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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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. & vV' " S ' Che Coconino Sun Vol. XVIII. FLAGSTAFF, APRIL 20, 1901. No. 13 i LOCAL BREVITIES. '' Al. Doyle went to Prescott on busi ness Monthly: n ' Tinierhoff's poultry powder cures chicken cholera. Henry Slosson hits returned from a trip to Sacramento, W. 13. Beir, of plow fume, has been in the city during the week. , C. H. Mot t,V of Stockton, Cal., paid the Mountain City, u short visit. J. D. .Tones, assessor of Coconino county, wus here on business this ,wcek. Miss Eva Davis returned last Sun 'day from an extended visit to Color- ( ado points. Henry Ashurst, of Williams, was in attendance at the session of the dis trict court this week. . The cornice on top of the cupalo of Hotel Weatherford became slightly .dumuged during the wind storm Tues day night. The imperial Steam Laundry of Albuquerque, Is represented in Flag staff by Geo. E. Palmer. Give him your iaundry. r T. Still, of Williams, who disposes of the the product of the "still," made the Weatherfurd his headquarters while in the city this week. ' Henry Cooper's dog, Hover, who has been attending the reform school for dogsut Greenlaw's mill, has returned with acertilicate of good behavior. F. W. Volz. who supplies the poor Indiuu the necessaries of life, at Can yon Diablo, wus u guest at the Weath crford, while a member of the grand jury. The Racket Store in order to close out entire stock of second-hand goods and Chinaware offers them at cost. Cull and make your purchases before it Is too lute. Dr. Robinson is the fortunate pos sessor of a rare quartz specimen from Bonanza creek, Alaska. It was sent him by an old college chum who struck It rich in tho frozen northland. W. Robbins, of New York City, Mrs. R. H. Passmore und Mrs. W. G. Harrison, of Minneapolis, hud heard of the ancient cliff dwellings near this city, and relieved the tedium of a transcontinental trip by stopping off and viewing them. The blizzard which has caused so much damage in Colorado und states east of the Rocky Mountains touched Flagstaff lightly. A slight snowfall Monday was accompanied with a high wind. The storm centre reached here Tuesday night and passed over early Wednesday morning leaving the at mosphere as clear and pleasant us u Venetian summer day. ( Chns. Can all, .the well-known elec trician is building a telephone line be tween this place und Williams with loops at Rhoadcs and Bellmont. The line will be in operation as soon as the poles placed in position und wires strung. Mr. Can a 11 possesses both a technical and practical knowl edge of electricity in all of Its branches second to none in the territory, and will give the four towns mentioned a first-class service. Typewriter papers in various weights at Timerhoff's. A. F. Poison, of Williams, has been serving us a grand juror. Hurt Maxwell, of Beaver Creek, was a visitor in town this week. It keeps them well und mukns them lay Tinierhoff's poultry powder. The town of Williams hud a full representation at the county seat this week. Mr. Piper is having his popular re sort on Railroad avenue repainted and decorated. A west bound passenger with two engines was the unusual sight wit nessed Thursday. Edward Beal, who has been spend ing the winter in the southern part of the territory, has returned to Flag staff. Agents wanted, ladies or men, to sell gilt-edge oil stocks. Queen Oil Co., DIG Market street, San Francisco, California. There is a noticeable improvement in all kinds of business and a prosper ous year Is predicted by the leading business men. Village school shoes for boys andd girls. The best school shoe ever brought to Flagstaff are sold by the New York Store. Mr. George U. Young, of the Wil jlums News, was a visitor in Flagstaff this "week' and dropped in to see The Sun's new gasolene engine. Dr. Robinson wus in attendance on Mrs. John Swunson who last. Monday gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Both mother and baby are doing well. T. E. Pulliam returned Wednesday night from Los Angeles, where he has been for the benelit of his health and viewing the sights of California's southern metropolis. The sanitary condition of Flagstaff has much to do with the fact that it is the only town of any size on the line of the Santa Fe Pacific which is ex empt from smallpox. The Racket Store is tho place to se cure bargains in Chinaware at cost price. Nothing reserved and every article in the store is for sale. Cull and get your choice und avoid the rush. Mr. Kruger, an escaped prisoner of war from tho Trausval, gave a very interesting lecture at the court house on Monday night, describing the scenes in that country between the Boer und English armies. The Junior League of the Metho dist church is in a most nourishing condition, and on last Sunday enrolled four new members, if tho general church will rally to the work with equal energy and enthusiasm as that displayed by the little folks, the work will certainly prosper. Marshal Bayless disturbed the pipe dreams of two Celestiuls who were in dulging in the Chinese luxury. He walked into-their domicile while they under the influence of the nar cotic and placed them under arrest. Ball was promptly furnished and the almond-eyed desciples of confuclous will undoubtedly donate a substantial amount toward the expenses of edu eating American children to avoid the "ways that aro dark und tricks that are