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mmtemmmmammmmmmmmmamm&m&ms CONDITION OF COVNTY FINANCES. Balance sheet of ledger, Treasurer of Coconino County, Arizona, close of December 31st, 1901 : Road fund, overdrawn S 1,242 41 Cash and cash items on hand 57,178 77 $ 58,421 18 Cr. Current expense fund $ 21,667 19 General school fund 567 65 Sinking: fund of Williams school district 4,117 78 Sinking-fund of Flagstaff school district 2,975 57 Flagstaff school district, No. 1 1,250 52 Williams schocl district, No. 2 644 78 Frisco school district, No. 4 238 30 Tuba school district, No. 5 868 77 Fredonia school district, No. 6 1,145 04 Moen Ava school district, No. 7 401 76 summit school district, No. 8 241 90 Greenlaw school district, No. 9 137 05 Rhoades school district, No. 10 223 42 Lee's Ferry school district, No. 11 434 87 Teachers' institute fund 19 81 School contingent fund 214 76 Sinking fund county court house bonds 5,591 58 Territory interest fund 509 57 Territory tax fund 17,170 86 $ 58,421 18 Following is the report of receipts and disbursements of the treasurer of Coconino county, Arizona, for the year 1901 : RECEIPTS. Balance on hand January lst 1901 $ 52,754 46 Real and personal taxes 77,173 83 Fines, Justice and District Courts 287 00 Saloon license 5,250 14 Gambling license , 4,237 10 Recorder's fees 2,867 95 Polltax 2,562 25 Sinking fund school district No. 1 ( Flagstaff ) 2,658 98 Sinking fund school district No. 2 (Williams) 1,323 17 Uncalled for warrants cancelled 135 50 Territory school fund 366 30 School district No. 1, sale furniture, etc. 48 00 School district No. 5, sundries 17 63 School district No. 11, sundries 34 87 Jury fees, District Court 24 00 Lee's Ferry toll road 2 00 8149,746 18 DISBURSEMENTS. Current expense warrants paid $ 42,762 74 Road fund warrants paid 2,654 42 Flagstaff school district. No. 1, warrants paid 7,287 63 Williams school district. No. 2, warrants paid 5,845 53 Frisco school district, No. 4, warrants paid 372 55 Tuba school district, No. 5, warrants paid 1,080 45 Fredonia school district, No. 6, warrants paid 2,859 34 Moen Ava school district, No. 7, warrants paid .... 391 38 Summit school district, No. 8, warrants paid 308 15 Greenlaw school district, No. 9, warrants paid 682 95 Rhoades school district, No. 10, warrants paid 516 58 Interest on bonds. Flagstaff school building 952 75 Interest on bonds, Williams school building 245 00 School contingent fund, warrants paid 439 95 Teachers' institute fund, warrants paid 14 30 Territorial taxes paid Territorial treasurer. . 16,342 39 Interest on funded indebtedness paid Ter. treasurer 7,950 05 Personal taxes refunded, order of District Court 1,107 25 Toll road collection paid Territorial treasurer. 2 00 Interest on county court house bonds paid 750 90 $ 92,567 41 Cash balance sK.: 57,178 77 $149,746 18 " t STATEMENT. . CURRENT EXPENSES FOR YEARS 1901 AND 1900. 1901. 1SWX Sheriff $ 5,913 71 $10,164 16 Assessor 1,398 05 068 00 Coroner 115 00 15 30 Recorder 1,494 00 2,015 00 Clerkof Court 590 65 916 30 District Attorney 1,767 05 1,550 65 Courtandjury 1,504 02 3,199 30 Probate Judge 457 00 4C8 00 Justice of Peace 554 00 836 80 Water and sewer county buildings 699 OS Constables 500 06 Sanitary, Williams 104 00 Supervisors and clerk 1,842 79 Offices, books, fuel, light, etc . . . . , 1 , 133 36 Publishing and advertising 455 07 Jails 1,141 29 Indigent sick and smallpox 4,158 04 Election account 1900 6 00 Contingent expense and insurance 3,219 57 Bounties, wild animals 297 00 Sheep, sanitary inspection 240 00 Expense Treasurer 1,497 01 Public improvements, office and vault furniture increased 3,299 25 $ 32,373 70 Decrease without including public im provements made ,. 