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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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-Utt 'irA' . as-" Cbe Coconino Sun Vol. XVIII. FLAGSTAFF, APRIL 27, 1901. No. 17 ; LOCAL BREVITIES. j T. E. Pollock is In Kingman. ', Tinjcrhoff's poultry powder cures chicken cholera. E. M. Doe left for Prescott on busi ness Wednesday, returning Friday. Born To wife of Apollonlo Rodri guez on Sunday, April 21, a daughter. H. W. Dinkle, of Los Angeles, Is among the lale arrivals at the Weath erford. Last Saturday was pay day at the Arizona Lumber and Timber com pany's mill. J. F. Burns, claim agent of the Santa Fe Pacific, was in town on busi ness Wednesday. Quite a number of tourists stopped off here during the week and visited the points of interest in this vicinity. The imperial Steam Laundry of Albuquerque, Is represented in Flag staff .by Geo. E. Palmer. Give htm your laundry. Julius Herman has received an in teresiing letter in regard to the jiossl bilities of investment of capital in Coconino county. A reward of $300 is offered by the governor for the arrest and conviction of the assassins of Ed. Beeler, ex sheriff of Apache county. Max Salzraan, one of Williams' sub stantial business men was in this city Thursday. Mux was looking out for ills interests hi this end of the county. The Racket Store In order to close out entire stock of second-hand goods and China ware offers them at cost. Call and make your purchases before it is too late. Keller of Oakland, California, will fit you by mail, just order your shirts and clothing from the.m direct. Kel ler's man will visit Flagstaff about every sixty days. A perfect climate and a contented people are among the noticeable char acteristics of Flagstaff which were mentioned by an eastern gentleman who is touring the west. The Lowell observatory will be open on Saturday night instead of Friday night, as stated in our last issue. The change of date was made in order. to accommodate those wishing to witness the performance at the school building last evening. , Miss Lizzie Allen, sister of the pub lisher of the Las Vegas Optic, stopped off to visit Mrs. J.. C. Milllgan, an old friend, while en route to the Pacilic coast. Miss Allen is taking a well de served recreative trip after a long time of journalistic work on the ex cellent p.ipcr with which she is con nected. f " ' The pastor of the Methodist church, J. H. Henry, has received several let ters recently from people in the far east, making inquiries in regard to land values, climatic conditions, liealthfulneps, etc., of Flagstaff, which fact indicates that the fame of our lit tle, city and country around it has overleaped the great divide and ex tends to the far Atlantic slope, and will continue to 'attract the health seeker and the 'investor of capital as the years roll on. Typewriter papers in various weights at Timerhoff's. Ed. Greenlaw was in town from the mill on Wednesday. Mr. und Mrs. Tom Carroll paid the city a visit during the week. It keeps thera well and makes them lay Time rh off 's poultry powder. John and Lee Vankamp left for Wis consin Tuesday on a visit to their old home. Phoenix has in view the erection of a new hotel which is to eclipse in size any hotel in the southeast. Babbilt Brothers' teams came in Tuesday from the trading post with a heavy load of blankets and wool. Charley Morrow, the irrepressible, is back fiom a successful round-up expe dition to the Little Colorado river. "Uncle Jim" Wallace, of the Wins low Mail, was in town last Saturday taking in the sights of the metropolis. Agents wanted, ladles or men. to sell gtlt-edge oil stocks. Queen Oil Co., 910 Market street, San Francisco, California. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Oliver and Miss J.Oliver, of San Francisco, occupied a suite of rooms at the Wealherford during the week. Village school shoes for boys and girls. The best school shoe ever brought to Flagstaff are sold by the New York Store. W. H. Burbagc, county attorney of of Navajo county, und Banker Nel son, of Winslow, made a flying busi ness trip to this city last, Monday. J. F. Wilson, ex-delegate to congress and J. J. Hawkins, ex-assoclatc justice of the territorial supreme court, have formed a co-partnership for the prac tice of law in Prescott. The Racket Store is the place to se cure bargains' in Chinaware at cost price. Nothing reserved and every article in the store is for sale. Cali and get your choice and avoid the rush. Last Sunday the following 'persons comprised a party of pleasure seekers to the famous cliff dwellings near this city: Mrs. and Mrs. M. T. Powers; Misses Mae Walker, Lulu Hunter and' Anna Miller; Messrs. W. B. Weir, of Moti moth, Ills., C. O. Robinson and F. C. Roberts. F. E. Reed litis been appointed deputy assessor for this end of the county, and the rate of speed at which he is getting around among the citi zens would prophesy that the taxes will certainly not become delinquent before he gets the assessment com pleted. We doubt not that Mr. Reed will make u very cartful and conscien tious assessment of property values in the city. Prof. C. B. Wood, wife and daughter spent the last week in Flagstaff taking In (he various places of interest in and around our city, viz: The Grand Can yon, the cliff dwellings, the Lowell ob servatory, the Indian blankets, the pigmy mummies and gazing with un dimmed eye upon the snow capped summit of Old Francisco mountain which for nges has kept guard over the beautiful nook in whose bosom rests our interesting little city, that is noted far and wide as the most de lightful summer climate in matchless Arizona. School supplies of all kinds at Timer huff's. Tom Pickett, of Winslow, was seen last Saturday on our streets. J. H. Sterling, a Wlllimnsite, was in town Thursday on business. T. S. Bunch left Monday for Apache county to attend court, which convenes at St. Johns on May 6th. Flagstaff Lodge, No. 13, A. O. U. W. has leased the Elks' hall for the reg ular meeting of that lodge. It is claimed that Phoenix at her next election will have in the neigh borhood of 2000 registered voters. