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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
?P" urn- COCONINO SUN. DISTRICT COURT. Proceedings of the April Term Pre sided Over by Judtfo R. E. Slon Court Notes. The April term of the district court convened on Monday und closed its session Frlduy, it being the shortest session of court ever held in Coconino county. There being but little busi ness before the court. The grand jury wus in session two days and the triul jury needed but one day. A number of interesting civil cases were continued for the term. The case of the Santa Fe Pacific railroad vs. the Arizona Cattle com pany, known as the "Cinder Pit" case, already twice tried in this court, was continued for the term by consent of both parties. The following ctses were continued for tho term: E. B. Perrin vs. C. B. Howard; Harry Mlibourne vs. Jerry Woodbridge; Santa Va Pacific R. H. Co. vs. B P. Miller; J. W. Thurber vs. K. R. Coleman; J. W. Thurber vs. Santa Fe & Grand Canyon railroad; Daniel McDonald vs. Mary McDonald; R. R. Coleman vs. Saginaw-Manistee Lumber company; Sarah Hill vs. Santa Fe Pacific railroad. The following cases were dismissed : Win. Gibson vs. Perrin & Perrin; Santa Fe Pacific R. R. Co. vs. Samuel W. Ball; T. F. Holden vs. J. A. John son; Anita Consolidated CopperCo. vs. J. A. Johnson, sheriff. J. H. Richards & Sons, were given a judgment against the Santa Fe & Grand Canyon railioad company for $20,000, amount due them as contract ors in building that road. Judge Sloan rendered a decbion in the celebrated case of Bassford vs. the Santa Fe & Grand Canyon railroad et al, which will be found elsewhere In this issue. Three divorce cases were tried at this term Lois A. Gray was granted u divorce from EJwin N. Gray, and E. M. Hardesty from Kittle Hardesty and Jennie Poynter from Esaw Poyntor, the latter a noted colored couple of Flagstaff. The criminal calendar was a short one und Patrlclno Jaramilla was the first case tried, the charge being as sault with a deadly weapon, the jury returned a, verdict of simple assault, and the court gave Patrloclno a sen tence of three months in the county jail. Wra. H. Creel and Nelson J. Mo Kinley were indicted for burglarizing the brewery. Creel admitted to the charge and was sentenced to 16 months in Yuma. McKinley plead not guilty but the jury from tho evidence re turned a verdict of guilty, and he will servo the territory at Yuma for the next 18 months. Joseph E. Bchan plead guilty of breaking into a Santa Fe Pacific freight car und with others taking a lot of shoes and selling them was given 15 months at Yuma. The grand jury ignored the charges against L. R. Burns, Al. Parks, C. H. Edwards, Chas. Morgan und Ed. Smith. Tho case of the Territory vs. Wil liam Gordon was dismissed. In tho case of Richards & Sons vs. Martin Bugglyn, judgment given for defendant. Court adjourned until May 4, 1001. During the terrific wind storm of Tuesday night tho wires of the West ern Union went donn east of Winslow, and the Postal Telegraph suffered the same kind of casuality between this place and Winslow. Mr. Do Rosear, the Flagstuff manager of the Postal Telegraph, reports that the wires are working all right again. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Winslow has been afflicted with a second edition of the Carrie Nation type. It became necessary to use galling guns, stove pokers and other Chinese weapons of warfare to sub due the beligerent damsel before or der was restored. The modern araazon now languishes In the county bastlle ut Hoi brook. Tho county recorder has ut his office for free distribution, a number of copies of reports from the department of agriculture. These were received through the courtesy of Hon. J. F. Wilson, territorial delegate to con gress. Anyone desiring one of these reports can obtain same by calling on Recorder Hibben. The friends of Mr. Johnson, who 8 pent last summer in Flagstaff, and who so often delighted the people with bis skillful manipulation of the violin and bow, will be pleased to learn that he is getting uiong pleasantly at Oracle in the southern part of tho territory, and recently entertained the people there with a violin rvcital, whieh was much appreciated by the guests of that resort. A religious census of Flagstaff will be undertaken within the next two weeks, by the churches of the town. The plan is to district the town and appoint two visitors for each district, aU