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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
.afaaaOtBilfcMfeU "ASSESS COCONINO SUN. ARIZONA LEGISLATURE. The Proceeding M Gleaned from our Capitol Exchanges. Mr. Campbell Introduced 108, the livestock bill, designed to take the place of all existing lawtt. This is the bill agreed upon at a late extended conference of cattlemen and butchers, to both of which hitherto conflicting classes it is satisfactory. Inspection is made uniform and the expense of it is to be paid by a system of graded license. It is claimed for it that it will better protect both parties. It re moves the winter or occasional butcher from the field and many of his class procured their stock by raiding the ranges. If a dishonest man if forbid den to take meat to market, one incen tive for stealing cattle is removed. There is only one class of cattlemen who object to the bill. That is the very large one whose shipments in the course of the year are so heavy that an additional 2 cents of an inspection fee amounts to a considerable sum. House bill 98, for the relief of John H. Behan, was passed It had come back from the claims committee with out recommendation. Behan, in 1890, cashed a voucher for Thomas Halleck, a hold-over prison commissioner, for his quarter's Hillary, amounting to $352.50. This, with the interest now amounts to $598,50. This is said to be the last of the claims of this class. A mesage from the Governor an nounced that he' had disapproved of H. B. 94, the bill making an appropria tion for the enlargement and improve ment of the territorial pnison, and returned the same to the house with out his signature, giving various reasons therefor and the house passed the bill over the Governor's veto. A communication was read to the house from Delegute to Congress Wil son saying that he had introduced H. B. No. 14 238 in congress, providing for an extension of the time of the legisla tive session of the territorial legislature not to exceed thirty days, the extia time to be used only in the recodifica tion of the laws of the territory. The bill had gone to the committee on territories in the house and had been reported favorably from that body. A New Star. The Lowell Observatory is interested in a new star which was first observed by Mr. A. E. Douglas on Saturday night last. The star was observed however at the Edinburgh, Scotland, observatory on February 19. The new star is in the consteietion of Perseus and it has slowly increased in bright ness since its appearance. But fifteen of this class of stars have ever been discovered. The lust one equal in brilliancy was discovered in 1004, and but three all told have been greater in brilliancy or magnitude. The first night it was a very ordinary absorption spectrum and on the following night was transformed into a striking bright line spectrum. These stars, explains Mr. Douglas, come with great rapidity and fade slowly away beyond the line of vision cont'nually changing the character of the spectrum and are caused usually by one star coming in contact with another forming incandescent gasses, which emit a very brilliant light, afterward dying out slowly. This discovery is considered a very important one in astronomical science. Card of Thanks. I desire to return ray sincere thanks to the ladles of Flagstaff for their kindness and sympathy in my recent bereavement, and especially to Mrs. John Sanderson, Mrs. J. S. Treat and Mrs. Floyd Brown, Mrs. S. E. Ashurst. A Successful Case In Osteopathy. A. L. Sims, a locomotive fireman in the employ of the Arizona Lumber & Timber company, on Saturday morning of last week, stepped from hie engine and injured his back so severely that he was taken to his room. His injury caused him so much pain that a doctor was called Sunday, and later another physician was called, but no relief was had and the suffering of Mr. Sims in creased and he became helpless, opiates did not relive his condition and he had not closed his eyes in sleep for forty-eight hours. Thursday afternoon friends of the injured man called Dr. Sylvester W. Hart, an osteopath phjslcian recently located here, who found his patient suffering from a partial dislocation of the fifth lumbar and twelfth dot sal vertebrae and incapable of helping himself. The doctor applied the usual treatment of his school of medicine and within fifteen minutes had his patient out of bed. Mr. Sims was then able to t Ide to the Commer cial hotel and was carried upstairs to the office of Dr. Hart, where, after further scientific treatment he was within an hour, able to descend the lung stairway alone and is to-day able to walk about the streets and will re sume his duties as fireman next week. The injury of Mr. Sims was one that most frequently leads to paralysis of the lower limb and but for the prompt and intelligent tieatment of Dr. Hurt he would, no doubt, rapidly reached that condition. Town Council. The Town council met on Thursday and tranacied the following business. The following bills against the general fund were allowed: D. Babbitt, rebate on taxes $ 3.00 C. J. Babbitt, rebate on taxes... 