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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ttyitfiii ,.1,mmtmmil COCONINOSUN. he oemthto tm. Entered In the Postofllcc at Flagstaff as second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription priced two dollars a vear. In advance. Kcry paper Is stopped at the expiration of the time paid for. C M. FUNSTON, Editor. Satukday, May 4, 1901. Theue are 3S23 millionaires in America and less than tweuty good poets. Many millionaires arc made and not born. The banker down tit Alonto Carlo is reported to be in a cold sweat for fear J. Pierpont Morgan may deoide to stop off there. The publication of the Daily Review of Bisbee has been resumed. V.B. Kelly who has been makinj; a splendid weekly will bo the publisher of the dally. Via trust that the daily may be even more successful than has been the weekly. The rain fall of Wednesday was gen eral over the territory. Rain at any time in Arizona is a blessing, and every rainfall is of bene lit. The storm of the week assures crops in this sec tion as it does also abundance of grass on our ranges. C. W. Crouse, of Phoenix, has been appointed Indiaa agent at the Fort Apache agenoy. The appointment was coveted by a number of Arizona olllce seekers. It is a sigular circum stance that it is only within tho past four years that an Aiizonlan has wanted an Indian agency. The new school law sets aside the first Friday after the last day in April as Atbor day in the four northern counties of Arizona. The day was not observed here. Tho idea of having the school children plant trees is an ex cellent one and the day should be observed even if but few of tho trees planted should grow. The oil excitement has reached Utah. The petroleum found in boring for water east of Aspen tunnel was amilyized.and found equal to the t'etin sylTania product. Tbou-ands of loca tions have been made along the Union Pacific in Wyoming and Utah. Cap italists from Chicago and Omah have secured largo tracts of land and will bore for oil. FARM hands are in demand in the Salt River valley. A farmer of that place advertises for a farm hand guar anteeing one dollar per day, a good bed, three meals u day and as a further Inducement a lunch of custard pie and a drink of good liquor before going to bed. The only drawback to tho job seems to be that the farmer requires the hand to work between meals. The Santa Fo will make an exhibit at the Buffalo exposition Ibis summer. In that section devoted by the govern ment to a postal exhibit 100 photo graphs prepared by the Santa Fe will s-how how a letter makes a trip across the country from Chicago to San Fran cisco. The Grand Canyon, as painted by II. S. Marella, of Chicago, will be shown by the electrical diagram. THE idea that the earth is fast be coming settled up and that there can be no extension to its agricultural area is true only in a theoretical sense. Tho ability of scientific agriculture to enlarge its capacity has not yet be gun to come to realization. When it is reallz'ed'lhat there 'are whole em pires of rich land only awaiting tho application of tho water at hand to in nice them break Into bloom and great productiveness, it can be seen that instead of tho world's acreage being incapable of expansion, tho end of its expansion in 'productivity has not yet come into sight. Phoenix is preparing moro adver tising for that placo which will be circulated In the east during the sum mer months. Tho board of trade of that city have just issued a neat pamphlet entitled. "The Salt River Valley. Its Attractions for tho Capital ist, tho Invalid and tho Immigrant." The people of that enterprising place believe'in keeping everlastingly at it, consequently it is the point which at tracts all the visitors to the territory. It might bo well for other towns in Arizona to Tollow the example of Phoe nix iu 'making their resources and attractions known outside of tho ter ritory. Flagstaff for iustauce. IT has been held by tho Interior department that the Oregon Short Line has tho right to the disputed grade in Nevada, and Mr. Clark and h'is associates will, if