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MMtetfMArti axowiisy . Tried to Esc4 pe. Matt Burtft, the train1 rubber seni, up from Cochise conmy, mac'e an effort to add murder to bis other crimen while la charge of Deputy Sheriff White and Sheriff A. W'.-Lewl filTCochise, last Thursday mominattninWlhern Pa cific JJotcl. Burl- nail Sid' Page, a convicted mm del er, ve-e chained to gether and were being guarded by J. U. Page and Wll'.lain Rlchcy, and were seated at tne lunch counter. Richey, who was iamling at the' door connecting the und lunchroom, spoke to Hurts and i.skud him to make room for theothei m -n to eat. Hurts hesitated a moment, "lnn lie suddenly made, a desperate lungu for the officer, pulling Page along with him, and tried to get possession of Rlchey's revolver. In the scuffle which followed Hurts was pushed backward and turned around, confronting Deputy White, who was coming to the assistance of Richey, and the desperado tried hard to get White's gun. At this juncture Sheriff Lewis grabbed Burts and pulled him and his companion into the barroom, although the latter did not require much pulling, and Burts having de cided to quit, the trouble was over. The affair caused great excitement while it lasted, and If Burts hud se cured the gun there would undoubtedly have been bloodshed, but the probabil ity i- that Burts would have shed some of it, though the fact alone of his mak ing such a break proved his desperate character. The only wonder is that the ofllccrs kept their heads und didn't kill him, anyway. Yuma Sentinel. A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks. Prof. Roxa Tyler of Chicago, vice president Illinois Woman's All lance, in speaking of Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy, ay a: "IsulTcicd with useveie cold tliis winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different remedies, bull seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach Afiiend udvied me to try Clumber Iain's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at once. lam now entiicly recov ered, saved a doctor's bill, time and uttering, and I will never be without this splendid medicine again. For sale at Pioneer Drug Stoie. The refusal of the board of supervis or to accept the proffer of the Santa Fi; rail mad taxes Is working a gi eat hauKhip on the officer:- and wuirant holders. There are many thousand dollars in warrants outstanding that this tax would pay off, bui theboaid seems to care very little whether the creditors of the county suffer if their little brief authority is not recognized and eateied to. The boaid may be made to recognize the wants of the I'ledlloo in a way they will notappie ei.ite. People .ire long-tutturiug, but when they get too much of a thing they may lehel and cause tioulile with the disturbers Mohave Miner. Your Face Shows the state of your feelings and the state of jour face as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and skin eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do nothave u healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap sarsaparillas and so-called purifiers fall. Knowing this, we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. W. It Edwards, druggist. I The Tucson Stir states that there will bo approximately 3,500 names in the new city directory. This will be an increase of -100 over last year. Ladies' calling cards, in the correct style-, piintod in thelate-tcopper-plato cript at this office. Beat Out of an Increase of Hts Pension. -f A Mexican war veteran and, promi nent editor write: "Seeing the adver tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era aud Diarrhoea, Remedy, 1 am re minded Lthat as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and '48 1 contracted Mexican diar rhea, and this remedy has kept me from getting an increase in my pen sion, for on every renewal a dose of it restores me." It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleas ant and safe to take. For sale at Pio neer Di ug Store. An Engineering Feat. The Mtuviici S Mitlli'i u i-.tilwiiy has been completed from Guthrie to Mo reno!, a distance of twenty-four miles, and is now ready for business. The construction of the narrow-gauge road is one of the most notable engineering feats of the West. An instance is the overcoming of a grade of I,3.0 feet, with a direct line of less than seven miles. There are two tunnels and five complete loops, four of the latter being in Morenci canyon, within a distance of two miles. By one loop a gain of 100 feet is made in elevation. Several of the bridges are remarkable, that over the Gila being 102 feel above the river bed. In places great walls of masonry had to be buili up to hold the railroad on the edges of cliffs. As far as the heavy mountain work is con cerned the line has been made suitable for broadening if necessary. The Mother Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the mother's favorite. It is pleasant und safe for children to take and always cures. