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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
HHBliS f. i 'mi. up 1 'l.Wn'--' "-p--t:V COCONINO SUN. ,WBwPifi.L'6BE5?SMMB58igS5fawMrtfiBMfcjfiliJllilBl " " iiiwMiiiiiiiBi.iMii wniiwiiniiiiiiiiSmiiiMnwipiii iii i n- mi ii i xSStSBHlBSCTBIKSS&fc $KS3?W&WS is? !HlpEwr?$slE? - "&iic ' '' is!v1,,-t,r.r.', ,i,-T' 17l! -.r - w - , - -i f- he OCtmitttf ut. Entered In the Postofnce at Flagstaff as second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a Tear, In advance. Every paper Is stopped at the expiration of the time paid tor. C. M. FUNSTON, Editor. SATUKDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1901. The tempestuous Populist, governor of Colorado, David H. Wulte, died at Aspen, Col., on Wednesday. Public lands to tho extent of 715,201 acres were surveyed In Arizona during the past year, nearly all the acreage being in Coconino county. A NEW plan for settling tho question of grazing on forest reserves Is to be submitted to tho stock growers by Chief Forester Pinchot of the department of agriculture. The St. Johns Herald comes to our desk this week much improved in typo graphical appearance and a now name appears at the head of the editoral col umn as editor. J. S. Ilayden, a New Mexico printer and newspaper man, has purchased the Her.Ud, au(f tho SUN trusts that he may make It a success The Chinese minister, Wu, is anx ious to debate the subject of Chlnose exclusion with any three of the editors of dally newspapers who favor exclu sion. Mr. Wu, is busy debating the subject on every public occasion, and li bitterly opposed to the re-enactment of the exclusion law, and if the law is passed expects his country to retaliate. The proposition of tho National Live Stock Association to ask congress to pass a law that will prevent the people of the country from being imposed upon by wool manufacturers will attract the attention of all classes of people. This is the most important question ever brought before the association, and simply means that when the people pay money for all-wool garments in the fu ture they will know that they are buy ing wool, not shoddy and cotton, as at present. Of course, the wool manufac turers will fight the proposition, but the stockmen and the people generally will be solid for it. wondered at that our Mormon neigh bor desires to possess herself of this valuable territory. NO CONSOLIDATION. The Phoenix Enterprise gives Its democratic contemporaries the follow ing sensible advise: "According to .some of the little 22-callber Arizona editors unless a newspaper is vilifying Murphy in every issue it is not demo cratic. These little fellows do not know 'the first principles of democracy, and they ought to go to night school and learn how to read a democratic plat form. For tho benefit of these little fellows, however, the Enterprise will state that it has no more love for Gov ernor Murphy than they have, and it never fails to show up all of the errors and wrongs of Mr. Murphy's adminis tration; but it begs to be allowed to be decent and honest in its criticisms." Utah is after the strip of Arizona which lies north of the Colorado river, and expects to get it at the coming ses sion of congress. A few years ago Utah made an effort to get the strip and sent a delegation to work on the territorial legislature, but failed to accomplish their purpose. Now Utah proposes to havo tho strip if she has to take it. One of the singular claims made Is that the strip is barren and worthless. The fact is that the strip is valuable and its de velopment proves it to be of great value both as a grazing and mineral section, and the strip contains more timber than all of Utah. It is not to be During the past two years Secretary Hitchcock has been endeavoring to reach some conclusion with the ownors of the odd-numbered sections of land in tho San Francisco Moutalns forest re serve which would cnablo him to recom mend to the president such action as would effeot the consolidation of tho lands in tho reserve. In his report the secretary says: "Information received by tho depart ment led me to bollove that a largo portion of the remaining 750,000 acres which it was proposed to relinquish was In no sense timbered land, and that tho actual acreage of timbered lands that would be acquired by tho govern ment if said 750,000 acres were relin quished to it would not bo great enough to warrant tho government in making tho exchange of lands under tho terms of tho proposition, nor great enough to aid materially in conserving tho water supply. I therefore declined to pro ceed further in the matter or to ask tho president to make such consolidation by proclamation, and I so advised tho parties In interest." ARIZONA. Let us annex Arizona. Under tho decisions of tho supremo court it ap pears to be uncertain whether a terri tory Is or is not an integral part of the United States. This question as to Arizona can bo settled by admitting this progressive and productive terri tory into tho union as a state. We are for Arizona statehood first, last and all the time. Thero is no valid reason against Arizona's admission. Arizona has sufficient population, ample pres ent resources and a grand future. The Pacific Coast In general, and Southern California in particular, has every reason to help Arizona to tier responsibilities and duties of