Newspaper Page Text
.JhimrliiiriiTiiiiiiiMrtMiii x t , ff ijc Ai COCONINO SUN. if i ; LOCAL BREVITIES. Iliuli Habbltl is rciwrtcd a9 very 111 to-tlay. T. E. Pollock returned the East this morning. L. M. Stein of Denver was registered at the Weatherford hotel Thursday E. It. Gregory and J. E. Dunn of Los Angeles, were Flagstaff visitors Thurs day. R. J. Kidd's little boy has almost reeoered from an attack of typhoid fever. G. TJently Regan and F. E. Harklnson of Albuquerque, are guests at the Com mercial. Miss Anna Cullinan and Barry Cull i nan returned from tho Grand Canyon jesterday. No. 1 was delayed here half an hour esterduy by the pulling out of a draw head on tho baggage ear. A. A. Whitney and II. W. Thomas of Los Angeles weio among the Weather ford hotel guests Tuesday. M. J. Riordun and C. M. Funston left jeslerday for Phoenix, delegates to the statehood convention J. E. Jones was In Williams Friday attending to busine9 connected with the district attorney's otllce. E. E. Ell In wood camo up from Pres cott yesteiday lo be present at the preliminary examination of A. L. Simms, for whose defense ho has been engaged. Chas. Cumill has placed a telephone booth In TiruerhofPs drug store. One gets direct 'connections from this booth with all telephone subscribers In Will iams and way Stations. Edward Lempke, of the firm of Todd & Lempke, who hate the contracts for the new Harvey eating house tit Sellg man and the freight depot at Winslow, passed through here yesterday with a 'force of men to begin operations at Sellgman. Mr. Robert Walton came in from Flagstaff yesterdar morning. He is one of the delegates to the statehood convention The sentiment in favor of statehood, Mr. Walton says, is over whelming, and in fact unanimous. Phoenix Republican. Cha. Cunall of the long distance telephone line is in town. Mr. Canall ii putting up a neat telephone booth In Timerhoff'ij drug store. Patrons of the line will find, tills a great convenience, a it will enable them to make their conversation strictly private Mrs. J. H. Lind, Mrs. S.T.Elliott, Miss Margaret Murray, Miss Lilllas Marshall and little Cecelia Lind, Jos. S. Amundsen and R. D. Edmundsen returned last night from their outing at Heaver creek. They report having had the jollied kind of a time. The long distance 'phono will savo you timo and money. Our circuits are all metallic and our 'phones aro the best money can buy, therefore the talk ing circuit should be good. Take a chance with tholong distance 'phone located in Timeihoff'e drug store, It may save you a railroad faro or hours of anxious waiting. Thero is more trouble for Mrs. Poyn-ter-Jones. Thursday evening her newly acquired husband, Dell Jones, held her up for her gold watch and some cloth ing and took his departure for parts unknown. Mrs. Jones had a warrant issued for his arrest, and ho was ar rested at Ash Fork. Sheriff Johnson brought Jones back with him lastnlght. The ca9e will come before Justice Quln lan this afternoon. Governor Otero of New Mexico, ac companied by Adjutant General W. II. Whltenian, Col. J. Francisco Chavez, superintendent of public instruction, and F. S. Hubboll, sheriff of Bernalillo county, were passengers on No. 1 yes terday for Ash Fork, where they wero met by Governor Murphy and party with a special train to carry them to Phoenix and the statehood convention. Thero appears to bo an impression in some quarters that the Reading Room on Francisco street Is run for pur poses of profit, or is a private affair. This room is kopt up by voluntary sub scription and Is absolutely freo to the public. Every man in town, stranger or resident, is invited to make use of it. The lunch counter Is maintained simply to help defray the expenses of the custodian of the room. Let It be understood that tho Reading Room is for the benefit of the public and every one is cordially welcome there. A Forged Check. James McGee, who 1ms been working for Frank Livermoro at his ranch north of town, last Wednesday offered a check for $41, signed with the name of Frank Llvermore, at McMurirey's saloon. McGee said that he owed tho bar $1, and made the proposition that if the barkeeper would give him $10 In cash ho would leave him tho check to cash, tho barkeeper to hold the remaining 30 until he called for it. Ho got the $10, and disappeared. When the check, which was drawn on the Arizona Central Hank, was pre sented payment was refused and the signature declared a forgery. Mr. Liv ermoro came to town shortly afterward and swore to a complaint before Judge Quinlan, charging McGee with forgery. McGee was located at Jerome, and Sheriff Johnson went after him, ieturn ing with his prisoner last night. y Setle of the Asbestos Mine. Tile asbestos