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COCONINO SUN. the McCarthy inquest. The Body Brought to FUfstBLff and Shipped to Phoenix for BurUl Services by the Ms.foni. The body of John McCarty was brought here Sunday afternoon by the parties mentioned in lubt week's SUN. The double-barreled shot gun which caused McCarty 's deuili was on exhi bition ut the city hull Monday. The right bund barrel was exploded from a point seven inches from the breech and the force of the explosion tore away the barrel for eight Indies. McCarty shot left banded and the explosion tore awuy tho lower part of his face. The following is the verdict of the coronor's jury: We, the undersigned, the jurors Bum moned to appear before L. V. Quinlan, justice of the peace, ex-ollieio coroner in and for Flagstaff Precinct, County of Coconino and Territory of Arizona, on the 23d day of August, 1901, to inquire into the cause of the death of a peison found in a fide can on of Miller's can yon, about 7." miles southeast of Flag- stall, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, and having made such in quisilion, after inspecting the body itnd hearing the testimony adduced, upon our oath, each and all do say: That we tind the deceased was named . John McCarty, was a native of Canada, about 40 years old, was a citizen of the United State-, and resided near Dud leyville, Arizona; lie came to hit death on or about June 0, 1901, in tills county, by the explosion of his shotgun, Htid that the same was accidental. All of which we duly certify by this In quisition, in writing, by us signed, tills 23d day of August, 1901. The instrument is signed by II. C. liibben, foreman; John I. Keilly, J. L. Amundsnn, W. II. Murray, ,C. A. Grccn and IMuck. The body was taken from the undei taking parlors of Undertaker Keilly Tuesday morning and shipped to Phoe nix in the care of T. M. Bower of that place. The Phoenix Gazette of Thursday says: The remains of John McCarty, the lish and game commissioner, ar rived from Flagstaff yestetday morning and were taken to the undertaking parlors of Merryntan & Holley, where they were carefully examined by phy sicians for some of tliu insurance com panies and by physicians, attorneys and other witnesses for the widow. The funeral look place at 5 o'clock from the undertaking parlois, and was conducted by the Masons. It was largely attended by the members of the several frater nal organizations to which he belonged and his numerous friends in this city, where he has been a familiar figure for many years. Various reports have been circulated legarding the amount of insurance car ried by Mr. McCarty. As near as can be ascertained lie was insured for $27, 000, divided among various companies, as follows: Fraternal Brotherhood, $2, 000; Foresters, $5,000: A. O. U. W., 92,000; Woodmen, $3,000; Manhattan Life Insurance Company, $10,000, and an accident insurance company, $5,000. Carries a Bullet for Half a Century. C. S. Howard, better known as "Bear" Howard, from his well-earned title of bear-killer, having killed more bears than any man who ever lived in Arizona, is in town this week. Mr. Howard has lived tor u quarter of u century on a ranch near West Oak creek. He Is now In his eighty fourth year and has gone through many ex citing events and endured many hard ships during his life. In 1845 ho was in Texas when that state was having un exciting time between tho Mexicans nnd the early American settlers. It was his misfortune to be with a party of Americans who got mixed t'p in a fight with a superior number of Mexi cans. In the shooting whicli followed Mr. Howard was shot. The bullet en tered his body on the leftside, between a couple of floating ribs, and lodged in his back. It was three months before he recov ered frotn the wound, and the bullet be curried in his body until yesterday, u period of fifty-six years. During this time the bullet occasionally made its presence known, but during the past two years Mr. Howard has suffered a great deal of puin from its presence. Yesterday he consulted Dr. Robin son und concluded to have the bullet cut out. Mr. Howard stood the opera tion without flinching. The bullet is a leaden one, about 32 cal., und re tained its original shape, not being in the least battered or flattened. Dr. Robinson lias the leaden missile on ex hibition in his olllce. Mr. Howard is improving and expects to recover bis health. The Northern Arizona Normal. The third year of the Northern Ari zona School commences on Tuesday, September 3. The school will have an increased attendance during the year, and u successful school year is expect ed. Tlie faculty is its follows: A. N. Taylor, B. L., principal; Miss Frances II. Bury, assistunt; Miss Cornelia Hurt wejl, assistant; Miss Lulu Hunter, su- P44J444444444444444444444444444444& I JUST RECEIVED NORMAL BUILDING. pervisor of training school. Already a number of pupils from adjoining counties have arrived, to be present at tlie opening hour of the school. During the past two years the school, although laboring under some difficul ties in the lack of labratory and dormi tory, has been successful beyond the expectation of its friends. The success of the school is largely due to the work of A. N. Taylor, prin cipal, who has made the profession of leaching his life study, because he loves the work. Profesor Taylor has tlie confidence of the trustees and of the public who are fully satisfied with his successful conduct of tlie school. KING OF ITALY'S DISCOVERY. Catic of Victor Eumiiistl'i Uayopa- larlty with Hla CItII Serranta. There is an. element of the unex pected about King Victor Emmanuel which is beginning to render him noioso (a bore) to certain classes of his subjects. I suppose all the world over civil-service clerks ure more as siduous than any others in their ef forts to render their positions