statehood. The Pacific Coast is weak In con gress and especially weak in the senate. Wo have six senators to represent the Pacific seaboard, as against thirty on tho Atlantic Coast and eight on the Gulf of Mexico, or ten counting Florida in both groups. The portion of our country pre-eminently open to phenom enal growth under irrigation Is also weak and unappreciated. Arizona will understand, sympathize and promote every interest in Southern California and on the Pacilio Coast, and through out the arid region. The growth and strength of Arizona is the growth and strength of Southern California. Wo are for Arizona's star of statehood and so are our people. Great state, grand scenery, largo natural wealth, large natural wealth, glorious future. Hur rah for the State of Arizona. Los An geles Post. , Startling1, but True. "If everyone know what a grand medicine Dr. King's .New Life Pills Is," writes D. H. Turner, Dempsey town, Pa., "you'd sell all you havo In a day. Two weeks' use has made a new man of me." Infallible for constipation, stomach and liver troubles. 25o at all druggists. f Seven new steel bridges are being put In just now between Kingman and Mcllen, and several hundred men are engaged in the work of building abut ments and grading out for the stono work. Miner. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets euro biliousness, constipation and headache. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. & WASTEBASKET IMMUNITY The wastcbasket yawns for much printed matter. Does it yawn for yours? Some printing makes the recipient yawn first, and the yawning wastebasket gets it later. An anti-wastebasket in surance policy goes with the booklet, card, folder or other printed thing we make. We put into it besides so much ink, type and paper a certain measure of brains. A little thought added to good, clean, strong typo graphy and presswork will make an advertisement which will advertise. It makes no difference what it is intended to ad vertise whether it is the announcement of a church fair or of a special sale, of a sermon or a sociable. The point is that there is something to be said that ought to be said in the most impressive way. Type and paper are necessary, but type and paper are not all. The difference between our printshop and other printshops is the the third member of this trinity type, paper and brains these three, but the greatest of these is brains. ' Any printer can buy paper and type. Only a few papers can sup ply the experience, taste and skill which combined result in good printing. We are among the few. C. M. imiN'STON-, .Ton 1'IUN l.u. TIME In Effect June 16, 1901. m TABLE EST HOUND. KAST HOUND. STATIONS. No. 7. No. 3. No. 1. No. 2. No. 4. No. 8. 2 4ia loop 10 OOp Leave Chicago ArrHc 7. Ml a 2 15 p 9 OOp 2 33p 1 14 a II 00a Kansas City. 5 45p 2 41a 8 00a 8 30a Denier. lOlKla 6 OOp 6 OOp 7 05 a 3 20 p 1 7 15 a I La Junta 10 30 p II 57 a 9 45 a 10 OOp 4 10a 10 40 p Albuquerque 8 30 a I145p "7 10p 3 22 a .Wlngatc 3 22 a 1 47 p 4 00a 0 25a 4 35a Gallup 2 45a 6 53p 1 OOp 6 35a Hollirook II SSp 9 50a 7 55 a I2 35p 8 30 a Wlnslow 10 25p 3 10 p 8 55 a 10 30 a 3 05p 1125a Klnestall 8 25 p 123p 6 40 a IS 05 p 4 23 p I 08 p . .Williams 0 50 p 12 10 p & 10 a 130p 525p 230p Ash Fork 5 23 p 10 55 a 3 M a I 33 p 6 35 p I'aciHo Time Sellirman Mount. Time 400p 10 00a 250a 3 59p 1'cach Springs I2 50p 12 20 a 4 15 p 8 05 p 5 47 p ... Kingman 10 40 a 0 15 a 10 15 p fl 23 p 950p 8 20 p .The Needles 7 43 a 400a 725p 8 00p II OOp 9 47p .. Illake 625a 300a 600p 9 30p 12 30 a Bagdad 4 00 a 3 35p .Daggett 1 50 a 1 44 p tOOa 400a 300a Ilarstow 1 10 a 10 40 p 1 25 p 1 23 a Kramer. 9 37 p 12 04 p 2 25 a 5 40 a . .i .. - Mo)ave 8 45 p II 10 a 8 30 a 8 20 a Los Angeles I 7 13 p 600p 6 40 a 6 10 a , San Bernardino 9 50p 7 50p 6 05 p 6 05 p San Diego 1 45 p 8 35 a 2 25 a 5 4d a I ..Mojavc , I 8 45"lT 8 45 p 6 03 a 9 10 a BakcrsSeld 5 30 p 7 45 a 10 31) a II Ma Fresno 2 40p 3 15a 2 30p 3 OOp Stockton. 1150a II 20 p 5 55 p 5 53 p Arrive .San Francisco Leave 9 00a 8 OOp Nos.,2 and 8 carry Palace and Tourist Sleeper and free Reclining Chair Cars from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Ash Fork. Dining Car Stockton to Ilakersucld. Palace Sleeper Ash Fork to Phoenix, which Is occupied till morning. Nos. I and 7 Palace Sleeper Phoenix to ARh Fork. Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free Uccllnlng Chair Cars Ash Fork to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Nos. 1 and 2 carry between Ash Fork Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free Reclining Chair Cars and Palaco Sleeper between Ash Fork and Phoenix. Nos. 3 and 4, California Limited, carry between Chicago and Ash Fork Palaco Sleepers. Observation Car, Composite and Dining Cars. Palace Sleeper botween Phoenix and Ash Fork No extra fare Is charged on this train. Regular first-class tickets are required. Santa Fe, P. & P. Railway, WEST. KAST. STATIONS. NO. 1. 6 dip Ash Fork 10 40a 7 80 p Jerome Junction 8 45 a 8 45 p Prcscott 8 00 p 11 52 p Congress Junction 3 00 a 2 40 a Phoenix 1130 a The Santa Fe Is tho most comfortable way across the con tinent. Dining Rooms and Dining cars arc managed by Mr. Fred Hnrvey, and aro perfec In every detail. Rates, tickets and full information cheerfuU furnished on application to O. E. Sulmvas, Agt., Flagstaff J, J. BTBHK, O. P. A., Los Angeles.