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H Coconino Sun Vol. XVIII. t v , FLAGSTAFF, MARCH 9, 1901. No. 10 J W-v V, .V.'.VWv- 1 f i if LOCAL ME?ITIES. K, ; I E. S.Clark spent Wednesday ia Win slow. .Free show at the Bank Hotel Hall tnlght. JJ8. S. Preston of Tuba City spent sev eral days here this week. F. O. Poison, the Williams merchant, was a visitor here Tuesday. The Racket Store will store your household goods at reasonable rates. jJames Loy was called to the Verde valley Monday on account of the serious illness of his father. .The celebrated Club House flour, kept by P. R. Weatherford & Co. will please the best bread lovers. B. F. Alsop, the barber, was the winner of a hundred-dollar Navajo blanket at a raffle Saturday night. Mrs. Edith Allen of Independence and Mri. J. F. Blackledge of Caney, Kansas, were visitors here this week. The Racket Store , bits i ecei ved a lot of fine rocking chain which are being ing offered at reasonabio 'prices. Call and see them. ' n ft c , Navajo blankets, curlos-'and photo-: , -", i . ", graphs of Grand Canyon ana' other points of interest can be had at the Racket Store. f Thos. J. Ashurst returned to Lo' Angeles on Sunday. He has a position with the firm of H. A. Newmark & Co., wholesale grocers of that place. C. C. Compton, street supervisor, has been repairing broken sidewalks this week. ' The streets will receive his attention as soon as the weather will permit. ' ' The ranchers In- this vicinity are preparing to put In a large acreage of wheat, oats and potatoes. They ex pect the season to be an unusually fa vorable one for farming. H. R. Davis and wife returned last night from atrip to California. Mrs. Davis continued her journey to Denver to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Vinlng, at that place to-morrow. I Harry A. Drach man, grand chancel lor commander of the domain of Art- zona, K. of P., wilt visit Mountain Lodge, No. 15, on Friday night, March !15. All members of the order are re quested to be present on shat evening. Superintendent Hurley and Chief i Engineer R. B. Burns, and W. H. Copley of water service, all officials of the Santa Fe Pacific, made a trip to Walnut canyon dam yesterday. The ! trip was made from this place by car- riage and team, and If they did not see the dam. they made a strong en I deavor to do so. The town water reservoir has been repaired and their is not a leak in it. It will be the effort of the council to keep at all times at least six feet of water in the reservoir. Water is now being let into the pipe line In Schultz canyon, with which water there will -be- plenty until the snow melts in the "mountains when there will be enough ".... A....A HIM.M tl.A MttJ 1 1 M .. All scoreSf reservoirs the size of th"e pres ent one, but as there is no way of stor ing it it will go to waste. Free show at the Bank Hotel Hall to-night. Free show at the Bank- HoteLHall to-night. ' " i ' ' Just Arrived"Meurs Suits and Pants. The New York Store. T. A. Rlordan left yesterday for a trip to Prescott and Phoenix. E. R, Bayless returned yesterday from a six week's stay in California. C. F. Portz, the dentist, Is on a pro fessional visit to Holbrook this week. The Racket Store buys and sells second-hand goods of every description. The snowstorm of yesterday, while unexpected, was nevertheless welcome. Mrs. Chas. D. Hill and Mrs. John D. Gale of Winslow spent Thursday here.- Newton Greenleaf, who is interested in the Winslow laundry, spent Sunday here. The Racket Store is headquarters for the finest cigars, either wholesale or retail. ' Mrs. E. T. McGonigle Is in Los An geles,;where she will spend the next two months. If In heed of school supplies of any kind you can find them at the Racket Store at the lowest prices. v Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. ' J. F. Daggs came up from the Verde valley Thursday. He reports the stock in that valley doing well and plenty of grass and water. Henry F. Ashurst, Thursday before Probate Judge Lay ton, qualified as administrator of the estate of W. H. Ashurst deceased. Sheriff J. A. Johnson returned yes terday from a visit to his old home in Sullivan, Ind., He evidently enjoyed his stay in the Hoosier land. Thos. Saver was in town this week from his sheep range northwest of th is place. He Is preparing to move his bands of sheep to Yavapai county for early shearing. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25c and 50c at W. R. Ed wards, druggist. 1 I. T. Stoddard of Stoddard, Ariz., was In town Tuesday. Mr. Stoddard is one of the stalwart Republicans of the territory and is an applicant for the appointment of secretary of Arizona. E. L. Faison and wife of Washing ton, D. C, and L. Farnsworth of Salt Lake, Utah, came in last night. The gentlemen are U. S. surveyors and are here on business connected with their profession. C. N Sterry of Los Angeles, chief council of the Santa Fe on the coast, says that it is the intention of the parent company to absorb its three branch companies west of Albuquer que. They are the Joaquin Valley railroad, the Southern Call ford la rail way and the Santa Fe Pacific. Pat Galloway, familiarly known as "Old Burns," was declared Insane on an examination In the probate court Tuesday. Burns has been a county pa tient for the past two years, and re cently he has developed an Idea that It Is his duty to shorten the life of one of Flagstaff's popular physicians. He was taken jto the asylum at Phoenix by Dan Hogan Wednesday. Free show at