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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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fpliCBui?! IiVml T:ll KSRSBSFf?6? r ,V-Vy (Slpi.-i Che Coconino Sun Vol. XVIII. FLAGSTAFF, FEBRUARY 23, 1901. No. 8 LOCAL BREVITIES. E. E. Elllnwood returned from Los Angeles Saturday. D. L. Cunningham, the Williams attorney, was here Monday. The Racket Store will store your household goods at reasonable rates. Mrs. Harry Pyle of Williams spent several days here this week visiting friends. W. D. Powell left Monday for Je 'irome and the mining camps in that vicinity. The celebrated Club House flour, kept by P. It. Weatherford & Co. will pleasethe best bread lovers. H. R. Davis and wife left Monday for a months' visit to San Francisco and Northern California points. E. M. Doe and wife left to-day for Phoenix to be present at the dedica tion ceremonies of Arizona's new capitol. The Racket Store has received a lot of One rocking chairs which are belay ing offered at reasonable prices. Call and see them. The Kaufman dam above the town of Williams went out yesterday afternoon flooding a portion of the town, but doing no serious damage. D. M. Francis, who has beep here for the past week looking after the ship ment of a baud of sheep from Canyon Diablo to Phoenix, left for the latter place Wednesday. Geo. P. Sraullin, United States dep uty marshal, of Tucson, was here yes terday summoning grand and local jurors for a term of United States dis trict court, which commences at Pres cott on Monday, February 25. Probate Judge N. J. Layton has issued a marriage ltconse to William J. Watson and Emily Brooksley. Mr. Watson is range rider in the Grand Canyon forest reserve and the bride to be is a resident of Fredonia. The wedding will take place March 1. 'The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneu monia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be . avoided. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. J. L. Munds, sheriff of Yavapai county, was here Monday after Frank Darmour, who Is wanted In that connty on a charge of stealing horses from the Perrlns. Darmour says that he took the horses, but claims that the Perrlns owed him and refused to pay him. Darmour had just completed a twenty- 1 five days' sentence from the Williams justice court. Thomas F. Donaldson and family, after spending several days here, left Tuesday night for Hot Springs, Ark., where they go for the benefit of the health of Mrs. Donaldson. Mr. Don aldson has been tlio agent of the Santa Fe Pacific railroad at Bellemont for the past eight years. He was faith ful and capable and the company would retain him during the rest of his life if he had desired the position. E. S. Gosney left Wednesday for Phoenix and Cave Creek. The Racket Store buys and sells second-hand goods of every description. W. G. Doran left Sunday for Kansas City, and expects to be away thirty days. The Racket Store is headquarters for the finest cigars, either wholesale or retail. John Verkamp writes friends here that he is spendlngan enjoyable winter in Cincinnati. C. E. Howard left Wednesday for Los Angeles, where he will spend the next three weeks. y G. W. McAdams and wife, who'have been here during the week, returned to Tnba City to-day. If in need of school supplies of any kind you can find them at the Racket Store at the lowest prices. George Hoxworth, county treasurer, reJBrned yesterday from a pleasant tr&jto Southern California points. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American ana ungiisn com' panies. Miss Minnie Boatright and Perry Owen were married Sunday, February 17. The ceremony took place at the M. E. parsonage, Rev. J. H. Henry officiating. . AW.. Jurdet lefv to-day-for Phoe nix to attend the ceremonies of the 'dedication of the capitol and a meeting of the Republican Territorial Central Committee. The anniversary of Washington's birthday occurred yesterday. It was a holiday for the normal and the public schools. The day was also observed by the bank, postofHce and county officials. The railroad dam across Walnut Canyon Is reported as running over. This dam is 101 feet high and backs the water up the canyon for nearly two miles and if It would hold water the railroad company would have a five year's supply. The weather during the past week has been springlike and the snow is fast disappearing. River do Flag made a half-hearted attempt to run, and a small stream trickled down the old channel for the first time in three years. It is probable that the stream will run bank full before the thaw ceases. Wanted An energetlo and reliable man or woman who who will canvass Flagstaff and neighborhood for the sale of the greatest and most inter esting book ever issued on Northern Arizona, "In and Around the Grand Canyon," by George Wharton James, whose exhaustive studies extending over many years are well-known. For full particulars apply at this office. David Tatum, a Quaker evangelist from Denver, Colorado, will deliver an instructive address on "Intemperance and the Liquor Traffic, the Home and Saloon, and How to Save the Boys," in Flagstaff, Thursday evening February 28tb, at 7:30 p. m., in the M. E.