they; continue their ,ro.d,f have to ,do so on another route. If Senator Clatk and his as sociates desire to build a railroad it might be well for them to go a little further east and fill in the gup that exists between tho western terminal of the Rock Island and Missouri Pacific roads and tho Pucitlc coast. These roads are now building through Now Mexico and both can be reached at somo point near Santa Fe, and from that point to Los Angeles a much shorter route can be had than by any of tho present roads. It would secure for Mr. Clark the outlet for his mines at Jerome that he has so long been looking for. The Arid Reilort. Tho arid region of this couutry is larger than the entire area -of some of the nations of the earth. It Includes portions of Montana, Wyoming, Colo rado, Utah, Nevada; Arizona and New Mexico, and smaller portions of North and South Dakota, Nevada, Kansas and Texas, hundreds of thousands of acres In California, two-thirds of Ore gon, one-third of Washington, and al most all of Idaho altogether a total of ovc a mjlllon square miles, enough in fact to accommodate half the peo ple of tho United States when the land is made productive. To allow all this splendid country to go to waste would be .contrary to the spirit of a practical nation. All this arid land needs is irrigation. Already a large part of It has been converted to fer tility by tho artificial supply of water. Gradually and strongly the experts of the government have urged upon con gress a policy of-asslstanco which will convert many of these acres into fer tile fields. Alhnquerque Cltizeu. A Fast Train. The Southern Pacific officials have completed all necessary arrange ments to carry President McKinley and his party from Yuma to Los An geles at the ruto of sixty-five miles an hour. This comany never under takes to do anything that it falls to accomplish, and the distinguished party will cross tho California desert at this tremendous rate of speed. The president, however, has become ac customed to running ut u fast rate of speeed, as is shown by the manner in which he carried off the honors of two presidential races. It is stated that he never lost a race in his life. Gazette. ;a: 'r Oje Coconino Sum Vol. XVIII. FLAGSTAFF, APRIL 20, 1901. ? No. Id. Local Brevities. Advertise In Tnu Sun. Don't follow prece dent too closely. Advertising Is the ro.ul to wealth for the merchant. The up-to-dato ad vertiser Is the one who wins tho conti deuce of patrons. Somo peoplo fear publicity a good deal more than their own conscience, (loot! ad vertisers are afraid of neither. A little in each ad vertisement and many advertisements is usu ally regarded as tho correct princtpio on which to proceed. Ilefore you can get people to talk about ou, you must do some talking yourself in tho columns of a good newspaper-The Sun. Advertising Is tho best habit a merchant can afford to Indulge In without Injury to himself or his busi ness Industry. Try It In The Sun. Tub Sun Is tho best nnd largest paper In Coconino county. It Is the only paper de voted to locai news and it has the laigcst number of readers. Everyman who has gone through the door of success will tell jou that tho door was labeled "I'ush," nnd we not only want to go through ourselves, bnt want to hold the door open to von in the way of Judicious advertising. tii tii tii til til til Of til til til til til til lb tii til til tii ti til til til tii til tii ti tii tii tii tii tii tii tii tii tii tii CONFIDENCE! It's ercrythiog to hire confidence in your printer . . . tfrtttttettc&- m m m m m m m It's a big load off the mind to bo able to take your copy Into, his of fice with tho knowledge that every detail will bo looked after without an hour's explanation. We know men, nnd good men, too, who hate come here and said: "Here Is copy for a job; I don't know exactly what I want, but I guess you d-i." That's nil and wo usually know what ho wants, because it's our bus iness to know and wo know our business. Perhaps e can tell you "ust what you want" in the printing line. Call and tee C. M. FUNSTON, Printer, fc .Flagstaff, Ariz. 1444449444444944 S