9.00 McNeill Printing Co., books.... 6 50 Babbitt Bros, office supplies 3.52 Western Union Co., office supplies 3.20 J. C. Church, removing dead dog .50 Arizona L & T Co., lumber 14.34 The following bills were allowed against the water fund: Babbitt Bros, Jan'y and Feb'y . . .$ 15.40 J.S.Smith, labor, leservoir 10.25 A.Lester, labor, " "... 16.25 L. W. Bui gess, labor, reservoir.. 19.50 C. C. Compton, huuling, 7,50 Dr. W. S.Robinson was appointed as the pi ofessional member of the board of health. C. C. Compton was ap pointed deputy street supervisor. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. "I stand on my dignity." "Aren't you afraid jou will step oft?" St. Louis ltepublic. "Very changeable man, isn't heT I wonder what his latest whim is." "Well a I guess I am. We're en gaged." Brooklyn Life. Mr. Bensonhurst 'Willie, did you have a good time the week you spent at jour grandfather's?" Little Wil lie "You betl He let me go out to play without calling me back every time and saying: "Willie, have you got a clean handkerchief.' " Brooklyn Eagle. "When does a man become a seam stress?" "When he hems and haws?" "No." "When he threads his way?" "No." "When he rips and tears?" "No." "Give it up." "Never, if he can help it." Boston Christian Reg ister. That Takes Time. Wife "Break fast won't be ready for 20 minutes jet, John." Husband "Why, I thought the cook had everything ready." Wife "So she has; every thing except that new 'instantaneous breakfast food.'" Philadelphia Press. Bacing Up to Date. Trainer "Now this horse is as fit as chemicals can make him. You've got & galvanic saddle, an electric whip, hypodermic spurs, and if jou can only shin a bit farther up his neck, you ought just to lick anything with hair on it!" Punch. rf6fct6C-6&ft5e666&f&&te'3U 8 Early Spring Arrivals,,, WASH GOODS, LADIES' HOSIERY, LADIES' AND MEN'S SHOES, BOYS' CLOTHING, S ft S s i a ft 5 ft kki W&&.$frr The New York Store, J. HERMAN, Prop. 6566S65K5&66fr6S6;6CS-6e&8 8 8 ft , s s- 5 f 7' s s s vffr W W W. H. TIMERHOFF, Successor to W. R. Edwards. W DRUGS,- PATENT MEDICINES, Jg TOILET ARTICLES. S The most exacting care used in filling prescriptions. Only the finest and purest drugs can be found in my stock. Everything up to-date in quality, quantity and price. ::::::::: Corner Railroad Avenue and San Francisco Streets, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. m m The Los Angeles Times is giving its readers their money's worth, and more too. It has begun the distribution, free to its patrons, every Sunday, of a very handsome picture made by the Tonnesen Sisters of Chicago. "The Hose," the first of the series, distrib uted February 17th, has just been re ceived by this office, and it is a picture which, framed, would be an ornament in any home. The Time proposes to do even more than this for its patrons. Beginning with the first week of Murch, a handsomely lithographed musical composition will be distributed free to its patrons every week. THE WINSLOW LAUNDRY u Has established an u n Aeeacy Here. Laundry left with the agent on Monday will be returned Saturday morning. Satisfaction guaranteed. Limdry Called for and Delivered. Leave orders at Western Union Tele graph offlce or call up Telephone 35. 6E0R6E A. PALMER, Agent. READING ROOM LUNCH COUNTER NOW OPEN. WALTER UEESON, - - Manager. Give It a trial Good. Clean. Rates mod erate. Open 7 a. m. to 10.30 p. m. East Side of San Francisco Street. Half Block from Depot THAT ROOF Does It leak? Better get it repaired be fore the wet season sets In. That Bathroom Better get figures on It at once. I bat e done some of the best plumbing jobs in Flagstaff and will take pride In referring to any of them. I am prepared to do anything In Rooflng, Plumbing, Heating or any other Job work. Come and see me. WILLIAM FRIERLEIN, Sanitary Plumber, RAILROAD AVENUE. FLAGSTAFF. jffi sWnSCw rnDsssm -ss i 1 'mm GRAVERS