sine cures.but in Italy they reach the acme of perfection in this respect. The other morning Sig. Prinetti, minister of foreign affairs, went, as usual, to the Quirinal for the royal signature to various documents, which the king signed without comment until he ar rived at one for the augmentation of the staff of the foreign office. "This," he said, to the surprise of the minis ter, "you may leave; I desire to look into it," and there the matter ended for the moment, says the Kome cor respondent of the Pall Mall Gazette. Tlie next morning his majesty went out alone and on footn'rriving at the foreign office about nine o'clock, and The finest line el PURSES, POCKET BOOKS, ' BILL BOOKS. CARD CASES AND CHATELAINES i i t Erer Brought to Flagttall. Prieei from 5 eeat$ up. Call and tee them. Ct J V. H. T1MEKHOFF. Pnprktor. Flagstaff Drug Store, Mr to Mr Ml Ml Ml Ml CFtttttctttttFecttefrefrttFftf-tttctttt JLoR M.ET Mind the little Ills that soon bring big ones. Mind the wurnlng that dull heavy ache, the sharp, shooting pain. Mind Nature. She is always just, and ever she warns. If you hed not her cry for rest and health you must take the consequences that must come from neglect. Mind your ejo let's both mind it. With us this means a thorough examination, an accurate record of its physical and optical conditions, the right glasses or none, and our further care for both your eyes and glasses. That Is easy for you and inexpensive and safe. Dr. Pratt will be In Fltzstafr about Sep tember 10th. EXAMINATION FREE. DR. GEO. B. PRATT, "ARIZONA'S LEADING OPTICIAN." LESSONS BY MAIL IN BOOKKEEPING COMPLETE IN TWENTY LESSONS. Write for information to 6. H. GRAIN, Principal, Ottawa University Business College. OTTAWA. KANSAS. began a tour of discovery, we may call it, in search of some one to speak to. At last in a small room toward the roof he came upon a lone man busily engaged in rolling a cigarette. "Ah!" said the king, "you are already at your work; pray what are the regulation morning hours in this office?" "From eight to twelve," stammered the unhappy man, wish ing his bad luck had not led him so early out of bed. "And what hour, may I ask, can I hope to see your catalogues?" "About 11," the em barrassed clerk replied, too confused not to tell the truth. "Oh, well, go on with your smoke, and tell your chief of my visit when he conies," which, of course, was done, causing- dismay to reign supreme in the breasts of the 300-odd clerks thus caught napping. Meanwhile the min ister was called nnd dryly told that instead of increasing the staff of the office it might be just as well to see that those already there did their duty. LODGE DIRECTORY. YJOUNTAIN LODGE, NO. 15, K. OF P. Meets In Masonic Hall every Wednesday night. Visiting nights are contlallv invited to attend W. II. C&RROLL, C. C. En. I. Gale, K. of R. and S. ( "OURT COCONINO, NO. 896, INDEPEND-V- ENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Meets Tuesday nights In Masonic Hall. Visit ing members in ltcd to attend the Court meet ing. W. II. NOBMAN, C. R. Louis Spiers, Recorder. FLAGSTAFF LODGE. No. 499, BENEVO- J- LENT ANI PROTECTIVE OKDEIl OF ELKS. Meets cverv Tuesday night In Ii. P O. E. hall, corner of San Francisco street and Aspen ave nue. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. J. E. KTJFFIN, E. R. L. W. QUI.M.AN, Secretary. F LAGSTAFF LODGE, NO. 13, A. O. U. W. Meets every Thursday night In Masonic Hall Visiting members Invited to attend. A. S. Alvord. M. W. G. N. Batv, Rec. J. C. Grim, Fin. F LAGSTAFF LODGE NO. 7. F. & A. M. Regular meeting, on first Saturday of each month at F. and A. M. Hall, over City Hall. Visiting brethren invited to attend J. E. RurriN, Sec. E. S. Miller. W. M. FLAGSTAFF LODGE, NO. 11, 1. 0. 0. F. Meets every Priday night In Masonic Hall. Visiting brothers cordially invited. a A. Clark, N. G. N G. Laytojj, Secretary. CHURCHES. QHURCH OF THE NATIVITY, Rev. Valbrc, rector. On Sundays: Low mass at 8 o'clock a. m.; high mass at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 11:30 o'clock a. m. Rosary and benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. On week days, mass at 8:15 a. m All cordially Invited. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. J. II. Henry, pastor. Sabbath services: Sunday-school, 10 a. m.; preaching service, 11 a. m.; class meeting, 12:00 m.; Junior League 3 p.m.; Epworth League. 6:30 p. m.; evening service. 7:30 p.m.; weekly prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Every one Is cordially welcome. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Geo. Logie, B. D., pastor. Services: Sunday-school and Bible Class, 10 a. m.: morn ing service, 11 a. m.; Young People's meetlae, 6:45 p. in.: evening service, 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. You are cor dially Invited. Strangers in town are asked to come nnd make themlseves known. P" S. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice before tho Land Den artment a spe cialty. Omce. Babbitt Block. Flagstaff, Arizona w, S. ROBINSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Flagstaff, Arizona. Oflce in Postofflcc building. Office hours. I to it a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. 0 STEOPATHY. SYLVESTER W. HART. D. O. ' MAE V. HART. D. O. Osteopathic Physicians. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy Office, Rooms 1 and 2 and parlor. Bank Hotel. Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m., 1 :30 to 5 p. m Acute and chronic diseases treated. Patten will be treated at their homes if so desired Consultation and examination free of charge Republicans everywhere subscribe for tlie National Criterion, an tip-to- . date monthly magazine devoted to po litical work in every state and terri tory in the United States. One dollar per year. Address National Criterion, P. O. box 51, Nogales, Ariz.