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SE5rSi pMB MM&2ypAmiE? - f- -,- Che Coconino Sun Vol. XVIII. FLAGSTAFF, AUGUST 31, 1901. No. 35 i p flw" i .A' I LOCAL BREVITIES. Crushed pineapple Ico cream soda at TlmerholT's. Tho family of James Funchor arrived from Kansas, Wednesday. The School of the Nativity will open for a new term next Wednesday, Sep tember 4. For Rent Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping. Apply to Mrs. M. Mayflower. The latest styles in ladies' tailor made suits, cloaks and jackets just re ceived at the New York Store. Wm. Melt) tire on Tuesday sold eight carloads of sheep and Campbell & Francis flvo carloads to Los Angeles butchers. Agents wanted, ladles or men, to sell gilt-edge oil stocks. Queen Oil Co., 916 Market street, San Francisco, California. Miss Ethel Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Anderson, left Monday for Achison, Kansas, where she will attend school. Miss Mabel Milligan, who has been spending the summer here with her parent, left Wednesday for Rockvllle, Col., where she will teach In the public school. W. F. Dorraont, manager of the Saginaw-Manistee Lumber Company, of Williams, spent Wednesday here. He has but recently returned from a business trip to Michigan. W. II, Norman killed a raccoon Mon day night. Ills coonship was making a raid on the chicken house. It' was some one's pet, but the owner has not yet put In a claim for the animal. Miss Edith Marino who has been spending some days here with friends, left this morning for Williams, where she will enter upon her duties as teacher in the public schools at that place. Hurry Hoxworth returned from the Peaks Thursduy, where ho had been after mountain raspberries. Hovlng bunds of sheep had destroyed the bushes and there are no berries in the vicinity of the town spring. E. D. Kenna, first vice president of the Atchison, Topeku & S.inta Fe Rail road Company, who left Chicago a few days ago, sailed for Europe Wednesday, where he will enjoy a needed vacation for a couple of months. He was accom panied by Mrs. McKennaand children. The Sisters of Loretto, who have been during the vacation at Bernalillo, New Mexico, returned this week. Thosohoal will open on Wednesday of next week. The only change in the faculty will be tho music teacher, the former music teacher having been assigned to a young ladies' institute at Kansas City. E. E. Elllnwood returned from Den ver Thursday, where he has been at tending the annual meeting of the American Bar Association. The meet ing was largely attended and was an interesting one. After the adjourn ment u trip over the scenic portion of of Colorado wus made in a special train of Pullman cars by the members of the association. The trip wus uu enjoyable one. Mr, Elllnwood leaves to-morrow for Prescott. Miss Alice Mclntire is visiting rela tives here. Try one of Timerhoff's grape juices, They are delicious. Eastman's kodaks and photo supplies at Eastern prices at Babbitts'. Eleven new subscribers were added to the SUN list during the week. Wm. H. Campbell returned this week from a ten days' trip to Los Angeles. For Sale Six-room house and three lots. Apply to N. Greenleaf. au31 4t Mrs. J. D. Newman left Monday for Los Angeles, where she will spend the winter. Dr. Geo. B. Pratt, the leading op tician of Arizona, will be here on Sep tember 12, 13 and 14. Miss Lulu Hunter, who will teach in the Normal training school, returned from the East yesterday. Miss Bertha Beecher, a student at the normal, returned Wednesday from her home at Kingman where she has been spending the vacation. Father Vabre, David Babbitt, Har rison Conrard, M. J. Riordan, L. C. O'Donnell, A. F. Roach and William Lannon returned Wednesday from the Moqul snake dance. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a world-wide reputation for Its cures. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by the Pioneer Drug Store. John Y. T. Smith, wife and daughter, Miss Mary, who have been spending the summer here, returned to Phoenix Monday. They are delighted with the summer climate of Flagstaff, and have already 6 pent several summers here. Mrs. L. S. Drum of Stoneman Lake is in town this week for the purpose of having an operation performed on her arm which was broken in a fall from a horse several months ago, and has not entirely healed yet. A small place of bone was removed from the injured arm yesterday by Dr. Robinson. That it is still a little warm at the Capital City may be inferred from the following clipping from Thursday's Ga zette: "The weather don't seem to be inclined to let up on its July record, and everybody got a full benefit last night of its regular habits this time of the year. The Iron Springs folks who have hud the nerve to come home the past few days are reaping the reward of their temerity and weeping for the mountains and the pir.e tree shade." Charles Zeiger, proprietor of the Zeiger hotel at El P.iso, on Wednesday stabbed Rufus McCray with a sword cane, inflicting two deep and danger ous wounds. One sword thrust passed through the fleshy part, of tho right shoulder, the other going through the stomach, emerging on the left side of the backbone. McCray had been In tho employ of Zeiger as bartender and quit, which action incensed Zeiger, and meeting htm he attacked him, w ith probably fatal results. Zeiger is in juil and bond has been refused. Charles Zeiger was for many years in the liquor business at Albuquerque. Ho made a fortune there, but lost it. He is known all over Arizona, und at one time was in business ut Congress. He has u quick temper und at times allows It to control him, but with ibis exception he was