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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
'i' '.:: ' . TwmWMaiy uacrffia v,a MwknuMisisaMWiiB COCONINO SUN. '., ,..( - -IHHMT'I '1'fTlHT TTUTT he (Coconino gn. Enteral In the Postofrlce at Flagstaff as fecond class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a Tear, In advance. Every paper Is stopped at the expiration of the time paid (or. C. M. FUNSTON. Editor. Saturday, January 4, 1902. VOLUME XIX. This issue of The Coconino Son be gins tho nlnutecnth year of its publica tion. During thai time the SUN has recorded many changes in Flagstaff. It has seen the town grow from a vlllago of a few houses to an enterprising town possessing modern Improvements and conveniences and a business center for a large portion, of Northern Ari zona. The SUN has during its exist ence worked for tho interest of Flag staff and Coconino county, and it be lieves that the town and county will continue to prosper and thai its devel opment has just begun. THE Wickenberg Herald is now owned by Dick Hall. The Herald is a live paper and Is doing good work for Wlckenburg. THE Florence Tribune has been sold to Thomas Weedln, of the Florenco Blade. Mr. C, D. Rjppy will retire from the newspaper business. The press of the territory will iuis Bro. Reppy and he will not be long out of the editorial ltarnes. Thomas Weed in is a thorough newspaper man and will give tho people of Pinal county an ex cellent newspaper. The demand for the Holiday number of the Sun exceeded the supply printed and tho edition was exhausted In two days after publication. The demand was both surprising and gratifying to publisher, and shows the great interest of the people of Flagstaff in their homo and the upbuilding of the town. The SUN regrets that the Issue was not larger and promises that the Holiday edition for 1902 will be a better number and that there will be copies enough for every one. Foreat Reserve. The National forest reserves of the United States now cover an area of nearly forty-seven million acres, the first reserve, that of 1,200,000 acres In the Yellowstone National Park, being set aside by executivu decree in 1891. These reserves do not preoludo the cut ting of the timber upon them, but In sure its scientific management so that ills harvested with a view to future cuttings, and what is most important, that the tracts be kept Intact us wood lands. All tho forest reserves are sit uated In mountain regions and on great watersheds where, by their covering and protection of the toll, they act as natural storage reservoirs, regulating the flow of the streams which rise among them, and to a large extent pre venting violent and disastrous freshets. One of tho secondary but Important effects of these forests upon the water sheds Is their nitering action, by which tho amount of sediment which would otherwise bo washed Into the streams is held from them. In these days of largo storage reservoirs which must more and more become the feature of successful irrigation enterprises, free dom from ai It and sediment in the stream is of tho utmost importance, as has been repeatedly shown in investi gations of the geological surTey. It is Imposilbie to foresee, much less to estimate, the national development, especially through agriculture and irri gation, which Ihe-e forest reserves will assist In bringing about, or to calculate the great increase in population, prop erty values and business activities des tlned in titnu to result from them. COMMANDING ATTENTION vvwwwwvwvwwwvwwwwwvvwvwvvvw. Children Especially Liable. Burns, bruises and cuts are extremely painful und If neglected often result in blood poisoning. Children are espe cially liable to such mishaps because not so careful. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve Is unequavled. Draws out the Are, slops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cure for piles. "Do Wilt's Witch Hazel S.ilvo cured my baby of eczema after two physicians gave her up." writes James Mock, N. Webster, Ind. "The sores were so bad she soiled two to Ave dresses a dav." flfc m Iwwwwwwi The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe (a publishing a new book on the Grand Canyon of Arizona, which will be hand somelv illustrated. There will be con tributions by authors of note, Including Hamlin Garland, Charles Dudley War ner, David Starr Jordan, president of Stanford university; John L. Stoddard, J. W. Powell, Harriet Monroe, Profes sor R. D. Salisbury, of the University of Chicago, and Professor Beecher, of Yale, It is expected to have the book off the press by January 15. The Hppointment of an assessor for Coconino county comes up at the next meeting of the board of supervisors. The appointment is being warmly con tested for and there are a half dozen applicants and the woods is full of peo ple who think they could All the office, and the member of the board are be ing importuned to appoint this or that applicant. The office Is a business, not a political one, but no one supposes that the appointment will be clear of poli tics, and for that matter there a num ber of democrats who could fill the of fice capably. The