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup und whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these discuses. Thcie is not the least danger in giving it to children, for it contains no opium or other in jui ious di ug, und may be given us con fidently to a baby us to an adult. For sale at Pioneer Drug Store1 II is rumoied thut there are three cases of smallpox at Thatcher among some families who recently came into the valley from Utah. Acker's English Remedy will stop it cough at any time, und will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25c und 50c at W. It Ed wards, druggist. 1 ARTICLES, OF. INCORPORATION OFTHB i55c IP? JiXs. ill AWI mi Do You Cough? " I guess I used to be like everybody else. When I caughtcokhljustletitalone, think ing li would cure itself in a few days; of course the coughing and spitting of mucus sometimes lasted scv- prnl ufla but after atj while the Iff i it i it u u IV would sub side. I al ways no ticed, how ever, that each cold w as worse than thcone before. My throat seemed to get weaker, and the least change in the weather started the coughing again. Tiic last cold was the most severe ol all. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no good. A friend told me about Acker's English Remedy. I got a bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Before the bottle was gone t was well. My throat felt as strong and well as could be. Since then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strengthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the changes in tempera ture, anditbuildsuptheconstftutlon as well." (Signed) Cabrii 8chwab, 2S1 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sold at25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you arc not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize the abme gna'anite. W. II. U0OKER fr CO., Proprietor!, Aim l'eri. For Sale by W. R. Edwards. EL MEDIMIL-COMPANY. Know all men by these presents, that we, the undersigned, a majority of whom are citizens and resident ot the State of California, have this day voluntarily associated ourselves to gether for the purpose ot forming a corporation under the laws of the Territory of Arizona. And we hereby certify: Pint That the name of said corporation shall be the El Media Oil Company. Second That the purposes for which it is formed are to buy, sell, deal In nnd with oil, petroleum and all kindred products of petrol eum; to mine, manufacture, prepare for market, market and sell crude petroleum and petroleum in all Its forms, or all the products thereof, and any articles or products In the manufacture or composition of which petroleum is a factor, in cluding the acquisition by purchase, mining, manufacture, or otherwise, ot all materials, supplies and other articles necessary or conve nient for use in connection with and In carrying on the business herein mentioned, or any part thereof. To purchase or otherwise acquire, to bold, own, maintain, work, mine and develop; to sell, convey, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of, without limit as to quantity, within the State of California and elsewhere, real estate and real property, and any Interest and rights therein. To buy and otherwise acquire, to hold and own, manage, operate, improve and sell lands, mining claims, water and water tanks, mineral rights, oil and oil wells, in the State of Califor nia or elsewhere. To engage in and carry on the business in the State of California or clsew here ot boring and exploring for, producing and refining, distill ing, treating, manufacturing and piping, carry ing, handling, storing, dealing in. buying and selling oils petroleum, water, natural gas, as phaltum, bituminous rock, and other mineral and hydrocarbon substances and for such pur poses to buy and otherwise acquire, hold, own, manage, construct and operate refineries, pipe lines, tanks, manufactories, machinery, tank cars and other works, property and appliances that may be incident or that may be deemed necessary or convenient by the Board of Di rectors. To manufacture, purchase, or otherwise ac quire, hold, own, sell, assign and transfer, In est, trade, pledge, hypothecate, deal In and with good?, wares und merchandise, and per sonal property of e cry class and description, and to do both, mining and manufacturing of eery and all kinds. To acquire the good will and property of all kinds and to undertake the whole or any part ot the assets and liabilities of any person, firm, association or corporation, and to pay for the same in cash, stock or bonds of this corpor ation, or other a ise. To apply for and obtain, register, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire, and to hold, own, use, operate. Introduce and sell, assign or otherwise dispose of, any und all trademarks, trade names and distinctive marks, and all in ventions, Improvements and processes used in connection with, or secured under letters patent of the United States, or elsewhere, or otherwise, and to use, exert lse, develop, grant, license or other" ise turn to account any such trade marks, patents, llceiscs. concessions, processes and the like, or any such property rights and inentlons so acquired, and with a view to the working and development of the same, to carry on any business ubich the Board of Directors of this corporation ma, from time to time, deem calculated, directly or Indirectly, to effectuate these objects or any of them. To hold, purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge, hypo