Newspaper Page Text
V ..COCONINO SUN. , - Colonists Hates to California Points From tho East. , Colonist rates over the Santa Fe fall; road to California common, pointy, which tv,lj a,lso apply to IntcrmeiHaf points op direct lines, have been auth orized under (.he following arrange ments for tickets weet bound only; Ilates.r-From Chicago, $30; j(rpin St. Louis, Memphis, Newi Qrleans and common Mississippi River poinfs, $27.50; from Kansas City, St. Joseph, Atchison, Omaha and common Mis souri River ppints, $25. , , Dates of sale.-r-.TipkeXp at these vates will be sold eaql.Xnosday only,, from February 12 to April 30 1901, inclusive. , Class and lirajt of tickets. Tickets y.1 1 1 be second cliihs only, and limited J.0 continuous passage from starting point to destination. t, No reduced rates have been author ized for cast bound tickets. G. K. Sdllivan. Agent. Summons. The claim of other cough medicines to be as good us Chamberlain's are ef fectually set at rest in the following testimonial of Mr. C. D. Gass, an em ploye of Burllett &- Pfjnnis Co.uGard ner, Me. He says: "I had kept adding to a cold and cough in, the w(nter, of 1897, trying eyqry cough , medipine I ever heard of without permanent help, until one day ,1, was in the drugstore of Mr.,Houlehan and he udvhed me to try Chambcrluln'8,Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I was not cured. My lungs, and bronchial tubes were very sore at this time, but T was comletely, cured by this remedy and have since alwius turned to it when I got a cold, uud xoon find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to say it is the best of all cough remedies." For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. i a'-.- i Presidential Inauguration Ceremonies, For this occasiqntlip Santa Fe Pacific Railroad will sell tickets from Flag staff to Washington and return at rate of $73.70. Tickets wil be sold on Feb; r.uary 25th to 20th. Going limit will bp continuous p.issage, and passengers must leave Washington not later than March 8th. Tickets will be good for stopover west of the Missouri river and St. Paul. G. E. SullivanAgent. ( Played Out. ., , , Dull headache, pains in various parts Of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores, are, all positive evi dences, of, impure blood. No .matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy, and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. W.,R. Edwards, druggist. 2 , In the steer tying at.Tucson, on Feb; uary 24, McGonnlglo.of Texas madeia world's record, t,wenty-ihree .seconds flat, seventy-five feet allowance. , The best previous .record was twenty-five seconds, twenty-five feet.allowance, in California In 1893, by Tom Wills of Mammoth. A Convincing Answer. . , , "I hobbled ipto Mr, Blackmon's drug store one evening," says Wesley Nelson, pf Hamilton,,Ga., "and ho asked me to try Cb.amberlain's Pain Balm for rheu, matism with which I had suffered for a long time. I told ,hlm I had no faith In any medicine as they had all failed, He saidi 'WeI if. Chamberlain's Palo .Balm does not, help youyou need npt pay for It,' j took. a bottle, of it hpme and according to directions and in one week I was cured, and, have not .since been troubled .with rheumatism." Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. I.I III I .11771 . I II I In the District "Court of the Fourth Judicial District, of the Territory ot Arizona, In and lor the County of Coconino: Daniel McDonald, plaintiff, vs... Mary Mc. Donald, defendant. Summons No. 547. The Territory of Arizona sends greeting to Mary McDonald. You are hereby summoned and required to appear In a civil action against you by the above named plaintiff in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, In and for Coconino county, Terrltoi y of Arizona, and answer the complaint filed with this Court at Flagstaff, In said county (a'copy of which com plaint accompanies thUfcummons) within ten days, (exclusive of the day of service) after the service uponiyomof' this summons, If served within the county, but If served out of the county and within the district, then within twenty days. '"In all other cases thirty days. And'you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear and answer the complaint an 'above required, the Plaintiff will take judgment by default ogalnstiyou. Given under