districts to be visited on the same day. All the churches have been in vited to participate in the canvass and a committee meeting will be held thfs (Saturday) evening to perfect arrange ments. Full details of the plan will be announced later. W. C. Elliott, who broke jail was re turned to his former domicile to-day. He was captured In Kenton. Oklahoma, und taken to Cluyton, N. M., for safe keeping until the arrival of Sheriff Johnson who brought him back. The sheriff had flooded the country with circulars giving an accurate descrip tion of Elliott and one of these was read by the constable of Kenton, who is clerk in a store. Elliott was making some small purchases when he wus immediately recognized. William F. Wentworth, the popular impersonator und monologist will give an entertainment at the hail In the public school building for the benefit of that institution. His repertoire will consist of selections from Shake speare and other well-known authois. Mr. Wentworth comes well recom mended, having received complimen tary notices from the New York Tri bune, Boston Traveler und other met roolitau papers. Remember the date, Friday evening, April 26. The progressive euchre social which took place at the Bank Hotel hall on Wednesday evening was one of the most pleasant events of the season. About forty society people were present who hud a thoroughly enjoyable time. These socials are given by the ladles of the C. L. B. A. The prizes were awarded as follows: Miss Maggie Murray, carried off the honors of the evening, and Miss Wricklo was second prize winner for the ladies. The gen tlemen winning the prizes were Unas. Canal 1 first, and Sam Merritt second. Mrs. Procnott won first booby prize, while Joe DeRosear took second booby prize. Much credit is due the man agement of the social In the manner of entertaining their guests and the elegant luncheon which was enjoyed by all present. Next Friday night tho Lowell ob servatory will be open to the public. Everybody invited. Remember that The Sun does up-to date job printing in all its branches. t it & ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft tit ft ft ft ft to ft ft ft ft to ft ft to ft ft to to to 5ese&eeee&ee&e&ee&ewefre&&e&6e Early Spring Arrivals,,, WASH GOODS, LADIES' HOSIERY, LADIES' AND MEN'S SHOES, BOYS' CLOTHING. The New York Store, J. HERMAN, Prop. Ztttttttt&tttttttt&ttSttStt&ttGttttttC&6&6-GG&GG& s to ft to to to to to to ft- to to to ft i vr to to to to to to to to to to to to ?i?:U Stationary. It Is my Intention to keep a Stationery Depart ment and to keep in stock everything needed by the people of this vicinity. I have received this week a line of stationery consisting of blank books, note and memorandum books, writing tablets In all grades, pens, pencils inks, mucilage, paste and a hundred or so smaller articles. I will offer everything in this department at prices that will suit you. w $, Our Stock of pure Drugs fTimAvUstt e is ttjc most owplcte m & II I ll lSJ f Druggist. $$ jm . ciontjcrn unzona jlagstaff, drizona. mmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmw M a" sT A, Jv GARCIA, 3 BOOT AND SHOE SHOP In the Ktipatrick Building on RAILROAD AVENUE. ALL WORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASS PERPLEXING PLUMBING PROBLEMS,,,, will find here a prompt and capable solution, even though they may be us unimportant as the mending of a bursted pipe or a leaky faucet; and we can solve your problems in an equally satisfactory manner if they are as important as those involved in the plumbing und heating of a new court houe, or a fine residence, either of which we would be pleased to furnish estimates on. No one herebouls can offer you equal facilities, as skilful a working force, nor so wide a knowledge of all that is latest, best and most economi cal in sanitary plumbing methods and materials. WM, FREIDLIEN, Sanitary Plumber, Railroad Ave., FLAGSTAFF. Imperial Steam Lanndry, ALBUQUERQUE, u Has established an t " Agency Here. Laundry left with the agent on Tuesday will be returned Saturday morning. Satisfaction guaranteed. Laundry Galled for and Deliiered. Leave orders at Western Union Tele graph office or call up Telephone 33. GEORGE E. PALMER, Agent. READING ROOM LUNCH COUNTER NOW OPEN. MRS. STERNS, ... - Manager Give It a trlaL Good. Clean. Rates mod erate. Open 7 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. East Side of Sao Francisco Street. Half Block from Depot. yfapcj TTiT- mmmMi?