the Batik Hotel Hall tonrigkv E. S. Gosney left Thursday on a business trip to Denver. M. J. Powers of the Arizona Central Bank is in Phoenix this week. Mrs. Wm. Mclntire left Wednesday for a trip to Congress and Phoenix. Try the Club House Flour of P. R. Weatherford & Co. There is none better. P. R. Weatherford & Co. are exclu sive agents for the celebrated Club House flour, the king of flour. t Wm. R. Ashurst, who is a theological student at the Santa Rosa, Cal., M. E. college, will preach at the M. E. church Sunday night. The Imperial Steam Laundry of Albuquerque, is represented in Flag staff by Geo. E. Palmer. Give him your laundry. C. S. Howard and G. S. Purtyman were in town Thursday. They brought in the skin of a big mountain lion and received the bounty thereon. W. H. Thompson is seriously ill ith pneumonia. He is at the Weatherford hotel and every attention is being to him by physicians and his friends here. An inquirer writes the Sun to know what female troubles Dr. Hart eamisuc- cewf ally treat.. The qnosHoah bmB referred to the popular 'osteopath phy sician for reply. E. 'M. Hardesty, constable of Wil liams precinct, was here yesterday, having brought a man, Lafferty, to the county jail to serve a sentence of twenty dajs imposed on him by the justice court. Mokl Tea positively cures sick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a per fect complexion, or money refunded. 25c and 50c at W. R. Edwards, drug gist. , 1 The stockholders of the Flagstaff Oil company held a meeting Tuesday and elected the following officers for the ensuing jear. David Babbitt, presi dent: Henry Jacoby, vice-president; A. H. Spellmire, treasurer; T. E. Pulliam, secretary. Directors: A. A. Irish, Los Angeles, Cal., D. Babbitt, J. A. Vail, H. Jacoby and E. F. Greenlaw, of Flagstaff. The oil lands of the com pany are located near Fillmore, Cal., and work has been suspended on their well for sometime past, but E. F. Greenlaw will leave In a few days for Fillmore and work will be renewed. Thursday morning George Hoxworth received a telegram announcing the death of his daughter, Mrs. J. C. Vinlng, at Colorado Springs, at 5 o'clock that morning. Mrs. Hoxworth was summoned by telegraph Sunday to the bedside of her daughter. Mrs. Vinlng had been sick for several weeks and on Sunday last submitted to a surgical operation from the effect of which she never rallied. She was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gebrge Hoxworth of this place and was well known to many of our citizens. Deceased leaves a husband and two children. George Hoxworth and Mrs. J. F. Daggs left Thursday night for Colorado Springs. The funeral will take place in Denver, to-morrow, Sun day. Home Mission Society. At a meeting held Thursday, March 7, the Flagstaff Home Mission Society was organized, the object of which Is to act In harmony with all such organ izations in our town, but making this a general work in which every woman is earnestly urged to co-operate. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. F. W. Sisson; vice president, Mrs. D. J. Brannen; secre tary, Mrs. E. S. Goeney; treasurer, Miss A. Todd. The town was divided into five dis tricts, and one lady In each appointed to look after its needs. Committees for soliciting, visiting, sewing, etc., were formed, changes in members being made at the monthly meetings. Contributions of all wearing apparel rendered unserviceable in the home will be very gratefully received at Mrs.Carroll'a.or, if inconvenient to de liver, will be collected If notice Is given the president, telephone 1. Also, re ports of all illness or need of any na-1 ture to Mrs. Sisson will be appreciated by the society. A membership fee of ten cents, with monthly dues of five, will be charged, thus placing a fund in the treasury, yet not burdensome- Please remember the time and place of meeting ut 3 o'clock, on the second Friday of each taoutb, at Mrs. Carroll's diBiBgjroem Free show at the Bank. Hotel Hall to-night. Wen the Prize. The Equitable Life Assurance So ciety of New York offered a prize of $30 to the agent in Arizona who would send in the largest number of applica tions during the months of No vember and December, 1900. The agents of the society warmly contested , for the prize, but A. A. Fisher, the Flagstaff agent of the Equitable, car ried off the trophy. The following letter from W. N. Parkhurst, the gen eral agent at Albuquerque, N. M., is self-explanatory: "A. A. Fisher Dear Sir: We en close herewith list of applications written by you during November and December, which, if In accordance with your records, -please sign and return to us, making claim at the same time for first prize, and advising us In your communication what you wish the prize to be. The cost of the same is to be $30 and must be in the form of a prize. It cannot be cash. If you wish to purchase the prize in Flagstaff we may be able to arrange this for you if you will advise us just what your wishes are. It Is our purpose to please you absolutely in the matter. Yours very truly, W. N. Parkhurst, "General Manager." Free show at the Bank Hotel Hail to-night. Smallpox Near Ketmi. Postmaster Coalter received the fol lowing from the Moqui trainingschool at Keams Canyon yesterday: Reams Canyon, March 6, 1901. To the Public: Smallpox having broken out near this place, you are hereby notified that a strict quarantine of all the Moqul Indian villages has been proclaimed and will be enforced. Charles E. Burton, Acting U. S. Indian Agent.