for Preseott and other Vavapal county towns, where he expects to find a mine congenial loca tion for hlsbusines. Hurton Mossman, of Holliook, spent several days here this week.. Ho lias severed his connection with the Aztec Land & Cattle Company. " The com pany ha disposed of all their cattle and will go out of the cattle business Norman tl. BaVtlett, formerly pastor of the M. K. Church at Winslow, will again entertho lecture lield. He has entered fnU) a coutt'aSLwith the Elk hart Lecture Bnriiudito deliver a num ber of leetures'fivtmS. middle west and outh. if' JS Paul, the thirteen tuontlis old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Treat, died Mon day lifter a short illness of cerebral muningilis. Mr. Treat was in San IJrancisco at the time of the death of he child but returned Wednesday morning. The funeral was held from .the residence of the faintly Wednes day afternoon. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. D. 1$. Stewart, one of the leading citizens of Fredonia, was here during the week on mining business. Uesayg that part of the county is prospering, and with the opening of the copper mines in the Buckskin mountains it will be lively In that section. The mines are for the present closed down and will not be worked during the winter. Operations will be resumed iii the spring, when about 150 men will 4)0 employed. The coal miners of Gallup who are in She employ of the Colorado Fuel Company, are on a strike. There are ."00 miners in the employ of the com pany und they say the strike was forced upon them by the unjust action of the company. The mine owners are try ing to replace the striking employees by miners from otherplaces, und, they are feeding sixty miners from Cali fornia because they do not think it safe to take them to Gallup while, the present state of things exists thei e. J F. Hawks is seriously ill. The tacket Store will store your household goods at reasonable rates. BORN In Flagsiuff, January 1. litOl, to the wife of B. F. Doney, a daughter. F. Johnson and wire of Albuquerque are registered at the Commercial. The tacket Store is headquarters for the finest cigar, either wholesale or retail. F. It. Ward of Precott, member of the coming legislature, spent several days here this week. The celebrated Club House flour, kept by P. It. Weatherford & Co. will please the best bread lovers. Jacob Crosby of Fredonia, a promi nent cattleman of northern Coconino, spent several days here during the week. W. G. Dickinson and family who have been speuding the past six months in Dodge City Kansas returned homo Wednesday. Miss Ruth Barrett arrived Saturday from Pasadena, Cal. She is a sister of Gay S. Barrett, and they will reside at the Beasley residence. T. A. Altraan has gone to Prescott to reside and will return to the prac tice of law, having formed a copartner ship with J. H. Collins, a prominent attorney at that place. Governor N. O. Murphy was a pas senger on No. 3 to-day on his way home from Wahington, where he has been- since the opening of eongie, working for the advancement of the interests of Arizona. Dancing School every Monday and Thursday evening at Babbitt's Opera House. One hour lessons, and dance until 12 o'clock. All this and last year's dances, commencing with "American Medley" Monday evening, J. S. Lukens, teacher of dancing. W. II. Thompson of the Pittsburgh Copper Mining Company, returned yes terday from a trip to Pittsburgh, Pa., and Washington, D. C. The company is contemplating resuming work on their mines at an early date. Mis Emina Hochderffer, who spent the past few weeks in tills eity visiting with Miss Calla Mills, has returned to her home in Flagstaff. Miss Hoch derffer Is quite a popular young lady und while here formed u large circle of friends Phoenix Enterprise. F. C. Roberts, while experimenting with a Hash light attached to a photo graph camera in the post office on Sat urday evening, had the index finger of his right hand blown off by an explos ion of the magazine containing the explosive compound of which flash lights are made. Midwinter Carnival, El Pu-o, Texas, January 10 to 20, HMl. For this occa sion tickets will be sold from Flagstaff to El Paso and. return at rate of $23.70. Dates of sale, January 14 to 18; final limit January 23. Continuous passage in each direction. G. E. Sullivan, agent. Animal Convention National Live Stock Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 15 to 18, 1901 For this occasion round-trip tickets will be sold to Salt Lake from Flagstaff at rate of $59. Date of sale January 13; return limit January 31. Continuous passage in each direction. G. E. Sullivau, agent. E. E. Elllnwood is at his sheep ranch this week. Buck Weeins or Decatur Illinois is registered at the Commetclal. W. M. Miller returned to-day from a two weeks' stay in Win-low. J. A. Pitts, the Ash Fork merchant, was hereon lmsines Wednesday. The Racket Store buys and sells second-hand goods or every description. DA. W. .linden Is confined to his room this week with an attack r lagrippe. Babbitt Brothei s will chip two car loads of cattle to California tomorrow. A good many of our citizens are suf