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Newspaper Page Text
A ftV11""" ,-rw" r j'l 8 COCONINO SUN. iJa ' A Reading Opportunity -ALL FOR- $6,00 For the low rate of six dollars, cash in ad vance, we will furnish you with a daily and weekly newspaper. The Coconino Sun (Once a week) Los Angeles Express (Six times a week) THE SUN will give you all the local news together with all matters of interest in Arizona. THE EXPRESS will give you all the news of the world as contained in the latest Associated Press dis patches from all over the earth. The Sun is a home paper devoted to gathering the home news. The Los Angeles Express is progressive, spicy, clean, and is southern California's best evening paper. ITRJEE SAMPLE COPIES IPREE Send all subscriptions to L"fje oconino Sun, Flagstaff, Arizona. This will save your Life. By inducing you to use Dr. King's New Discovery, Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The only Guaranteed Cure NO Cure. NO Pay. Your Drug gist will warrant it ABSOLUTELY CURES - Grip, Influenza, Asthma, Uronchitls, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or trny Affection of the Throat and Lungs. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. Kegular Siza 60 cents and $1.00. While digging in the ruins of an Aztec mound recently Mr. W. W. Grigsty, whose homo is In Skidmore, Mo., found a frog which had been carved from turquoise. The relic was found in the Ton to country and Mr. rigsby refuses to part with the treas ure at any price. fnoenixiuazeue. REBEL AGAINST MILITARY. Twaaaafcra 1b taa PhUlpplmaa Otfet to Badaujr Baled by Laws SoTtm las the Armr, The war department mail from Ma nila brings some interesting stories of a rebellion started against military authority. Several civilian teamsters employed by the quartermaster's de partment liuve been placed under ar rest at one of the army stations by a quartermaster in charge of gotern ment work at that place. The' team sters have protested that this treat ment is illegal and that they are not under the same rules aeapply to enlist ed men. It seems these employes were or dered to perform certain work, to which they objected, and they asked for their money and their discharge. This was refused and they were placed mder arrest. The action is in entire accord with the articles of war. Civilian employes in a military jurisdiction come under the same regulations as soldiers. They may be kept in confinement not more than eight days awaiting trial. The teamsters in the Philippines, there fore, have no legal ground for ' com plaint. Sella Historic Place. Alva L. Belmont, wife of Oliver H. P. Belmont, has sold her place on Paradise avenue, in Middletovm, R. I., known as Gray Craig park, to Sarah Wood Clark, wife of John Mitchell Clark, of New York. "Gray Craig" is one of the best known places in New port. There is nothing but a modern farmhouse br the property, but Mrs. Clark will build a handsome villa and greatly improve the 'already attrac tive grounds. The property comprises 105 acres and includes the famous "hanging rocks" under which Bishop Berkeley did mush of his literary work. Bis Holiday Sun. The Holiday number of the Sun will contain a write-up of the prominent business men of Flagstaff, as well as her business interests, descriptive articles of the many curious and splendid scenes near Flagstaff, portraits of our leading citizens and numerous half-tone pic tures of public buildings and local scenes of interest. It will be a large issue, intended to thoroughly exploit the many virtues of Flagstaff and Coco nino county. Everyone should have something to tell tho people of the out side world of their business. "Last winter an infant child of mine had croup in a violent form," says Elder John W. Rogers, a Christian evangelist of Fllley, Mo. "I gave her a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in a short lime all dunger was past and the child recovered." This remedy not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the first symptoms appear, will prevent the attack. Tt contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. LETTER LIST. List of letters remaining in the post office, uncalled for, for the week end ing November 30, 1001: Davis, Jennie Mrs Harrison, E Mrs Lolie, Albert Kinnee, Charles Morgan, Billy Ricketts, Bob Stout, W W Thurston, M R Tidford, Wm Mrs Wengard, Geo L Witter, Fye When Inquiring for the above mall please say advertised. , T. J. COALTER, P. M. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NrjiL?2lLL 9 .Micrnm W ff TsSii Ihiaf Ite5MNteeakfastfMl J. J. MMURTREY Surely leads the procession when it comes to handling t The Grades of Whiskey., He'has just received a new supply and invites you to call and see mm. Bottle and Wine Trade a Specialty. -Only 5c Beer in Town. RTPANS iabijles Doctors find A Good Prescription for mankind WANTED i A cum of bad health that R'l'P-A'N'SwUI aot benefit. They health pain and proleeur Ufa, One fire relief. Note the word RTP'A'N'S oa the packaga and accept ao tubetitute. R'I'PA'N'S. is tors ceata, but M had at anjr drat (tore. Tea saaplet sad eaa thoueand tesriaoalal will be mailed to say addreta for are cente, forwarded to the Rlpana Chemical Co., No. to Spruce Street. New York. ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bora deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OP BALTIMORE, SAYS: DM.T1M0KE, Md., March jo, tool. Ctnllemen i Being entirely cured of deaf new thanks to your treatment, I will now give yet S full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lo-1 lay hearing in tills ear entirely , , I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a nut. berof physicians, among others, the most eminent ccr specialist of this city, who told me tliet only an operation could help me. and even that only temporarily, that the head noises wouid then cease, but the hearing In the affected ear would be lot forever, .... . . I then saw your advertisement acciden.aliy in al.'ew York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used It only a few days accorilias to your directions, the noisesecased. r- I to-day, after five weeks my hearing In the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thcutt ya heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, r. ft. , 4w,a,, jv0, jwnj, ...w.v, . Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME .W-" INTEatfATIOHAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE. CHICAGO, ILL Examination and auvice tree, 1 , ?.jj Av. .4. ji-