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sa Is 1 JT il COCONINO SUN. -taasKaafea, s&a....; .47M&raffiaB ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OP THE COMMONWEALTH OIL COMPANY. Know all men by these presents, that we, the Undersigned, J. J. SwolTord, A. S. Klmberly, W. A. Itule. II. N. Strait, C. C. Courtney, Wil liam Huttlg und Klljah Itoblnson, all of Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, bave thin day voluntarily associated ourselves together for (he purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the Territory of Arizona; and we hereby certify: , First That tho name of said corporation Shall be "Tho Commonwealth Oil Company." Second That the purposes for which raid corporation Is formed arc: To buy, sell, trade and deal In, lease, sub-let, prospect for, man Me, develop. Improve and own mineral and oil Claims and locations, and any and all kinds of real cstato and any and all Interests therein. To buy, sell, trade and deal In, lease, sub-let, manufacture, own and operate all kinds of ma chinery, tools, Implements and other personal property. To prospect for oil, to sink, open, develop and operate oil wells upon tho lands, claims and locations of this company nnd others. To own, operate, buy, sell, trade and deal In, leaso and sub-let oil wells and springs, nnd all kinds of buildings, machinery, tools ami implements for boring, sinking and casing oil wells. forejjtructlMKoll and other minerals, and for caring for, storing, refining, reducing, ship ping and transporting oil nnd other mineral products in pipe lines, tanks, or by any other method of transportation now known or that may 1k hereafter invented or devised. To build, own, operate. Improve, buy, (ell, trade and deal lu, lease nnd sub-let plpo lines, aque ducts, rcscnolrs, tanks nnd refineries for oil and other mineral products, und to carry on a general business nf extracting, caring for and transporting nil and other mineral substances, and of storing, ri lining und reducing the same. To liu j, sell, trade and deal In, lease and sub-let all kinds of patents, patent rights and privi leges relating to tho prospecting, extracting, caring for, storing, transporting and retining oil or any other mineral substance. To buy, sell, trade and deal In tho capital stock of any other corporation, any of whose purposes ure the same as or similar to any of the purposes of this corporation. To combine or consoli date tho property, business nnd capital stock of this corporation, or any of them, whether now existing or hereafter created or acquired, with the property, business and capital stock, or cither or any of them, of any other corpora tion, any of whose purposes are the samo as or similar to any of the purposes of this corpora tion. To borrow money, and'ttf cxccuta note or notes, or a bond or bonds therefor, from time to time, and to execute notes and bonds from time to time nnd sell the same for the use and bencllt.of this corporation, and to secure such notes or bonds. If necessary or advisable, by the pledge or mortgage of all or any part of the real, personal or mixed property or assets that may from tlmo to time be on ned by this com ptny or In which It may have an Interest. To carry on any and ull kinds of mines and mining operations for tho production of gold, silver and any and all other kinds of minerals. To develop, buy, sell, trade and deal In water and water rights, and to own, manage, con duct, buy, sell, trade and deal In reservoirs, pipe lines, acq.ueducts, ditches, canals and other structures for tho purpose of storing, conven ing, distributing and purifying water. To do all things convenient or necessary for carrying out tho purposes above enunciated, or any of them, or any purposes similar or kindred thereto. Third That- the principal place of business of said corporation in the Territory of Arizona Is to be at Flagstaff, In the County of Coconino, in said Territory; and that said corporation will also maintain an olllce and carry on Its busi ness In the City of Kansas City, and Mute of Missouri. Fourth Tho term for which said corporation shall exist is twenty-live jears from and after the date of its Incorporation, and it will begin business Immediately upon tho llllng of theso articles of incorporation in the office of the County Recorder of said Coconino County, Ari zona. Fifth The names of tho