requirements should be honesty, business capacity, familiar ity with the property 'values of the county, and u man who will devote his time to the duties of the office. To Cure a. Cold In One Dexy Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signlture Is on each box. 25c. Profits to Bo Made In Copper Shares. One hundred shares in the United Verde, at the nominal price of 9100, are now worth $30,000, and they pay $100 per month in dividends. One hundred dollars invested in 1897 in Centennial Copper company is now worth M68. One hundred dollars invested in 1890 in Osceola Copper company is now worth 9382. One hundred dollars invested in 1890 in Tamaruck Copper company is now worth $032. One hundred dollars Invested in 1893 in Boston & Montana Copper company is now worth 11,860. One hundred dollars invested in 1896 in Arnold Copper company Is now worth 91,870. One hundred dollars invested in 1893 in Wolverino Cop.ier company Is iiow worth S,600. One hundred invested in 1896 in Butte & Boston Copper company is now worth $5,600. One hundred dollars Invested in 1880 In Calumet & Hecla Copper company is now worth $7,650. In many cases the dividends which these investments earned aggregate more than the original capitalization of the companies. Mining Review, Los Angeles, If troubled, with a weak digestion, belching, sour stomach, or if you feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Pioneer Drug Store. There are several ways of get ting attention. You can attract it, draw it, plead for it, ask for it, insist on it and command it. Which would you rather do with your printed announce ment ? Everyone who makes things to sell or who docs things for money, has something to say to the pub lic. The way that you say it is as important at least as what you say. What you say is your part. The way you say it is ours. Printing that cannot be turned down, mislaid, sidetracked or overlooked is the kind we do. It is distinguished printing printing that not only may, btt( which must be seen printing which doesn't simply ask, but which demands and commands attention. Are not these the characteris tics you want in your printing? Then come in and talk to us about the next booklet, folder, circular or other business-bring ing printed thing. C M. FVNSTOS. Jet PrioKr. vwvwwwwS TIME smTllllH mmM In Effect Nov. 3, 1901. TABLE WIST BOUND. EAST BOUND. STATIONS. No. 7. No. J. No. 1. No. 2. No. 4. No. 8 lOUOp 8 00 p 10 00 p Leave........ .. Chicago Arrive 7 40 a 2 15 p l0Op 2 35p 8 45 a II 00a . . .-Kansas City .. . S60p 3 40 a 7 15 a SOOp 8 25 a SOOp .. .. ..Denver. . . ... .. 0 30 a 00p O0p 7 40a 1035p 7 40a ..- - .La Junta loaop II 47 a 8 55 a Vnp IllOa i?r3op .Albuquerque 8 OSaTuTSp "TTSp" 4 3a ft 00 a Wlngate S 14 a 142p 5 10a 4 10a 5 35a , ...Qallup 240a 45p I15p 7 a 8 00a Holbrook II 23 p 0 45 a 845a 7 10p 9 10 a Wlnslow . .. 0 25p 3 10 p 8 45 a 11 S3 a 0 35 p 1147 a Flagstaff 821p 125p 52a lOOp 10 Mp 1 30 p Williams . 8 60 p 12 07 p ft 10 a 200p llftftp 230p Ash Fork. 5 35 p II 00 a 420B 2 35 p 12 OR p JOSp Pacific Time Sellgman Mount. Time 2 65 p 8 55 a 3 16 a 4 30 p .. - ... reach Springs... .. I 10 p 12 25 a 5 20p 225a 808p ..Kingman.. 10 40 a Alia I0 15p 8COp 3 Ma 8 10p The Needles... .- 7 45 a 400a 740p 8 50 p & 05 p 10 10 p Gods . 823a 300a SOOp I0 20p 8 2D a 1155a Bagdad 340a 1240 a 410p I2&l"a 2 45 a , Daggett ... 130 a 2 00p 130 a BBS a llarstow I0 60p 1 10 p 2 20 a ... ...Kramer. . 12 26 p 3 10 a 13 05a ..... ....Mo.ave .. 8 45 p 1135a 7 13a 2 40a 8 30a Anrtve............I.OH Angeles.... Travel 7 15 p 8 10 p 12 45 p 12 45 p 12 45 p Arrive San Diego Leave! 1 35 p I p 8 05 a 0 10 a . Hakersneld. ftSOp 7 45p 10 30a 1150a Fresno 2S5p 8 I5n 2 SOp 3 00p -.Stockton 1150a It 25 p ft 55p ft 55p Arrive San Francisco Leave B 00a 8 00 p Nos. 2 and 8 carry Palace and Tourist Sleeper and free Reclining Chair Cars from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Ash Fork. Dining Car Stockton to Bakersfleld. Palace Sleeper Ash Fork to Phoenix, which Is occupied till morning. No. 1 and 7 Palace Sleeper Phoenix to Ash Fork. Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free Reclining Chair Cars Ash Fork to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Nos. 1 and 2 carry between Ash Fork Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free Reclining Chair Cars and Palace Sleeper between Ash Fork and Phoenix. Nos. 3 and 4, California. Limited, carry between Chicago and Ash Fork Palace Sleepers. Observation Car, Composite and Dining Cars. Palace Sleeper between Phoenix and Ash Fork No extra fare is charged on this train. Regular first-class tickets are required. Santa Fe, P. & P. Railway, WIST. KA8T. STATIONS. No. 1. No. 2. ft Slip Ash Fork ....... 1 05 p 7 20p .. Jerome Junction ..... II lOp 8 05 p Prescott II 30 n 1122p ........ Congress Junction ... 711a 2 05 a Phoenix 4 20 a The Santa Fe Is the most comfortable way across the con tlncnt. Dining Rooms and Dining cars art managed by,Mr. Fred Harvey, and are pert ec In every detail. Rates, tickets and full Information i heerf ult furnished on application to O. E. Sullivan, Agt., Flagstaff J. J, Btbkk, a. P. A., Los Angeles. y ; WWSWW!