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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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itna- i'f 't i-iumji &$$ g,, I T i 9 i Ji ill in i jPllOBHiii? IrTrritnrml .Libra?? BFnhH )UI VS" ,' " 4f. dbe Coconino Sun Vol. XVIII. FLAGSTAFF, MARCH 2, 1901. No. 9 i : LOCAL BREVITIES. G. W. Glowner, is in Los Angeles this week. Geo. W. Black and family left. Mon day on a visit to relatives in Kansas. ,The Racket Store will store your household goodb ut reasonable rates. J. J. Reileyrhas been appointed superintendent of the catholic cemetery. The celebrated Club House flour, kept by P. R. Weatherford & Co. will please the best bread lovers. T. S. Bunch returned yesterday from a trip to Phoenix. He witnessed the dedication of the new capital. The receipts of the recorder for the month of January were $151.75, during February the receipts were $204.85. E. E. Ellinwood returned Thnr-day from Prescott, wheie he hud been at tending 'the session of TJ. S. District Court. The Old Town spring Is full to over flowing with wuter and the residents of that portion of town are rejoicing thereat. The Racket Store has received a lot of fine rocking chairs which are being ing offered at reasonable prices. Call and see them. Next Sunday night in the Methodist church a monthly song service will take the place of the usual preaching. A general invitation is extended. Extra music is being prepared. E. W Gillett, general agent of the Santa Pe, Prescott & Phoenix railroad at Phoenix, has resigned bis position and has accepted the position of gener al freight and passenger agent of the Salt Lake road under R. E. Wells. In its issue of Tuesday the Journal Miner stated that the public schools of Flagstaff have been closed on account of smallpox. It should have read Will iams instead of Flagstaff, us so fur as is known no cases of smallpox have ap peared in the lutter place. Journal Miner. The Santa Fe Pacific railroad has put in a number of new telegraph train order stations. The telegraph office at Challender has been moved six miles west of that place to Davenport. Rlor dan, six miles west of this place and Cliffs, six miles east are the lonely places for telegraph operators as the only buildings in these places ure the offices. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneu monia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take: For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. Wanted Capable, reliable person in every county to represent large company of solid financial reputation; $936 per year, payable weekly; $3 per day absolutely sure aud all expenses; straight, bona-fide, delllnite salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each week. Standard House, 334 Dearborn street, Chicago. 1-19-26 Just Arrived Men's Suits and Pants. The New York Store. George Babbitt returned yesterday from a business trip to Winslow. The Racket Store buys and sells se& nnrl.Vinnrl orrwla nf rvoiv flfBftint.!nn. - " t - w..rf uv. .,..... The Racket Store is headquarters for the finest cigars, either wholesale or retail. The Winslow Laundry Is represented In Flagstaff by Geo. A. Palmer. Give him your laundry. If in need of school supplies of any kind you can find them at the Racket Store at the lowest prices. The lecture of David Tatum In the M. E. church on Thursday evening called out a goodly attendance. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. Rev. M. Wray and Rev. W. R. John ston are in from the Indian mUsion on the Little Colorado river for the pur pose of obtaining material for the building of a dum across the river. R. K. Furnsworth of Williams was in town yesterday. The annual meet ing of the grand encampment G. A. R. of Arizona, will be held in that place in June, and Mr. Furnsworth has made arrangements for an excursion to the Grand Cunyon for the "old soldiers.' A committee of ladles met at the home of , Mrs. Gosoey to plan a .Flagstaff Home Mission Society, which will systematize the charitable work of out- town. Every lady interested in this cause is requested to meet at Mrs. Carroll's dining room, Thursday, March 7, at 2:30 p. m., at which time the organization will be perfected. The Phoenix Gazette says the legisla tive ball lust evening was well attended and greatly enjoyed by the lovers of the art. The banquet at the Hotel Adams was up to the usual standard of that first class hostelry, and the speeches were most excellent. The speech of Judge Sloan was a master piece and that of Mr. Roirdan was exceptionally fine. Governor Murphy und Senator Ives also made fine speeches. The dedication of the territorial capital will be the affair of the searon. Chief Justice Street will act as toast master, the legislature and supreme court will be invited guests. The Governor, Judge Sloan, President Ives and Speaker Parker will make ad dresses. M. J. Riordan, councilman from Coconino county will respond to the toast of "The Ladies." Mr. Riordan is one of the neatest speakers in Arizona, a real Irish wit, and we know that his address on this occasion will be the speech of the occasion. Gazette. The Journal-Miner says, that J. W. Thurber has about 100 teams at work on the grade. He is at present grading from Cedar Glade end. It is six miles from where the cut off leaves the present line to Hell's Can) on and this will be graded first, and the material for the big bridge over Hell's Canyon will be taken in this way. The mater ial for the bridge is expected just as soon as this piece of grading Is com pleted and the rails laid, and work on the structure will be pushed forward while grading is going on at the other end. River de Flag has ran every day and night during the week. David Babbitt, who is in