- church. An earnest invitation given. It con cerns everybody. The speaker having labored in the cause for thirty years at his own expense and great personal sacrifice will be under the necessity of taking up a collection at the close of the meeting. William Babbitt is in Jerome on a business trip. F. O. Poison and M. C. Sharpneck of Williams were visitors here today, Try the Club House Flour of P. R. Weatherford & Co. There is none better. John Dohoney, who is in the Mercy Hospital at Prescott, is reported to be improving. Miss Alice Mclntire, a teacher in the Williams public schools, is visiting friends here. Mrs. M. Lovell has returned from Phoenix, where she has been for sev eral months past. Father Connolly of Wlnslow spent a few days here the past week, return ing home Tuesday. Mr. C H. Schultz left this moraing for Phoenix to be present at the dedi cation of the capitol. The output of the Arizona Copper Company at Clifton for last month was 832 tons of Bessemer copper. P. R, Weatherford & Co. are exclu sive agents for the celebrated Club House flour, the king cf flour. t Navajc blankets, curios and photo graphs of Grand Canyon and other points of interest can be bad at the Racket Store. Dry Lake is receiving tbe flow of the ditch built by the Central Plateau company two years. ago.. Tha-atockr holders 'of the company would like to see the big lake full to tbe rim. W. H. Thompson of the Pittsburgh Copper Company, R. H. Marine, Dr. W. C Robinson and R. A. Ferguson returned from Coconino Point last night. Mr. Thompson reports the prospects there most encouraging. Wanted Capable, reliable person in every county to represent large company of solid financial reputation; $936 per year, payable weekly; $3 per day absolutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona-fide, defilnite salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each week. Standard House, 334 Dearborn street, Chicago. 1-19-26 Albert Newton of Denver returned last week from a trip down the Colo rado river. This was his second at tempt, and he succeeded in reaching the point he desired, although he lost bis second boat and was compelled to build a third boat. Just what point In tbe canyon he reached Mr. Newton did not state, preferring to keep the loca tion to himself. But he say that valu able mines are located at this point, and what Is of more Interest to our readers is that these claims will be worked, and before another year passes by a couple of hundred men will be at work in tbe proposed new camp. Mr. A. F. Banta, well known to old settlers as Charley Franklin, came down from Phoenix this morning to take a position as guard at the prison, says the Yuma Sentinel. Mr. Banta is one of the pioneer newspaper men of the territory, and in 1874 set type on tbe Sentinel. His last venture, the Pick and Drill, at Prescott, he con cluded not to revive after the big fire, in which most of the plant was de stroyed, and he has since been out of the harness, although occasionally do ing a little scribbling to keep his hand in. He goes on duty at the prison to morrow night- The water in the town reservoir Is increasing. A raise of five Inches Is reported for last night. Mr. St. Charles of Mohave county holds a high rank among the world's greatest apologists. Republican. Tbe Indians who sought the high ground last year in anticipation of a flood seem to have been a year in ad vance in their calculations. They may have occasion this year to strike tbe high places. Journal-Miner. J. C. Blake, Frank Fay and J. Con nell are interested in some mining claims fourteen miles north of Agua Caliente, which they were working for copper. A recent assay developed the fact that tbe ore carries a large per centage of bismuth, a rare and valu able mineral. There will be a patriotic service in the Presbyterian church to-morrow (Sunday) morning in honor of Wash ington's birthday. Members of the Sunday school will take part in, the service. An offering will be made by the Sunday school and congregation for missions in our own country. Tbe service will begin at 11 o'clock. All are invited. It is reported there are several cases of smallpox in Williams, and that it has been deemed advisable to close the public schools of that place. Judge N. G. Layton, superintendent of county 9chast)lafctlrisroiBlBg to-investi gate the matter and the necessity of clos:ng the schools. We trust that our sister town may not have another visitation such as it had a few years ago, and that it may be confined to tbe present number of cases. W. H. Timerhoff has moved the stock of drugs recently purchased of W. R. Edwards to the store formerly occu pied by the Flagstaff Cash Store. Tbe room is well lighted and is well adapted to the display of his stock of goods. He will add largely to the stock and keep a number of lines not hereto fore kept. Although a stranger here, Mr. Timerhoff expects by fair and liberal treatment of the public to at tract a large share of its patronage. The building and loan associations of Tucson have been of great financial assistance to the people thereof. They have given Tucson citizens capital to build and improve their homes when it could not be had elsewhere. They gave scores of families the means of securing homes. Then began the building of good cottages and resi dences in tbe city, which gave abetter and more permanent value to all realty. There are no institutions which have done more good or brought more hap piness and contentment to Tucson homes than have tbe loan and building associations. Star. The Los Angeles Times is giving Its readers their money's worth, and more too. It has begun tbe distribution, free to Its patrons, every Sunday, of a very handsome picture made by the Tonnesen Sisters of Chicago. "The Rose," the first of the series, distrib uted February 17th, has just been re ceived by this office, and it is a picture which, framed, would be an ornament In any home. The Times proposes to do even more than this for its patrons. Beginning with the first week of March, a handsomely lithographed musical composition will be distributed free to its patrons every week.