fering from more or less severe attacks of la grippe. If in need or school supplies of any kind you can lind them at the Racket Store at the lowet prices. BoitN In Flagstaff Arizona, on De cember 2U, 1!KX), to the wire or James A. Vail, a son. P. It. Weatherford & Co. are exclu sive agents for the celebrated: lluu House flour, the king of Hour. t The Ohio Copper Mining and Smelt ing Company shipped it carload of cop per ore from the Copper King this week. Navajo blankets, curio-, and photo graphs of Grand Canyon and other points of interest can be had at the Racket Store. The union meetings of the Methodist and Presbyterian chui dies' "during the week of prayer have been well attended und full of iutciest. Mis GerirudeTolfree who has been spending the week here as the guest of Mrs. E. M. Doe leturned to her home in Williams yesterday. Two carload of copper ore was ship ped to the smeller from the Eastern Star mine last week. The returns were very satisfactory to the operators of the mine. Mr. audMrs. M. J. ltiordau enter tained a lurge number ot friends at their residence in Miltou last night. Progressive euchre was iheumusement of the evening. The many friends of Rev. C. P. Wil son in this place will be pleased to learn that he has been apiuled chap lain of the assembly of the California legislature. J. L. V. Thonia is still suffering from injuries received from a fall from a ladder, and it is not probable that he will ever recover from the effects of the injuries received. Babbitts' opera house w ill be closed on January 28. The lit- eed the hall for their furniture department and have decided to use it for that purpose. The probabilities are that a new opera house will be built next year. The Information is gleaned from our evchanges that there are many cases of smallpox in Southern Arizona. No cases have been reported frrm North ern Arizona towns, and it is hoped none will be. It may be that our bicycle riders do not know of the existence of a town ordiaance which prohibits them, under a severe penalty, Irom riding on the sidewalks. There has been many in stances of the violation of the ordi nance recently, and if not stopped the bicyclists may be compelled to pay a fine. T. E. Ptilliam Is in Los Angeles this week. The town council will hold iU flrt regular meeting this year on Monday, January 14th. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and Lnglish com panies. The Arizona Lumber k TitnberCom pany will soon put in a new engine with which to run their lox factory. The machinery in the box factory ha increased beyond the capacity of the old engine. The making of boxes is an industry that but few of our citizens know exists. The factory is filled with every kind of labor-saving machinery known to the trade. Divine Healer Sehraeder spent a day here this week. He had a good many callers, 'and no miraculous cure have been reported. Sehraeder is no doubt a first-class impostcr, and uses the renown of the late Francis Schlat ter to further his own money-getting purposes. Schlatter never took money from either rich or poor, while Sehrae der must have it or his so-called power fails to materialize. Died from His Injuries. R. J. Watson had his right leg cut off just below the hip at Williams on Sunday night while trying to ride the trucks on passenger train No. 2. He was cared for by Dr. Rounseville, who accompanied him here on a freiih train, and WaUon was placed in lb county hospital. Dr. Robinson was called and the leg wa dressed, but lln unfoi innate man died shortly after the operation. Fiom letters found in the pocket of deceased it was learned thai he was from Oregon. Mo. Sheriff John son telegraphed to that place and re ceived a reply to forward the body in Forrest Citv, Mo., but they failed ! guarantee the charges of Undertaker Whipple and the body remains Here awaiting further orders from the rela tive of the deceased. The Buckskin Mountain Mines. Lawrence P. Boyle, a prominent at torney of Chicago, 111 , spent several days hero during the week, leaving Friday for Chicago. Mr. Boyle is rep resenting the Coconino syndicate who have copper mines on top of the Buck skin mountains in this county. There is abundant mineral in these mountains and the Petoskey and the Cocoulno syndicates have, during the past year, done a large amount of development work, and have a smelter and a leach ing plant in operation. Work on these properties has been discontinued for the winter, but will be resumed again as soon as the weather will admit in the spring. The mines are about one hundred miles north of here, but owing to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado lying between, all supplies must be freighted from Utah points 150 miles to the mines. Mr. Boyle is try ing to induce the government to build a trail down to the river on the north side "to connect with some one of the trails on this side. Mr. Boyle and J. H. Lind of this place are old schoolmates. Both were raised in the same Indiana town but they had not until this week met in years. Ladies' calling cards, in the correct styles, printed in the latestcopper-plate script at this office. Pi.lllql I !