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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
- j COCONINO SUN. Wu ; LOCAL BREVITIES. j; Topsy school hoso fo best. t Buy a Brownie kodak, fi.'at Babbitt Bros. Hot tomato bouillon at'Timerhofl's drug store. H. J. West of Kingman was regis tered at the Commercial Tuesday. W. H. Bonham of Phoenix was talk ing insurance toourcitizens this week. Topsy hosiery: no better brand made. Babbitt Bros, are selllngigents. Try them. W. D. Powell Is doing assessment work on his raluablo raining claim in Yavapai county. E. H. Bayless and family left Thurs day for Hot Springs, Ark., which place they intend making their future home. Fire Insurance The Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panics. V. H. Norman left Wednesday for the Geo. Hochderffer ranch, where he will spend the next two weeks hunting big game in that vicinity. Mrs. C. J. Babbitt and children, Mrs. G. II. Verkamp and Miss Clara Ver kamp left Sunday for California, where they will spend the winter. Tlmerhoff's holiday goods will be an exhibition on Mctndny December 2. The display will (be the most varied and attractive evei8lade in Flagstaff. Flagstaff Lodge, B. P. O. E., will hold their annual memorial services at their hall on Sunday, December 1. The pro gramme of the services is now being prepared. MUs Florence H. Dukes left Monday for Williams, where she has secured a position as stenographer and type writer in the law office of Hon. Henry i. Ashurst. From our long-distance toll line sta tion In Tlmerhoff's drug store you reach 03 subscribers in our Williams ex change. Our circuits are full metallic und our Flagstaff loop is a headllner. Godfrey Sykes is preparing for a trip down the Colorado river from Needles to the Gulf of Cullfornia. He is con structing a gasoline engine with which to run his boat. He will take his fam ily with him, and they expect to leave about the first of the year. Dr. Thomas Snyder and H. Behrens of Grand Mound, la., are visitors here. Mr. Behrens Is an invalid in search of health und Dr. Snyder is his physi cian. Both gentlemen are pleased with ourclimute and will remain here and in this vicinity for some months. Captain John Hance, the Grand Can yon guide, is now superintendent of the asbestos mines in the Grand Canyon. Tho recent purchasers of the asbestos properties have organized u company for the development of tho claims, and Cuptain Hance, one of the former own ers, has been placed in charge of them. He will start work at once and during the winter will employ twenty men. No asbestos will be shipped at present. The owners desire to develop their property. H. H. Watklns of Kingman spent Monday here, the guest of T. E. Pol lock. Mr. Watkins was on his way to Wlnslow, where a party of friends will join him on a two weoks' hunt in tho Clear creek country. Mr. Watklns is tho manager of tho Kingman branch of the Arizona Centrul Bank, and is tho owner of the only drug store in that place. He says thero is a revival in mining in Mohave county and old mines are being reopened, and thero are many new mines being worked, Wm. Beeson was in town this week from Beaver creek. J. A. McCracken of Holbrook was a visitor here Wednesday. Hot vigoral reuves that tired feel ing. Try it at Tinferhoff's. Eastman's kodaks and photo supplies at-Eastern prices atBabbitts'. Hot celery bouillon fs)pleasant and invigorating at Tlmerhoff 's. C. E. Howard, the sheep king, from Ash Fork, spent the week here. For Sale A good work horse. Also one 3j-axle lumber wagon. Apply to J. W. Swanson. It is not an easy matter to be able to get a good brandofhosiery. "Topsy" is good. Try them' E. II. Bayless sold this week his ranch northwest of town to John Hennessy. Consideration, 81,000. Ed I. Okie, A. E. Frankforter and I. F. Wheeler'leftt Thursday on a pros pecting tour through Southern Arizona, Before sending awayLfor'Cbristfnaa presents wait untillyptfliiave seert'thi1 Tlmerhoff's. Opening display at December 2. For a clean shave or a neat hair cut call at Bayless' shaving parlors. Try Herpicide Dandruff Cure. Cramer & Fletcher, proprietors. James P. Fanchier has secured a posi tion with tho commissary of W. A. Clark at Clarksville, N. M. Mrs. Funcher and