claims in tho Grand Can j on, which were bonded lo Boston parties some months ago, were sold to them Monday for $0,20. The claims are near tho bottom of tho cannon, on tills side of tho liver, and wero located about twelve jears ago by Messrs. C. II. MeClure, W. II. Ashurst, J. II. Marshall and John Hance, by whom they weio sold. Mr. Ashurst was accidentally killed in tho canion in February last, and his inter est was representee' by Henry F. Ash uist, administrator of tho estate. The asbestos is said to bo of excellent quality, but it is difficult to get the pro duct out of tho canyon. Several years agoltheso claims were bonded for $2.5, 000,Tul tho panic of 1894 prevented the sale. It is not known what the purchasers Intend doiui with the property. ODE TO JkN OLD DOLLAR BILL. O, ragged, fa ltd Thing, Thy odor It not reminiscent of th rose How limp thou art! Unto thy edges cling Ten billion deadly microbes, I suppose And yet there's Independence lathee, too. Ana courage yea, and strengtB! tdmii that In thee Which makes me long to do The best that lies In me There's that In thee which makes me dare To pass a thousand dangers every day There's Joy In thee! Where thou art there Hope builds her nest and frighten Doubt away I Ah, thu art clammy to the touek But, yesterday, mayhap, thou dMst re lease From some white throat a demon's tatty clutch With thee, perhaps, went Peace To some dark haunt, where Hate or tor row sat who knows What aches have fled because of thee. What little children thou hast caused to laugh, how many a rose Has bloomed because of thee? Ah, me. Here on thy smeared and faded face I read the history of manl Thou art the boon Foe? which ke goes througfc demger aad disgrace And I, alas, must part with thee so soonl . -8. K. Klser, la Chicago Record-Herald. KWWMWlWlWiVWltAAVVtUUAMtA4A4AVtllMtA) ; LISTEN ! LISTEN ! LISTEN ! If yo peoplo bo troubled with Asthma, Sore Throat, Quinsy, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Night Sweats, Cough, Bronchitis, Difficult Respiration, Pains in the Chest, Etc, Ect. Etc. Call at tho Pioneer Drug Store and got a bottle of Cough' Remedy. Don't wait till it's too late. One bottle taken in timo may save your life try it PIONEER DRUG STORE 5 J, E. RUFFIN, Manager. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV1 WE'VE GOT 'EM The most complete stock of Dry Goods and Cents' Furnishings in Flagstaff, ALL OUR GOODS ARE NEW, The Best Products ot tht Best Makers at home and abroid. The New York Store, . HERMAN, Proprietor. i If You wish to buy good hose: Then it's TOPSY. If low prices please You: Then Buy TOPSY. If You like to have Your hose Guaranteed Stainless & Fast: Call for TOPSY, , TOPSY is the Best out and is WARRANTED NOT TO FADE OR CROCK OR MONEY REFUNDED, For sale at BABBITT BROTHERS FLACSTAFF, ARIZ. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Prcscott, Ariz., Sept. 12, 1001. Notlco is hereby given that the following named settler has Moil notlco of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Clerk of the Probate Court ut Flagstaff, Arizona, on October 28, 1001, viz: Frank W. Payne, of Ilollo mont, Arizona, for tho lots 1 and 3, SE H of NE H and NE H ofSE U, Sec. 2, T. 21 N., K. 5 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Chas. Carlson, of Ilellcmont, Arizona; Jos. C. Morltz, of Ilellcmont, Arizona; Henry A. Smith, of Ilellcmont, Arizona; John Keegan, of nellemont, Arizona. Fhkdkkick A. Thiti.e, Jr., Register. First publication September 21, 1001. It is Time to Put Up Stoves and I can do ,he job for you so that jou will have no trouble during the winter with Jour stotop'pc fall ing down or coming apart. It will be a satisfaction to you to know that jour risk from fire will be much less. THAT KETTLE OR BUCKET that has a leak can be mended and may savo jou a dollar. If you need iinj thing In tho plumbing line I am at your service. WE FREIDLIEN, Sanitary Plumber, Railroad Ave,, FLAGSTAFF. In an Interview printed in the Kl Puso Herald of Monday A. C. .Tames vice-president of Phelps, Dodge & Co., gave a list of the members of tho Arm, as follows: William K. Dodge, D. Willis .lames, C. II. Dodgo. A. C, James, .las. MeLean and Joseph Van Vleck. Mr. Phelps, whose name appears in the firm, has been dead several years, but his name is still retained. Many people in this section of tho country will be surprised to learn that Professor James ,Douglas is not a member of the firm. A great many folks thought he was the firm. Benson Press. When you have no appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eat ing you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at the Pioneer Drug Store. t ij 1 "' "'JEW ." 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