my band and the seal of the said District Court. at Flagstaff, Arizona, this 25th day of January, 1901. ' -s . ' ' i (seal.) h . C. M.FUNBTON, Clerk. IlENitr F. AsnOBBT, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication February 2. Notice for Publication! Land Office. Prescott, Ariz., Jan. 29, 1901. i' Notice Is hereby given that the following named 'settler has Sled notice ot his intention to make final proof In support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Probate Court, at Flagstaff, Arizona, on March II, 1901, viz: John Nulaskowskl, of Williams, Arizona,. for the E Yt SE H and E ', NE X Sen. 4, T. 21, N., U. E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz; J. D. Horgan, of Williams, Arizona; Jim Young, of Dellmont, Arizona; P. A. Mellck, of Williams, Arizona; Andrew Johnson, of Will lams, Arizona, fi k r r Frederick A. Tbitle, Jr., Register. First publication February 2. Notice for Publication. Land Office, Prescott, Ariz,, Jan. 29, 1901. Notice- Is hereby given that the following- named settler has Died notice of his 'Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Probate Court at Flagstaff, Arizona, on March II, 1901, viz: Albert II. Cjett. of Flag staff, Arizona, for the SW H Sec. 28, T. 22. N.. It, 6 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz: W. V. Cartmell, J. I.e. uarron, George Uucklar, Thomas Gandoz. allot Flagstaff, Arizona. Frederick A. Tritle, Jr., Register. First publication February 2. Notice for Publication. Land Office, Prescott, Ariz.. Jan. 29, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made, before the Clerk of the Probate Court at Flagstaff, Arizona, on March II, IM1, viz: J. D. Horgan, of Williams, Arizona, for the S W H Sec. 8 T. 21, N., B. 6 E. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. Nalaskowskl, of Williams, Arizona; Jas. Young, of Dellmont, Arizona; P. A. Mellck, of Williams, Arizona; A. Tetzlaff, Williams, Arizona; Frederick A. Tritle, Jr., Register. First publication February 2. Notice of Hearing Proof of Will. In the Probate Court of Coconino County, Territory of Arizona. In the matter of the estate of John F. Hawks, deceased. Notice la hereby given that Mrs. Anna Hawks, of Flagstaff, Arizona, has filed with 'the Clerk of this Court, her petition (with will annexed) asking that she be appointed executrix of the lasT will and testament of John F. Hawks, deceased, and that said last will and testament will be heard on Friday, March 1st, 1901, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of 'ald day, at the Court Room of said Court, in the Town of Flagstaff, said County and Territory, at which time and place ''all persons Interested in the estate of said deceased may appear and show cause, if any they havewhy the prayer of the petitioner should not be'granted. By an order of the Court: ' --N.'Gi LAYTON, Clerk. Dated at Flagstaff, Arizona, February 1, 1901. First publication February 2. A; J, GARCIA, i ) r BOOT AND SHOE SHOP In the Kilpatrick Building on RAILROAD AVENUE. A WW, f "Si , 1, -i' . ALL WORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASS "STRONCEST IN THE WORLD" TrfE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. '.. r -Jfcw Outstanding Assurance .. j ( .Dec. 31, 1900 .. . 1,116,875,047.00 New Assurance Issued . - in 1900 .... 207,086,243.00 Income . . Assets Dec. 31, 1900 58,007,130.98 304,598,063.49 Assurance. Fund and ( i i all other liabilities . 238,460,893.48 Surplus ....'. 66,137;i70:01 Paid Policyholders in - 1900 . . . . '. 25,965,999.30 ". w L. ' 'lD JAMES W. ALEXANDER, PRESIDENT, JAMES H. HYDE. VICE-PRESIDENT. WALTER N. PARKHURST, GENERAL.' MANAGER, New Mexico and Arizona Department, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. A. A. FISHER, RESIDENT AGENT. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. S, BARRON, JC MERCHANT TAILOR, RAILROAD AVE. - c FLAGSTAFF. 4 K r R IPANS tables Doctors find A Good Prescription for mankind WANTED : A caw ol bad health that R'1'P-A'NS will feat benefit. They banUh pain and proloac life. Onetirea relief. Note the word Rl'PA'NS on the package and accept bo aubultote. R'I'PA'N'S. is for j ceou, mar be hid it any drag store. Ten samples and on thoueand teetjaealala will be Bulled to any addrcM for Are cents, forwarded to the Rlpane Chemical Co., No. 10 Spruce Street, New York.