4,134 62 $ 30,503 32 S 36,508 32 17 20 149 60 1,539 60 1,356 22 676 20 1,817 17 4,101 10 657 78 2,318 14 1,405 00 1,400 00 996 80 3 36,504 32 The expense district attorney for 1901 includes $-250.00 pg James Loy account 1900, but not claimed by him until after expiration of his term of office. The expense assessor for 1901 includes $295.00 paid J. W. Francis assessor account 1900. The contingent expenses for 1901 includes $450.00 paid for insurance for three years on court house, $800.00 paid E. S. Clark as fee and expenses to Washington, D. C, in Forest Re serve case ; also $300.00 paid J. E. Jones, J. C. Phelan and Da vid Babbitt to pay their expenses to Washington on same case. BALANCE SHEET. SUPERVISORS' LEDGER AT CLOSE DEC. 31sT, 1900. DR. Indebtedness assumed for Yavapai county $159,000 99 Flagstaff school bonds., 15,000 00 County court house bonds 15,000 00 Williams school bonds 3,500 00 Jail buildings 12,779 02 Flagstaff school building . 23,124 00 County court house building 21,492 51 Williams school building 14,122 00 Realestate .' 6,500 00 Office and vault furniture 5,530 26 Cash in treasury .' 57,178 77 Road fund overdrawn 1,297 31 $334,525 76 CR. Funded indebtedness $159,000 99 Unfunded bonded indebtedness 33,500 00 Public improvements 83,548 69 Territorial tax fund 17,170 86 Territorial interest fund 509 57 Current expense fund 7,862 29 General school fund 567 65 Sinking fund Flagstaff school bonds 2,975 57 Sinking fund Williams school bonds 4,117 78 Sinking fund court house bonds ,. 5,591 58 School district No. I -fund 1,250 52 School district No. 2 fund 644 78 School district No. 4 fund 238 30 School district No. 5 fund 868 77 School district No. 6 fund 1,145 04 School district No. 7 fund 401 76 School district No. 8 fund 24190 School district No. 9 fund 137 05 School district No. 10 fund 223 42 School district No. 11 fund 434 87 Teachers' institute fund 19 81 School contingent fund 214 76 Claim certificates outstanding 4,286 97 Warrants outstanding 9,572 83 $334,525 76 KCMBEK. 28,435 479,164 399,563 1 4,608 1,623 1,538 703 3 26 87 11,235 235 5 127,?00 600 209 135.66 ASSESSMENT FOR 1301. PBOPEBTT. VAMJATIOK. Acres, land $ 71,682 18 Improvements 22,040 00 Acres, railroad land 05,927 84 Acres, land grants 142,535 21 Patented mines 1,000 00 Improvements on unpatented mines.. 21,585 00 Town and city lots 177,319 40 Improvements 314,620 00 Horses, range 16,230 00 Horses, work 61,520 00 Horses, saddle 17,575" 00 Horses, stallions " 475 00 Mules 1,040 00 Asses 435 00 Cattle, range and stock 116,282 25 Cattle, milch cows 5,170 00 Cattle, bulls 125 00 Sheep 254,400 00 Goats 1,200 00 Swine 627 00 Miles railroad, standard guage 296,650 00 All other property 444.571 22 Total value of all property $2,063,010 10 TAX LEVY TOR 1901. CBHTS ON XACH 1100 VALUATION Territorial general fund ' $ 0 35 Territorial Insane Asylum interest fund Territorial Normal school fund Territorial school fund Territorial Reform school fund University fund , Northern Arizoi.a Norm 1 school fund Prison fund Rangerfund Redemption fund ,.-.. Capitol Building fund '. . . . Interest World's Fair bonds "... Capitol interest fund Territorial interest fund Territorial prison improvement fund Normal school of Arizona dormitory iund Northern Arizona Normal school fund , Insane Asylum improvement fund . University interest fund Interest funded indebtedness.... Road funds Sinking fund court house bonds... School funds Current expense fund Sinking fund, Flagstaff and Williams school bonds. . 10 5 3 5 6 2.50 12 '5 3.50 3.50 .50 o 14 3.50 o 1 3 .50 39 10 10 50 64 20 Total $ 4 10 3 -Yi -v