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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ir It "TSUFWffl' Hf" ii-Mh.i s'f-i COCONINO SUN. .,4 "mSv jj5S3 A GENEROUS GIFT. Another Evidence of th Extreme Lib erality of the Arizona Lumber 41 Timber Company. On December 4th of 1900 the Arizona Lumber & Timber Co. addressed the following letter to the city council : Town Council of Flagstaff, Pres ent. Gentlemen : We understand from conversation just had that the town Is about $1,01)0 behind In the water ac count for the year 1000, and that It Is jour desire to devise some method tor offseltlui: this deficit. In order to as sist jou ic this matter and to help out the town of Flagstaff, we hereby agiee that, In the event of the town of Flag staff furnishing; us with all the water Which we Yequtre for the year 1U01 for all uiMse-i mentioned in the water contract now In force between us and the town and in accordance with the termt and conditions of said contract, wo will, at the termination of tuid year 1101, cancel aud satisfy $1,000 of the existing Indebtedness which we now hold against the town of Flagstaff. Would nNo say that, In reading the decision at the end of .the year 1001 as to' whether the town of Flagstaff has cm r It'll out the foregoing conditions of this ugeemout, no minor failures on the pirt of the town of Flagstaff shall be considered, and we wohld only con sider such failures to supply us with water as would cause us serious loss of business or conideiablu extra expense in order to keep running. Only a fair and liberal Inlet pretation Is to be made of the foregoing conditions. We would ask that jou submit this to the council and lufoim us of their action thereon. KespectfulU submitted, T. A. RlOKDAN, President. This proposition was accepted by the council at its meeting on Dec. 10, 1000. Town Treauter Qulnlan called on Mr. Riordan this week with referenco to the agreement, and as a voucher that tho conditions had been fulfilled by the town satisfactorily, the credit of $1,000 to the town was made. Hence, through the liberality of this public-spirited and liberal firm, the town has $1,000 less of a but den to carry. With this $1,000, the company's water rent to the town for the year 1101 will amount to $3,711.24. t Child Worth Million. "My child is woith millions to me," says Mis. Mary Bird of Uarrisburg. Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Coogh Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is a sure cure for coughs, crouy aud throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough cure which acts Immediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safety. The little ones like the Uste and remember how of en 'It helped them. Every family should have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this easuti especially It may be needed suddenly. Midwinter Carnival at El Faao. For the luldw'nter carnival at El Paso, Texas, Jauuapy 14 to 18, 1902, tickets will be hiAOT Xora FlagotalT to El PnK) and returnfat Uie rate of $21.75. Ditesof cale, .iHinjniy li to 17, inclu sive. Limit, continuous fassago going and returning, with Html limit January 20th. Geo. E. SullivaV Ageut. The Secret of Long Life rousNts ill keeping all the main organs of the body in healthy, regular action, and In quickly destroying deadly dls (use get ins. Electric Bitters legulate xioiniich. liver and kldne, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders In curing kidney trouble", female complaints, nervous dibeitses, contlpHtion, djspepsla mid malm ia. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use. Only 50c guar ntctd IhmiII druggists. ; LOCAL BREVITIES. ! Fresh oysters atMUlsap's, 50 cents per quart. Hot tomato bouillon at Tlraerhoff's drug store. W. H. Campbell Is spending tho hol idays with his family. W. O. Cramer, who Is on the Blck list, is reported as Improving. See Now York Store windows for dis play of $1.50 goods at 45 cents. Eastman's kodaks and photo supplies at Eastern prices at Babbitts'. Underwear, $1.25, $1.00 and 75 cents, at 45 cents at clearance sale at New York Store. Al. Coverly returned Tuesday from a trip along the Colorado river country in Mohave county. C. A. Keller has leased the front part of the postofilce and will In a few days move his stock of goods to that location. J. P. Arnolds and family expect to leave next week for St. Louis, Mo., where he expects to reside for a few years. Tho entertainment at the Emerson high school on next Tuesday night will bo a musical treat and all music-loving citizens should not fail to attend. 'The Santa Fe Pacific Railroad com pany vru getting ready to replace tho California sand walk at the depot with . walk of vitrified brick. Threo car loads of brick were unloaded this week, and tho new walk will be put down some time this month. Pay up your town water tent, or you may wake up the morning of the Uth and find your water pipes dry. The water depaitmeol is required to bal ance its accounts to Dec. 31st, and Supt. Marshall may have to ute his awful shut-off key to enforce some payments. A crowd gathered In Timerhoff's drug store on New Years eve to wit ness the drawing for the prize doll. Number 715 was the lucky number which drew the handsome doll and T. E. Pulllam was the pleased holder of the ticket. Number 355 drew second prize, five dollars in trade. The Arizona Lumber k Timber com pany have been closed down this week making repairs on machinery in their extensive plant. New machinery has been placed In tho recently completed annex and the company now enjoys the distinction of having tho largest and most complete box factory on the coast. Herbert Bashfoid, poet and author, assisted by Winifted Morgan, violin soloist, Kinnje Cole, character Imper sonator, and Alice Ethelbert, pianist, will appear In the assembly hall of Emerson high school on next Tuesday, the 7th, under the auspices, of Flag staff Heading Room Lecture Associa tion. Admission, to those not holding tickets, 50 cents; children, 25 cents. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Tibia preparation contains all of the dlgestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Gutm aN stomaok trwbtai Prepared only by E. O. IrtWiTT & Ca, Chicago Tbetl.botUecontalnsSK times tbeiOcaUe, T. A. tlOtDAN. PntUtat. U.J. UOtDAN.Swnlur F.T. SliSON. Tnmint. ARIZONA jj LUMBER AND TIMBER jj ;! COMPANY, J Manufacturer of ' Native Pine Lumber, j Props, Stulls, Boxes, Uth, ! ; Piling, Shingles, ; ';' Ties, Lagging. Sash and Doors. j; jj ' ' Flagstaff, Arizona, !; ARIZONA CENTRAL BANK, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. OLDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Sayings Deposits. . Drafts Sold Upon all For eign Countries. We have an extensive Patronage and Correspondence through out Arizona, and invite your Banking Business upon Liberal and Conservative terms. T. E POLLOCK, President T. J. POLLOCK, Vice President C O. ROBINSON, Cashier. LIQUOR STORE 1 JULIUS AUBIHEAU. I DCALCR IN f FINE - S WINES, WHISKIES I 7 LIQUORS-CIGARS 2 Qutcteat place ia Iowa. N 3 No gambling allowed L Family Trade Solicited. 7 B. HOCK, and- Stationery News Stand, FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana., Fresh Fruits ami Confectionery. RAILROAD AVENCE. I.W.HARPER WHISKY Sold for Medical Purposes only. J. J. DOflAHtfE, Sole Agent for npizona.