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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
' ttvfiiirttfH "- f1 , COCONINO SUN .3 &. 1 ALL A FOREST RESERVE. The San Francisco Mountains Reserve Solidfled The Government Now Controls All the Forest. The following special from C. C. Randolph, who i now in Washington, was published In Sunday' Republican: The Sail Francisco Mountain roerve of Arizona has been solidified. An agreement has been reached between the government, and and the Individual owners of the odd sections in the re serve by which the govei ntneut re covers Its title to all this land in lieu of other lands exchanged therefor. This completes a reserve of nearly two million acres and guarantees ade quate protection to the magnillcient forest and the conservation of the wa ters that feed the Verde and Salt rivers. The value of this action to the people of Suit river valley cannot he overesti mated. It not only will be of great benefit to their water system hut will give a great impetus to the water stor age movement ami will encourage the establishment of industries in the val ley that rely upon an adequate water supply for success. The creation of this reserve is due largely to the efforts of W. .1. Murphy, of l'liounix, who has spent many weeks here in the effort to unify conlliuting interests and prevail upon the secre tary of the interior to make the desired ruling. What looked like a hopeless task finally was straightened out today in a manner satisfactory to all con cerned and Secretary Hitchcock iillixed his signature to the agreement, there by putting an end to ail disputes over this vital question. Under this ruling Arizona's total forest reserve embraces nearly live million acres which is surpassed by but few reserves in the entire country. Secretary Hitchcock and Commissioner Hermann of the general laud otlice de serve the thanks of the people of the Salt river valley for their broad guage action in the matter. A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks. Prof. Itoxa Tyler of Chicago, vice president Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy,says: "Isuffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different remedies, but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamber lulu's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at once. I am now entirely recov ered, saved a doctor's bill, time and suffering, and I will never be without this splendid medicine again. For sale at Pioneer Drug Store. For the first time in the history of Needles the saloons were all closed lust Sunday. They huve to close every night at 12 o'clock and on Sundays. All the gambling games have been suppressed and a great many of the gamblers have left town. Needles Eye. Played Out. Dull headache, pains in various purts of the body, sinking at the pitcf the stomach, loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores are all positive evi dences of impure blood. No yiuttcr how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Klixir has never failed to euro scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy, ami we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. W. R. Kdivurds, druggist. 2 These days In Ari.onu when you are introduced to a doctor: you don't know whether he is a dentist, horse doctor, corn parer, presiding elder, spectacle doctor, a health officer, or just u com mon doctor who saws bones and kills people for a consideration. Gazette. Deep Mining In Arizona. The Los Angeles Herald recently published uu interview with un Ari zona mining man concerning deep min ing In Arizona a part of which Is here given: "The United Verde mine at.Terome, with shafts and drifts on It 100 feet deep, was offered for sale fourteen years ago without any buyer. At lust W. A. Clark, of Montana, took the property and after sinking to a depth of 300 feet he had ninety six feet of solid ore and at BOO feet it is reported that the ore body is 450 feet wide. Clark has refused $100,000,000 for tlifn mine. The Congress mine, at a depth of 150 feet, was considered us a fraud by no less a person than Diamond Joe, and now, at a depth of 300 feet, it is held at $3,000,000. The Fortuna mine, at 150 feet, was bought by Charles Lane for $140,000, now at a depth of 600 you could not buy it for $3,000,000. The King of Arizona was sold for but $30,000 when at a depth of 100, while today at a depth of 500 feet it is held at $1,000,000. The famous Copper Queen mine ut Illsbee, at a depth of 200 feet was about to be sold for debt. Now at 800 feet it has sufficient ore in sight to run 50 years and money cannot buy It The Crowned King mine was $23,000 in debt when down 1(15 feet. Now it cannot be purchased for less than $1,000,000. The Pierce mine was sold for $275,000 when a depth or 150 feet had been reached. It Is now pro ducing $150,000 annually, und Is not for sule. You hear men speak of the United Verde ledge. There Is no ledge there and there never was one. On the surface there was a large number of small strata, which led from the sur face to the deposit in the heart, of