Chicago, is expected here on Thursday next. Born, in Flagstaff on February 26, to the wife of Dan Hogun, a son. S. T. Elliot, of Babbitt's dry goods department, is expected home March 10. The election of school trustee will take place on the last Saturday of this month. Try the Club House Flour of P. It. Weatherford & Co. There is none better. P. R. Weatherford & Co. are exclu sive agents for the celebrated Club House flour, the king of flour. t Misses Hunter and Miller, teachers in the public schools, are preparing the pupils of their respective depart ments for an entet tainment to be given in the assembly hall on Friday night, March 15. A letter from Dr. Rounseville, of Williams, states that there is but one case of smallpox in that place. The SUN is pleased to note that there has not been, nor is there likely to be, any spread of the disease there. Sick headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures consti pation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back- 25 cts and 50cts. W. It. Edwards, druggist. 3 President Ripley of the Santa Fe will visit Arizona next week with a party of thirty or forty prominent Chicago capitalists. They will make short stops at Pi escott, Congress and Phoenix on March 7. Their train is composed of a composite car, a dining car, two Pullman and two private coaches. The party will extend their trip to California. The following citizens of Flagstaff have been attending the session of U. S. District Court, at Prescott, this week either as jurors or witnesses; J. C. Milligan, John Sanderson, J. H. Lind, G. W. Rhamey, Al. Doyle, J. J. Donahue, Harry Slosson, Frank Beal, Wm. Black, Dan Hogun. James Smith, L. D. Landers, Bernard Black, D. W. Kinney, John Smith and Asa Clark. W. M. Griffith, United States Marshal for Arizona, met with a singular but painful accident this morning. He was in a barber chair at Kane's tento rial parlors. He raised his hand to strike at a fly. The back of his hand came in contact with a razor, cutting the tendons clear across, gashing at least half through the hand. Dr. Wylie was summoned and dressed the wound. Gazette. Many visitors from the city are view ing the shearing of sheep at the Hugh Campbell camp, north of the Black canyon bridge across the Arizona canal. There are probably 80,000 sheep herded in the valleys within ten miles and no scarcity of feed, in fact enough to feed five times that number of sheep. Several thousand ewes have been taken further west, for lambing, and are located near a butte four miles up on the canyon road. At the camp there are a half hundred men at work. The shearers are paid four cents per head and some of them can shear from 100 to 150 a day .Phoenix Republican. Navajo blankets, curios and photo graphs of Grand Canyon and other points of interest can be had at the Racket Store. The Santa Fe is carrying hundreds of passengers to California'at present. A colonist rate of thirty dollars from Chicago to Los Angeles is now in force and it is being taken advantage of by the people of the east. A. A. Dutton left yesterday for Phoenix, where Mrs. Dutton and Charlie have been stopping for the past three months, from there they will go to Agua Caliente, where they will spend some time. Hon. M. J. Riordan won fame and the surprised respect of his fellow leg islators by his response to the toast, "Ladies," at the banquet on Tuesday night. It is claimed for him by even his democratic colleagues that now Dr. Depew as an after-dinner talker is a back number. Republican. The legislature has passed the ap piopriation for the maintenance of the Northern Arizona Normal for the enduing two years. The Northern Normal Is one of the leading educa tional institutions of the territory and the passage of the bill for Its continu ance was a wise act of the legislature Dr. Styner, the electric doctor is in town and will remain until Saturday, March 9. The doctor is introducing his wonderful electric method of cur ing human disease, which by many persons is considered the only rational cure, nature's own remedy for the weak and sick. The doctor has thous ands of flattering testimonials from patients whom he has treated and cured. A. F. Leach, a special agent of the general land office, Washington, D. C., was here during the week. He is in vestigating a number of homestead entries made in the neighborhood of Williams and Challender, and which the department has bad a number of inspectors Investigate during the past three jears, but no two inspectors make the same report, nor are they able to procure sufficient evidence to prosecute any of the settlers for willful violation of the homestead laws. The Chicago Record in describing the sportsmen's exhibition notices the following Arizona features: The Coliseum presents the appearance of a vast miniature forest filled with fish and game of every description and brought from every corner of the globe. The Grand canyon of the Colorado is reproduced in miniature by means of of a huge painting and a rough moun tain trail leading up to considerable height. Beside it is the "Hogan" of the Navajo Indians, who busy them selves by weaving the native blankets. Prospectors are swarming over the probable route of the Salt Lake Rail way in the hope that each may strike the direct line of travel, says the Los Angeles Times. At Daggett, ten miles from Barstow, the mining excitement is Intense, many claim-holders receiv ing offers every day for their proper ties. The ore Is of low order, but the possibility of cheap transportation has placed an additional value upon the mines. At Good Springs Investors are securing every available acre of sup posed raining land, while at Victor, and to the east capitalists are invest ing money. sSET'T r? "riy tawgJ jt. wiim- .