corporators are J. J. Swofford, A. S. Klmberly. W. A. Kulc, II. N. I.trait, C. C. Courtney, William Huttlg and Elijah Itoblnson, all of Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. Sixth The amount of 'tho capital stock of said corporation authorized is one million dol lars (I,Ouu,00O), and tho number of shares luto which It 10 to bo divided is one million (1.000, 000), of the par value of one dollar (II CO) per share. Tho same shall be paid for In cash, or In property acceptable to tho Uoard of Direct ors, upon issuance of tho certificates of stock at a price to bo agreed upon by the Hoard of Directors of said corporation. Tho price at which said stcck shall be sold shall bo fixed by iho Board of Directors of said corporation. . Seventh Tho amount of said capital stock which has been actually subscribed is seventy dollars ($70 00), and the names or tho persons by whom tho samo has been subscribed is as follows: Names of No. of a,. Subscribers Shares. Amount. J. J. S ottord. 10 Ho 00 A. S. Klmberly 10 io 00 W. A. Hulo 10 io 00 II. II. Strait 10 10 00 C. C. Courtney 10 io 00 William Huttlg 10 io 00 Elijah Itoblnson 10 10 00 Eighth Tho affairs of said corporation aro to be conducted nnd managed by a Doird of Directors, to bo elected by the stockholders of said corporation, and by a President, Vlco- Prcsldcnt, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, to be elected by said Hoard of Directors. The Directors shall bo stockholders of said corporation and shall hold thclr.oftlecx for one j car, and until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. The other officers above mentioned shall hold their respective offices for tho term of one year and until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed from office, as provided by the bj -laws. In ad dition to the officers above named the Hoard of Directors shall have power to elect or appoint such other officers, agents and employes as may be necessary to properly conduct nnd carry on the business of said corporation. Ninth The Indebtedness or liabilities of said corporation shall not at any time exceed twen ty-five (S) per cent of the capl tal stock thereof, Tenth The stockholders of said corporation shall not bo Individually liable for the pay ment of the debts of said corporation, but they ntid their Individual proiterty shall lie exempt from the corporate debts of said corporation ; and no assessments shall ever be levied upon the capital stock of said corporation or any part thereof. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our bands and seals this 26th day of June, A. D. 1001. A. S. KIMHEIILY. SEAL J. J. Sporroiti). SEALl W. A. Hulk. heal II. N. Stuait. heal C. C. COL'ltTNKY. SEAL WILLIAM HDTTIO. SKA I, ELIJAH ItOllINSO.N. SEAL CHANGE OF THE NAME OF THE COMMONWEALTH OIL COMPANY. State of Missouri, I County of Jackson, f On this SCth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, be fore me, Jacob L. Lorle, notary public In and for the County of Jackson, State of Missouri, per sonally nppcared J. J. Swofford, A. S. Klm berly, H. N. Strait, W. A. Itule, C. C. Courtney, William Huttlg and Elijah Itoblnson, known to me to be the persons whose names are sub scribed to the foregoing Instrument as p irtles thereto, and acknowledged to me that they exe cuted the same for the purposes and considera tion therein expressed. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand und affixed my notarial seal at mv office In Kansas City. In said county and state, the day and jc lr last above written. My commis sion will expire February 11, 1KOS. real Jacoii I Louie, Notary Public In and for Jackson Coun ty. Mis sourl. State of Missouri, I County of Jackson, f I, Thomas T. Crittenden Jr., Clerk of tho County Court, within nnd for tho County of Jackson, and State of Missouri, hereby certify that Jacob L. Lorlo Is a notary public, duly commlssloned'nnd acting ns such within said Couuty of Jackson, and State of Missouri, nnd that the signature affixed to the foregoing cer tificate of acknowledgment Is the genuine sig nature of said Jacob I Lorlc. In witness whereof I have hereunto sub scribed my n ime and affixed my official seal at my office In tho City of Kansas City, County and State aforesaid, this 36th day or June. 11)01. seal T. T. Chittenden Jr., Clerk. Ily S. K. I'Aim, D. C. Ten-cent documentary stamp, properly cancelled. TEIUUTOrtY Or AKIZONA, I . County ok Cocomso, f I, II. C. Hlbben. County Itecordcr in and for theCounty of Coconino, Arlrona Territory, do hereby certify that the foreolngflvopv.'es Is a truo nnd correct copy of the articles of Incor poration or the Commonwealth Oil Company, as the same appears of record In Hook 1 of Ar ticles of Incorporation at Pages XO-359, records of said Coconino County, Arizona. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office this 2.1 day of July, 1901. seal II, C. Hiuuen, County Itecordcr. Itecordcd at request of E. M. Doe, July 1, A. D , 1001, at "o'clock a. m , In book 1, Articles of Incorporation, pages S.V and 350, Inclusive, Records of Coconino County, Arizona. seal H. C. HIUHEN, County Recorder. First Publication July 27, 1801. SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, or the Territory of Arizona, In and for the County of Coconino Summons No. 5U. Eben F. Greenlaw, plaintiff, vs. Lllllo L. Greenlaw, defendant. The Territory of Arizona sends greeting to Lllllo L. Greenlaw, You aro hereby summoned nnd required to appear In a civil action brought against jou by the abovo named plaintiff In the District Court of tho Fourth Judicial District, In and for Coco nino County, Territory of Arizona, nnd answer the complaint tiled with this Court nt Flagstaff, in said County (a copy of which complaint ac companies this summons) within ten dajs, (exclusive of tho day or service) arter the service upon you or this summons, lr served within tho County, but if served out of the County and within tho District, then within tw enty d ij s. In all other c ises thirty dav s. And jou aro hcieby notified that lr you 'fall to appear and answer the complaint as above required, tho plaintiff will take Judgment by derault against jou. Given under my hand and sell of tho said District Court nt Fhustaff, Arizona, this nth day of August, A. D. 1001. (seal) c. M. TUNSTON, Cleric. E. M. Doe, Attorney lor Plaintiff. First publication August 10, 1001, 5t Know all men by these presents, that we, the undersigned, J. J. Swofford, A. S. Klmberly, W. A. Itule, II. N. Strait, C. C. Courtney. Wil liam Huttlg and Elijah Itoblnson, all of Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, the persons who heretofore signed and acknowledged ar ticles or Incorporation for the purpose or Incor porating The Commonwealth Oil Company under the laws of the Territory or Arizona, and caused the same to be duly filed In the office or the Recorder within and lor the County or Co conino, In said Territory of Arizona, and being the only persons who have subscribed for stock In said corporation, have and do hereby agree to change the n ime of said corporation from "The Commonwealth Oil Company" to The North American Crude Oil Company, and that from and after the date of the filing or this In strument la the office of the Recorder of said Coconino County, Arizona, the corporate name of the said corporation shall be The North American Crude Oil Company. In witness whereof we have hereunto sub scribed our names this l.'th day of July, 1001. J. J. SworroiiD, C. C. Courtney, W. A Rule, II. N. Stbait, William Hume, Elijah Robinson, ARTHUR S. KlMHKIlLY. Stite of Missouri, I County of Jackson, f Berore me, Henry N. Cook, a notary public within nnd lor the County or Jackson, and State of Missouri, on this I6th day or July, 1901, personally appeared J. J. Swofford, W. A. Rule, II. N. Strait, C. C. Courtney, William Huttlg and Elijah Itoblnson, all of whom are person ally know n to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Instrument as parties thereto, and they each acknowledged that he executed the same freely and volun tarily for the uses and purposes therein ex pressed. In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name and affixed my notarial real at my office in Kansas City, the day and date last above written. My commission will expire Juno 26th, 1901. (Notarial Seal) HENiiv N. Cook, Notary Public In and lor Jackson County, Mta sourl. State or Missouri, ls Countv of Jackson. ( I, Thomas T. Crittenden, Clerk of the County Court within and for the county nnd state afore said, hereby certify that Henry N. Cook is now and was at the time of the making of the above and foregoing certificate a notary public within and for said county, duly qualified, commis sioned and acting as such, and that the signa ture to the