the mountain. These stringers were sent out merely to invite the prospector's pick. You hear of the ledge of the Veide variously estimated ut from 250 to 500 feet In width. There is. us a matter of fact, no end to the great de posit or zone up to the present de velopment of the mine. The expression "there Is a mountain of it," which you often hear in the hills, can be applied to the Verde with impunity. It is without question the biggest mine in the world." The Racket Store will store your household goods at reasonable rates. Advice of a 1 MTm " -liffi " It is proper, I think, to let others know about the popularity and virtues of Acker's JCnglMi Remedy for Coughs, Colds and Con- gumption. From the moment I began hand lingit.itsold rapidly, nnd the sales keep crow ing all the time as fast as people And out what a re markable fireparation t is. The satisfaction it gives is universal. Our best cit izens lite it and say it is the best thing for throat and lung troubles they ever taw. Mr.8. H. Cul ver, one of our prominent townsmen, says ,Ackcr's English Remedy is the only medi cine that helped his chronic cough of many years' standing. At first it gave relief, and now, after taking a few bdttlcs. he is wholly cured. I -buy it by the gros at a time, and my sales are larger on this one medicine than on any other in in v store. It is a great filcusiireformetofciltliatwhilelnmprospcr ngl nm also doing so much good to thecom mimity in selling such a grand medicine." (Signed It. K. Douglas, Westfield, N. Y. Sold at 25c. SOc. and $1 a brittle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. fid. If yoiinrcnot satisfied after buying, return tin- Untie to your druggist, and get you r money b.i.U. We authorize the atmie pmranUe. W. U. U00KE11 .t CO., Pivprliton, .cw York, I For Sale by W. R. Edwards. NEATNESS DISPATCH i ARTISTIC S L JOB PRINTING S Sgood work good stock j Wedding Invitations. Cards, Programs. Statements. Envelopes, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, Etc. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. ocomno Sun. if ( VT 44444444444441 44444444444 ffi Santa Fe Route Time Table, In Effect December 27, 1900. WfcST BOUND. No. 7. No. 3. No. I 2 43 a. 230a ' 40a 10 00 p 322a 4 IX) a 6 35 a 7 65 a 10 30 a I2 05p 1 30 p 1 25p 4 15 p 35p 800p 930p 12 35 a 1 25a 225a 605a 10 30 a 2 30p 5 55p 1 OOP 2 20 a 830a 353p 4 10 a 0 25 a 12 35 p 3 05p 4 25 p 5 25p S35p 805p 950p 11 OOp 12 30 a 4 00a s 3c) a 640a 12 45 p 540a 9 10 a II 50a 3 OOp 5 55p STATIONS. EAST BOUND. No. No. 4. No. 8. 10 OOp 10 55 a 8 20p 4 25a "7 OOp 1 40 a 2 15 a 5 35 a 705a 9 Sua 11 12a 12 35 p 12 45p 225p 3 55p 6 45 p 8 lOp 9 45 p 1 03a 1 40a 7 00a 5 00a 12 45 p Leave. ....... ...Chicago ....... Kansas City.... . . Denver .... La Junta. Arrh e .Albuquerque , .... ...Wlngate ..... Gallup . ... . ... Holbrook ..., ......... Wlnslow..... Flagstaff Williams ,.. Ash Fork ... Pacific Time Sellgman Mount Time Peach Springs Kingman .. . .................The Needles. Blake ... . ........ Bagdad -Daggett. Iliin-tow.... ...... . Kramer.-.. Mojave . ..os Angeles. San Bernardino . San Diego fMoJave Bakerstlcld ... - Fresno .... Stockton Arrive .San Francisco. Leave 7 40 a 5 45 p 10 00 a 10 30 p X :)si 3 22 a 3 00 a II 35 p 10 40 p 8 lip 7 18 p 5 50p 4 20 p 1 45 p 11 10 a 820a 7 05a 4 36a 2 25a 2 10 a 7 15 p t. 50 p I 55 p 2 15p 2 40 a 6 OOp II 52 a 11 45 p 655p 3 10 p 1 25p 12 10p 10 55 a 10 00 a 6 15 a 400a 300a I0 40p v si p 8 45p 6 OOp 7 50P I 50p 45 a 5 30a 2 40D II 50a 9 00a V OOp 800a 6 u)p 9 45 a 7 10 p I 47 p 1 25p 950a 8 55 a i 40a 5 15 a 3 55 a 250a l20a 0 58p 7 OOp 5 45 p 3 25p 1 31 p 1 20 p I2 04p II 10 a II 10 a 7 40a 3 15 a II 10 p 8 OOp Nos 2 and 8 carry Palace and Tourist Sleeper and free Iteclining Chair Cars from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Ash Fork. Dining Car Stockton to liakerstleld. Palace Sleeper Ash Fork to Phoenix, which Is occupied till morning. Nos. 1 and 7 Palace Sleeper Phoenix to Ash Fork. Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free Bcclinlng Chair Cars Ash Fork to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Nos. 1 and 2 carry between Ash Fork Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free ReclinlngChalr Cars and Palace Sleeper between Ash Fork and Phoenix. Nos. 3 and 4, California Limited, carry between Chicago and Ash Fork Palace Sleepers, Observation Car, Composite and Dining Cars. Palace Sleeper between Phoenix and Ash Fork No extra fare is charged on this train. Begular tlrst-class tickets are required. Santa Fe, P. & P. Railway, No. I. J top 8 15 p 7 50 p II Sip M0 a STATIONS. A-li Fork Jerome Junction . .. Prcscott - . Congress Junction . .. Phoenix . . BAST. No. 2. 10 40 a 8 45 a 8 OJp 3 Ik) a 11 30 a The Santa Fe Route Is the most comfortable way across the con tinent. Dining Booms and Dining cars are managed by Mr. Fred Harvey, and are perfect iu every detail. Bates, tickets and full information cheerfully furnished on application to (J. K. Sullivan, Agt.. Flagstaff. J. J. Bvu.NK, G. P. A., Los Angeles. .'J1 'yi v lupgpjiHiii M 'jV tt& mi pim n, ?W!?T