considered a good citizen. Buy a Brownie kodak, $1, at Babbitt Bros. Mrs. Geo. F. Coates of Phoentx is a visitor here. Dr. S. W. Hart and wife returned Tuesday from the Moqul snake dance. Tbos. J. Ross and Will Howard of Jerome spent several days here this week. Miss Cornelia Hartwell of the Nor mal returned Saturday from a trip to the Pacific Coast and to her home In New York. Call at the Pioneer Drug Store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect, t MIbs Frances II. Bury, one of the assistant teachers at the Normal, re turned yesterday from San Francisco, where has been spending her vacation. Perclval Lowell and E. M. Doe re turned Tuesday from the Moqul snake dance. They report the ceremony of the dance a most Interesting one, and the trip devoid of the hardships repre sented. A press report from Nogales sajs: United States Commissioner George held Collector of Customs Hoey on two charges of accepting bribes and unlaw fully permitting Chinese to enter the United Suites. Neal Clark submitted this week to a third surgical operation for appendi citis. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Clark are with their son at the hospital in San Francisco. But little hope is entertained of the youth's recovery. Miss May Kcndricks left this morn ing for Seligmun where she has been engaged us teucher of the school at that place. Miss Kendrlck is a gradu ate of the Northern Arizona Normal and should make a successful teacher. A. R. Leach, special ugent of the interior department,Washington, D.C., is here on business. One of his duties is to prosecute all persons who dig on public lands for prehistoric relics. It is the intention of the government to put a stop to the unearthing aud sale of these relics of a by-gone.uge. Those desiring to tuke the McCor mick Gold Cure treatment for alcohol ism should make arrangements atonce, as I will remain in Flagstaff only a short time- Those wishing to take the famous treatment should not miss this opportunity. Of the large number of patients treated iu Arizona in the past two years there has not been a single relapse. Remember, no cure, no pay. R. Edmonson. C. C. Hall and wife of Albuquerque spent several days here this week. Mr. Hall is booming the Albuquerque fair, aud says that there will be six days of fun for those who attend the fair this year. Baseball will be one of the lead ing features and clubs will be there from about all the leading towns of New Mexico and Arizona. "" is anxious for the Flagstaff club to enter the tournament, and assures the club that there will be no favorites in the games. There will be no restrictions as to players and the games will be umpired by a member of the National League. The advertising car, under the charge of H. S. Knight, will visit all the towns along the railroad in Ari zona. Mr. and Mrs. Hall left Wednes day for tho west. Public school commences on Monday, September 9. Strawberry ice 2 ream soda with crushed fruit at Timerhoff's. For Sale A cooking stove and cook ing utensils. Inquire at B. Hock's store. Mrs Geo. H. Coffin returned this morning from a visit with friends in Winslow. John Clark has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of J. Q. Adam son, deceased. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. Mrs. J. W. Weatherford and sister,. Miss McGrattan, returned Thursday from a visit to the Grand Canyon of Arizona. The public are cordially invited to inspect the large and varied stock of ladies' and gentlemen's goods now on display at the New York Store. Mrs. G. A. Bray of Prescott spent a few hours here yesterday. It is her first visit here for five years and she found many changes in the town. T. A. Hayden of Albuquerque, N. M., traveling agent of the Singer Manufac turing Company, came In from the East yesterday and is looking up business for his firm. t Mrs? J. Q: "Adamsmrof -Los-Angel ear Cal., Is in town, to remain several weeks. She will be joined Sunday by her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Curberry, also of Los Angeles. Republicans everywhere subscribe for the National Criterion, an up-to-date monthly magazine devoted to po litical work in every state and terri tory In the United States. One dollar per year. Address National Criterion, P. O. box 51, Nogales, Ariz. The Gazette of Thursday says: Miss Duke leaves to-morrow morning for Flagstaff, where she will be joined Sun day by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Foster. To gether a trip will be made to the Grand Canyon, lasting about ten days. The entire party will then return to Phoe nix. B. F. Saunders of Salt Like City, Utah, was here Monday. Seventeen years ago he was a large cattle owner in this section and disposed of hisstock to the Arizona Cattle Company, going to Utah. He has a large number of cattle ranging in the country north of the Colorado river in this and Mohave counties. John H. Sterling of Williams left some time last week for British Co lumbia. He is not expected to return. John has long been a resident of this section. He has been considered an honest and desirable citizen, but dur ing the past year or two women and wine have caused 'hi in toleada fastlife. He recently bought his partner's inter est in a band of sheep, which were heavily mortgaged, and being what he thought hopelessly in debt, he bor rowed or gave checks, uguinst which he had no bank deposit, and by this means raised several hundred dollars aud skipped. The action of Mr. Ster ling wus a great surprise toll is friends, and the majority of them are congratu lating themselves that Sterling did not ask them for larger loans. itZ MSKl TESKJ" m m3ggmm" rifT . jmfSXSS J SfeHtfLrfc