ADVERTISING. ) The Way to Use It Successfully. Advertise contlnu-' ously, business will , tollow. A pile driver accomplishes Its work ' by constant pounding. That Is tho wuy suc cessful business men ' win trado-by constant advertising. Tho pile driver cannot sink a long stick with one or, two blows-there must bo steady, preslstcnt , work. No moro can a business man hope to win a big business by one or two advertise- ' mcnls. He must keep constantly before the public, day after dnv, month utter month and j ear after jear. lly such means a store becomes an establish ed institution, secure ( in Its position, it It keeps up-to-date In every thing. The slightest suspenlon In effort will be taken I advantage of by jour shrewd competitors. ' The worst pluco to , allow exertion to re lax is In advertising, i for that sort of thing attracts notice of un undesirable kind. Yet i there arc business J men who consider It wise to stop advertis ing altogether. How can they so view the matter when they see ' fortunes made by ad vertising? The cost for news paper advertising In Tiik Sun Is low when circulation Is consid ered. Therefore every business mnn-wheth- . or doing a one-man or a loo-man trade can afford to advertise. Subscribe for THE SUN $2.00 a Year, in Advance. Santa Fe Route Time Table, In Effect December 27, 1900. WEST 1IOUND. EAST HOUND. , STATIONS. . No. 7. No. 3. No. 1. No. 2. No. 4. No. 8 2 4Ju I 00 p Id 00 p Leave .Chicago .... Arrive 7 40a 2 15 p u 00 p 2 30tt 2 SOU ID Ma Kansas City. ., 5 45 p 24'la 800a 8 30a 8 20p ..Denver, 10 00 a OOOp 6 (Op 7 40 a 3 5J p 4 25a . - La Junta .- I0)p II Mb 9 45 o 10 00pT4l0a 7"00p Albuquerque , T 8 ;juo 11 45 p 7l0p 3 22 a 1 40 u .., .Wingato 3 22a 147p' 4Wa 0 23 a 2 In a Gallup .. .... .100 a 0 55p 1 25 p A 35 a 5 . .. Holbrook 1 1. 'tip 9 50 a 7 55 a 12 3. p 7 05 a Wlnslow . 0 40p 30p 8 55 a, 10 30 a 3 05p 9 3u a Flagstaff 8 42p I2ip 40 a 12U5p 4 25p 1112 a . .Williams 7 18 p I2 10p 5 15a' 1 30 p 5 25 p 12 35 p Ash Fork 5 50 p 10 55 a 3 55 a 1 25 p 5 35 p 12 45 p Pad lie Time i Sellitman Mount. Time 4 20 p IU 00 a 2ffla 2 25 p Peach Springs I 45 p 12 SO a 4 15 p 8 05p 3 55p Kingman II 10 a 6 15 a 58p B35p 9 50p 6 45p .The Needles 820n 400a 700p' 8 00p HOOp 8 10p Illake 7 05 a 300a 545p 9 30 p 12 30 a 9 45 p Ilagdad 4 30 a 3 25 p 1 Wo Daggett.. 2 25a 134p 12 35 a 4 00 a 140 a Harstow 2 10 a 10 40 p 120p 1 25 a ..,.- Kramer 9 37 p 12 04 p 2 25a Mojave 8 45 p ll IQ a 30 a 1 OJ a I Los Angeles I 7 15 p I 0 00 p A 40 a 5 00a Sanllernardlno. ... 9 Sop ;iop 12 45p 12 45p San Diego I 55 p 1 I 50 p 2 25a 5 40 a I Mojave i 2 4S a 111 10a' 8 05 a 9 10 a Ilakerstlold 5 30 a 7 40 a 10 30 a II 50 a Fresno 2 40p 3 1&a 2 30p 3 00p Stockton 1 1 50 a II 10 p ft IB p 5 55 p Arrive .San Francisco Leave 9 00 a 8 00 p Nos 2 and 8 carry Palace and Tourist Sleeper and free Kecllnlng Chair Cars from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Ash Fork. Dining Car Stockton to Hakersflold. Palace Sleeper Ash Fork to Phoenix, which is occupied till morning. Nos. 1 and 7 Palaco Sleeper Phoenix to Ash Fork. Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free Kecllnlng Chair Cars Ash Fork to San Francisco nnd Los Angeles. Nos. 1 nnd 2 carry between Ash Fork Palaco and Tourist Sleepers and free Reclining Chair Cars and Palace Sleeper between Ash Fork and Phocnlxt Nos. 3 and 4, California Limited, carry between Chicago and Ash Fork Palaco Slccpors, Observation Car, Composite and Dining Cars. Palace Sleeper between Phoenix and Ash Fork No extra faro Is charged on this train. Regular first-class tickets are required. Santa Fe, P. & P. Railway, WEST. EAST. STATIONS. No. 1. No. 2. 6 00p Ash Fork 10 40 a 8 45p .Jerome Junction. 8 45a 7 50 p Prcscott 8 00 p 11 52 p Congress Junction 3 00 a 2 40 a .. . Phoenix 1130 a The Santa Fe Route Is the most comfortable way across the con tlnent. Dining Rooms and Dining cars arc managed by Mr. Fred Harvey, and are pcrfec In every detail. Rates, tickets and full Information checrfull furnished on application to U. E. SUI.I.IVAN, Agt., Flagstaff. J. J. LiYltNE, Q. P. A., Los Angeles. W "v irym'ijsw. ' '"'lw jmmj wt