forcgolpg certificate is the genuine signature of said Henry N. Cook. In witness whereol I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal, at my office In Kansas City, this 17th day or July, 1901, j Seal Clerk Court, I T. T. Chittenden, Jr. I Jackson, Co , Mo ( Clerk. By S. K. FAHIl, D. C. State or Calirornla. I County or Santa Clara ( Berore me, W. W. Gray, a notary public within and Tor the countv and state uforea!d, on this .5th day of July, 1901, personally ap peared A. S. Klmberly, to me known to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the forego ing Instrument, as a party thereto, and ac knowledged that ho executed the same freely nnd voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name and affixed my notarial seal, at my office In San Jose, County of Santa Clara, Cali fornia, the day and j ear last above written. My commission will expire August 25th, 1901. (Notarial Seal) W. W. Gil AY, Notary Public In and for the County of Santa Clara, State of California. State of Calirornla. I.a County of Santa CI ira. ( M I, Henry A. Pflster, Clerk of tho County of Santa Clara and of the Superior Court, within and for the county aforesaid, hereby certify that W. W. Gray Is now, and was at the time of the makln of the above and foregoing cer tificate, a notary public within nnd for said county, duly qualified, commissioned and act ing ns such, nud that the signature to the fore going certificate Is tho genuine signature of said W. W. Gray. In witness whereof I have hereunto sub scribed my name and affixed my official seal at my office In San Jose, Santa Clara County, Cali fornia, this 23th day of July, 1901. Henry A. Pfister, Clerk. By J. P. Seip, Deputy Clerk. I Seal Superior Court, I I Santa Clara Co., Cal. f Recorded at request of E. M. Doe, July 29, A. D. 1901, at II o'clock a. m. II. C Hiuuen, County Recorder. Territory of Arizona, I . County of Coconino f I, Harry C. Hlbben, County Recorder In and for the County of Coconino, Arizona Territory, do hereby certify that the foregoing five pages Is a true and correct copy of the Instrument changing the name of the The Commonwealth Oil Company to The North American Crude OH Company, as the same appears of record in Hook 1, Articles of Incorporations, at Pages 368, 3G and 370, Records of Coconino County, Arizona. (Seal) Habuy C. Hidden, County Recorder of Coconino County, Arizona. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. To All Whom. It May Concern-Notice Is hereby given that the Last Chance mining lode and the Last Chance mill site, the Grand View toll road or trail. Crown Peak mining lode No One (1) and the Iron Cap mining lode, located In the Grand Canjon Mining District, Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Coconino Coun ty, Territory of Arizona, under lease and sale to one Henry P. Barbour, of Chicago, Cook Coun ty, Illinois, the leaseor agreement of sale being on record in the County Recorder's office of Co conino County, Arizona, therefore neither the mines or any personal property pertaining thereto or the owners or the said mine will be responsible ror any labor or debts ol any kind that maj be contracted by said Henry P. Bar bour or his agents, nor for any injuries sus tained by any lessee or hlsemplojes In work ing said properties, and that no lessee or em plojels the agent of the owners for any pur pose, and that all operatives engage in such service at their own risk, nnd that no debt or claim of debt is valid against the above mines and other property or the owners thereof. Dated August 21, 1901. R. II. Cameron. Ed I. Gale. P. D. Hkury. Niles J. Cameron. Annie M. Camebon. au-IMm ISYKES BROS., MACHINISTS and " MENDERS of any old thing. SYKES BLOCK. 1 FLAGSTAFF, - ARIZONA. I 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 iANMH TnADE Mark 5 Designs Copyrights 4c. Anyone ent1Iii(f n ft etch and description may quickly ncertii our opinion free wl ether an Inreittnn is probably patentable. Communica tions atrlctlyconUrlcntial. Handbook on Patents sent tree. Oldest ajreney forpecurlnirpatents. Patents taken throuch 31 una & Co. receive tpfcial notice without chirge, la the Scientific American, A. handsoTnc'y HlnstratM weekly. I unrest cir culation of nny scientific Journal. 1 crme. (1 a year: four months, (i. Sold byall newsdealers. MUNN&Co.3e'BNewYork Brach Dice. (Si V s . Wtahrarton. D. C -w "jrJH9W"S5i $F?"