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. For Rent One hundred and fifty acres of choice farming land. A good opportunity for the right man. Apply to E. S. Gosney. Henry Cooper, the popular mixolo gist, lias improved the appearance of his residence by having a handsome fence built around it. Work has been commenced on the new addition to the county jail. Stone masons have arrived and the building will be pushed to completion. Wm. Morgan, member of the legis lature from Navajo county and Miss Mata P. Davenport, of Phoenix, were married at Phoenix on Tuesday. For Sale Hoosier grain drill, 6-inch hoe, in first-class condition. Price reasonable. Drill may be seen at my ranch, three miles north of town. W. H. Anderson. Two sections of No. 1 and also two sections of No., 7 west bound passen ger trains, were noted on Friday. All of these trains were comfortably filled with p-issungers. A. M. .Turdan, who has been cin vassing the southern part of the terri tory us an aspirant for United States marshal of Arizona, returned home Wednesday, reporting progress In his efforts. Mr. Ole Kyhm, who has been em ployed at Norman Cameron's logging camp for some time past, left for his ranch about ten miles north of Rhodes, where he intends putting in a crop this season. Marshall Bayless made two arrests early in the week. One was a phreno logical freak whose bump of comhativ ness was unduly developed and the other was for indecent exposure of person. Both were strangers in the city. There will be a meeting next Mon day night to prepare for a Fourth of July celebration. This is Flagstaff's turn to celebrate the Declaration of Independence and it is hoped that a committee will be appointed who will attend to full details. Turn out Mon day night und lend your aid to making the event one of which the whole county will be proud to aid and assist. Alexander Chisholm, son of John Chibholm, who is an attendant at the Grammar School, met with a painful accident on Friday afternoon, in leaping over the fence he laid his hand upon the top to assist him in springing over and as he alighted on the opposite side one of hie Angers caught in some way and was torn off at the first joint. Dr. Robinson dressed the injured hand and it is doing well. C. J. Babbitt is in Holbrook this week buying cattle. A line of fine writing tablets and papreties at Timerhoff's. t The Racket Store Is selling out at cost its stock of Chinaware. The poor Indian was seen selling his wares to the unsuspecting pale-face. Several arrivals wre registered ut the Hotel de Bayless the last few days. Henry Bantu, better known as "Windy Bill," of Clarksville, was cir-. culating in town yesterday. The first cherries or the reason were brought here yestei-duy by B. Hocb, the enterprising fruit dealer. Henry Ashurst, of Williams, was in Flagstaff Thursday attending to busi ness connected with his profession. There will be a public meeting on Monday night to perfect arrangements for a celebration on the Fourth of July. Village school shoes for boys and girls. The test school shoe ever brought to Flagstaff are sold by the New York Store. Mr. Berhart Levi, of the Angelical City, made the Weatherford his head quarters while taking orders for the famous TacoTaco cigars. The Southern Pacific railroad com pany are erecting oil tanks on their main line in Southern Arizona and will shortly burn oil instead of coal for motive power. Pat Fenton returned from his labors on the Winslow Mall Thursday. He and Clark Long will put in a crop of vegetables for this market on land they hare leased for that purpose. The Racket Store is closing out a choice line of Chinaware at cost price and other goods will be sold at or be low cost. Remember this Is an oppor tunity that you cannot afford to miss. Among the members of the 34th regi ment who returned from the Philip pines last Monday, are Alex Kuettle, E. McGivering and Chas. C. Boyd. They are looking fine and stood the climate or the Islands well. F. P. Secrlst, the efficient sheriff of Navajo county, came in on No. 1 Thursday and spent the day in looking over the city, shaking hands with old friends. Frank Is a good officer and is making a record to be prond of in the fntiH-e. Wanted A janitor for the Northern Arizona Normal School. Only a steady und industrious man need apply for the position. Man with small family pre ferred. Must understand the cure of a lawn. Apply to either T. E. Pollock or A. A. Dulton, Flagstaff. Harrison .Conrard, the talented stenographer und private secretary for the Arizona Lumber and Timber com pany, will issue a book of Arizona poems somewhere near Christmas. Artists are at work at present pre paring the illustrations. To those in the least ucquainted with Mr. Con rard und his ability, it Is needless to say, they all know his'productiorrs are of more than ordinary merit. His mind indites as if inspired, and his beautiful thoughts are clothed with words which reveal a nature pure, a soul appreciative and deep the mail ideal, one whom it is a pleasure to know and a delight to clasp his hand, and say "I um numbered among his friends." Williams News. 393'" vnvw :'i