vain." School supplies of all kinds at Timer hoff's. C. W. Hayu, of Williams, was a visi tor in town lb! 8 week. C. C. Hull, of the Santa Fe Pacific, was a visitor in Flagstaff this week. The Arizona Lumber and Timber Company are giving employment to all who apply at their mill. J. A. Twitchel), of the Pittsburgh Copper Mining Company, is among the late arrivals at the Weutherford. Fire Insurance Tho Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. Thursday and Friday were real spring days and the average citizen was inclined to hunt the shady side of the street. The parties who burglarized the Cornish bottling works are sadly sing ing, "How would you like to be the beer man?" For Rent One hundred and fifty acres of choice farming land. A good opportunity for the right man. Apply to E. S. Gosney. .WH. Cain, Jr., from the presiden tial state, Ohio, was giving our citi zens some pointet8 on how to buy goods cheaply during the week. For Sale Hoosler grain drill, 6-inch hoe, in first-class condition. Price reasonable. Drill may be seen at my ranch, three miles north of town. W. H. Anderson. Our townsman, Mr. Fulton, goes south about 100 miles to look after his band of sheep and turn them in this direction where he will bring them by easy stages for summer pasturing. The Racket Store Is closing out a choice Jine of Chipaware at cost price and other goods will be sold at or be low cost. Remember this Is' an oppor tunity that vou cannot afford to miss. This is a Masonic secret, but if the people could see our chief. Dr. Miller, with his new silk baton, his dignified bearing, it is a sure thing it would cause them to murmur, "who would have thought it?" A. W...Turdan, of Flagstaff, was in Wilcox last Monday. He is hustling up endorsements all over the terri tory from prominent politicians for the appointment to the office of United States marshal fr Arizona. The grand jury cleaned up the busi ness before them in two days and ad journed. Their suggestions about the needed improvements on the conrt house and grounds are good and should be heeded by those In authority. The Flagstaff Home Mission society held an Interesting und well attended meeting at Mrs. Carroll, the second since its organization. Some clothing has been received, and all such contri butions are to be kept at the Bank Hotel dining room, where tho next meeting will be held on May 10 at 2:30 p. in. The amount in the treas ury is $17.00. Reports were made by Mesdumcs Treat, Jones. Keller, Green law und Miss Murray, of the districts assigned them. Very earnest care was given to -the one case of illness which came under the supervision of sodiety. Mesdames Fulton, Sisson, Beal, lies und Carroll will constitute the visiting committee for the present month. C. F. Carson, of San Francisco, was in during the week. A line of fine writing tablets and papretles at Timerhoff's. t The Racket Store is selling out at cost its slock of Chinaware. F. W. Payne, of Bellmont, Is one If the arrivals at the Weatherford. Among the Prescott delegation this week, were F. C. Job and G. Norris. W. D. Jackaway, of Denver, was among the late arrivals In Flagstaff. W. T. McAdams. from the swell wonder of the world, the Grand Can yon, is here. Miss Martha B. Andrews and D.J. Newhall, of the Quaker City, stopped off to see the sights from atrip to 'the Golden Gate. The Scn has some inside informa tion on the extension of the Mineral Belt railroad which it will publish in the near future. Clarence Lucas, of the Windy City by the lake, enjoyed the encampable climate of Arizona's northern metrop olis for a few days. L. L. Lyon, representative of the Colorado Packing and Provision com pany, has been doing a lively business with the grocerry men In pork pro ducts. Village school shoes for boys and girls. The test school shbe ever brought to Flagstaff are sold by the New York Store. Mr. Edward B. Webb, the genial representative of the Carpentar Paper Company, of Omaha, Nebraska, was in town Thursday in the interests of his firm. The hose company responded quickly to a still alarm of fire, which proved to be a car load of lumber. The blaze was extinguished without the aid of the fire laddies. Keller of Oakland, California, will lit you by mail, just order your shirts and clothing from them direct. Kel ler's man will visit Flagstaff about every sixty days. The Hotel Weatherford has made an improvement by putting a stand in one of the office windows on which is a nice assortment of plants that gives the hotel a more cheerful ap pearance. A freight blockade was the reason fo" many lightengines passing through Flagstaff westward 'bound. The latest advices indicate that the traffic busi ness has resumed its normal condition and the bloated bondholders of the frozen east need not be without his seedless oranges for dessert. Tomorrow evening in the Methodist Episcosal church the pastor, Rev. J. H. Henry, will deliver a sermon es pecially for the benefit of tha members of the lodge of F. & A. M., who will attend In a body,. Good music will be rendered and a general Invitation is extended to those not in attendance at the other churches. Keller's man, Ed. B. Webster, of Oakland, Cal., came in at last and an era of clean, well fitting shirts is about to be inaugurated in the Moun tain City. One of our most fastedious business men and society leaders has announced that commencing with the glad May day he will don one of Kel ler's yoke garments each Sabbath In stead of the first of the month. -JlW- r'tt