thecate or otherwise dispose of shares of other corporations, bonds or other e Idences of In debtedness created by other corporation or cor porations, and while holder of such stock to exercise all the rights and privileges of own erhip. Including a right to ote thereon, to the same extent as a natural person might do. To hold, purchase or otherwise acquire and sell the capital stock or bonds of this corpora tion. To purchase, lease, hire, exchange or other wise acquire any and all rights, privileges, per mits or franchises suitable or convenient for any of the purposes of Its business. To erect nnd construct, make, lmprot e or old or subscribe low aril the construction, making and Improvement of mills, factories, store houses, buildings, roads, docks, piers, whares, pipe lines, houses f or emploj ees and others, nnd w orks of nil kinds. To acquire lauds bj location or purchase and in ccry way develop and deal in the same. whether bj mining, cultivation or in any other way. To make and enter Into contracts ot every soft and kind, iucluJIiu leases with any Indi vidual, firm, association or corporation. To act as fully In all matters of business as natural persons might or could do, ana" la any part of the world to act as principals, scents, contractors, trustees or otherwise, to say sad everything necessary, suitable or proper for the accomplishment of any of the purposes or the at tainment of any one or mors of the objects herein enumerated, or which shali at say time appear expedient or useful, or be deemed by the direct ors of this corporation, at any time or from time to time, for the protection, advantage sad benefit of this corporation; and in general to carry on any business thought wise by the directors of this corporation. Third That the place where the principal business of said corporation is to be transacted is Flagstaff, Arizona. Fourth That the term for which the said corporation is to exist is twenty-five years from and after the date of its Incorporation. That the number of directors, or trustees, of said corporation shall be seven, and that the names and residences of said directors, or trus tees, who are appointed for the first year and to serve until the election and qualification of such officers are as follows, to-wit: Karnes. Whce residence is at John A. Drinkhouse San Francisco, CaL PieroRovst San Francisco, CaL Kalph A. Groter Alameda, CaL George Quarre San Francisco, Cal. George W.Austin Oakland, Cal. George M. Flint Oakland, Cal. Goerge M. Willcox Sau Francisco, CaL That the ufiuirs of this corporation are to be conducted by the president and secretary and board of directors. Sixth That the amount of the capital stock of said corporation is five hundred thousand ($300,000 00) dollars, and the number of shares Into which It Is to be divided is five hundred thousand shares of the par value of one dollar each. That any capital stock which may hereafter be sold shall be sold subject to the terms and conditions Imposed by the Board of Directors ot this corporation, which Board of Directors shall have absolute control thereof. Seventh That the amount of said capital stock which has been actually subscribed is sci en dollars, and the following are the names of the persons by whom the same has been sub scribed and the amount subscribed by each of them, to-wlt; Name of Subscriber. No. of Shares. Amount John A. Drinkhouse One (I 00 Piero Rossi One 1 00 Ralph A.Grover One 1 00 George Quarre One., 1 00 George W. Austin One 100 George M. Flint One 1 00 George M. Willcox One 100 Eighth That the highest amount of Indebt edness and liability to which the corporation may, at any time subject Itself Is the sum ot fie hundred thousand dollars. Ninth That the private property of the stockholders of this corporation is to be ex empt from any and all of the corporate debts of this corporation. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this second day of January, A. D 1901. John A. Dkinkhouse, (seal) PlEUO IlOSSI, (SEAL) ralpb a.gkoveb, (seal) Geohgk Quabhe, (seal) geo. w. acstim, (seal) G. M. Flint, (seal) GeougeM. Willcox, (seal) Ten-cent documentary stamp, properly can celled. Signed, sealed and dellv ered In the presence of O. C. Pratt. Citv nu County" ori-i Tit incico 1 . State of California. ( ss On this second day of January, in the year one thousand nine hundred and one, before me, O. C Pratt, a notary public in and for the City and Count ot San Francisco, State of Califor nia, residing therein, duly commissioned and qualified, -personally appeared William A. Drinkhouse, Picro Rossi, Ralph A. Groier, George Quarre, George W. Austin, G. XL THnt and George M. Willcox. know n to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office In the City and County of San Francisco, the day and j ear In this certificate first abo e written. seal O. C Pratt, Notary Public, In and for said City of San Francisco, State ot California, Room 305 Call Building. Phone Black 3801. Ten-cent documentary stamp, properly can celled. Recorded at request of F. W. SIsson, Jauuarj 10, A. D 1911, at 11:33 o'clock a. m , In Book One of Incorporations, Pages JM to .Ut, Inclu sive, Records of Coconino Count , Arizona. slal H. C. Hiiiin.s, G-uutv Recorder, rirst publication Jan li