children left Tuesday for that place. If you want to talk to any one In Wil liams or along the rim of the Grand Canyon let us know. Get our rates; they are right. Long-distance 'phone, at Tiraerhoff 's. R. H. Marine and Clark Long left Tuesday for the Cherry creek mining district, Yavapai county, to do the as sessment work on several mining claims in which they with other Flagstaff parties are interested. Captain Burton Mossman, the gallant leader of the Arizona Rangers, stopped off here while on his way west Wednes day. He comes from the outlaw coun try, where his men have been hunting the bad man for the past few weeks. Dr. H. E. Frlesell and wife of Pitts are guests of the Hotel Weatherford. It is their intention to remain several weeks. Dr. Frlesell is interested with other Pittsburgh parties in the copper properties on the Navajo reservation. E. 1L Jones was in from Rogers lakn yesterday and says that the deer hunt ers are so thick in that vicinity that it is unsafe for people to be outdoors. There is but little danger of deer being killed, but other slock is in danger of being killed by stray shots from un steady marksmen. The Los Angeles Times says, There cent visit to Arizona by Dr. Walker as the representative of the general as sembly left a very tender spot in his heart for their needs. On last Sunday, without previous notice, he told his congregation about it, in Immanuel church, and said he would like to have $1,000 to send them. The collection was taken forthwith, and when counted the popular pastor was rejoiced to find that he hud $1,012 at his disposal. "Last winter an infant child of mine had croup In a violent form," says Elder John W. Rogers, a Christian ovungelist of Filloy, Mo. "I gave her a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in a short time all danger was past and the child recovered." This remedy not only cures croup, but when given as 6oon as the first symptoms appear, will prevent tho attack. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. FAVORITES IN FALL FURNISHINGS W.L. DOUGLAS '$3.50 SHOlSiii J"h B S'w C0' STETSON'S HIGH -GRADE HATS Wise people are f operating for Fall Furnishings. Men are growing snore partic ular about the quality and fit of their garments. 11 eoines within otw province as progressive Furnishers to supply you with comfort-giving, satisfactory garments. We recognize our responsibilities In the case and meet them unmistakably. Call and examine our stock. Your Interests are our Interests. PULLIAM & VAIL, Gents' Furnishers. Flagstaff, Arizona. S. BARlRbW' 7gZ" V ; f MERCHANT TAILOR, W X RAILROAD AVE. y: jz FLAGSTAFF. S " USE THE IDEAL BAKING POWDER, The MOST HEALTHFUL AND EFFICIENT POWDER on the Market. OF ABSOLUTE PURITY. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY GEO. H. COFFIN. Ask for IDEAL Baking Powder. , C M1LLIGAN, MANUFACTURER OF Brick and Lime, CONTRACTOR f A FREE PATTERN "own "lection) to erery iub- -..... WHIJr w ccdib a vear. MSCALLS, MAGAZINE' AND BUILDER.. Estimates Made on any land Stone or Brick Work 01 FLACSTAFF ARIZONA. A L4DIES' MAGAZINE. li.fl!!"' b5"""ul .colored plain: tateet !rb. ki .'t".?Vtin ononuei .fancy work; houiehold him.; rkilon, etc. but ecrioe lo-day, or, lend Jc lor laltkt copy Udyaenti wanted Send for terme. Stylish, Reliable, Simple. Up-to-date, Economical and Absolntoly Perfect-Flttlng Paper Pattern.. MS CALL fATTERNS i f9- A, J, VrAKLJA, w BHaad V BOOT AND SHOE SHOP fTflik Al SeamJUIowttf aid Perforation rtow us MSiBfl Md Sewbo ikes. Onlf 10 and l; cent! each none higher. Aak for Ihem. Sold in nearly every dly and town, or by nail from THE McCALL CO., 113.1IS.fl7 Wert 3lrt St, NEW rOBK. When you feol that life Is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Cham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your 6tomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowels making you feel like a new man, For 6ale by Pioneer Drug Store, In the Kilpatrick Building on RAILROAD AVENUE. ALL WORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASS READING ROOM LUNCH COUNTER NOW OPEN. MBS. STERNS, Manager. Give It a trial. Good.- Clean. Rates erate. Open 7 a. m. to 10;30 p m, mod- Et Side of San Francisco Street, from Depot- Half Block ICTP SkQMttMflel