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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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e&i fgaap ,1- i" V. ., i!Ite f &. m '"MS".'."'.. COCONINO SUN. he (CoconUto gmt Kntered In the Postoffice at Flagstaff ax second class matter. Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a Tear, In advance. Every paper Is stopped at the expiration ot the time paid for. C M. FUNSTON, Editor. Saturday, January 18, 1902. The Ohio legislature has re-elected Senator Foraker,' The '"congested" state of freight traffic on the transcontinental railroads ought to lx applied as an argument for the building of a canal across the Isthmus. Congress vhould confer statehood on Arizona, New Mexico and Arizona be fore the session ends. Even Cuba is getting ahead ot our territories In the matter of self-government. Los An geles Herald. THE statehood delegation from Ari zona will meet in Washington next week. Cupu Mix of Nogales is the only one I here now. Governor Murphy is also in the national capltol in the in terest of statehood. The now postmaster general, Henry C. Payne of Wisconsin, was sworn in Wednesday. C. E Smith, the retiring postmaster general, will resume his newspaper duties, which he laid aside when he accepted the office. One of the New Mexico delegation who recently returned from Washinton City, says that no one has ever had a chance to talk with President Roose velt. Tho president does all the talk ing, and visitors stand and listen to his rapid utterances in dumb silence. The Los Angeles Herald says: Mr. Wu Takes the view That too few of his countrymen are ad mitted to this country. But, as a mat ter of fact, too few, Without doubt, Are kept out. With the last issue of The Coco nino Sun, Flagstaff, that paper en tered its nineteenth year of publica tion. It is a good weekly and has worked hard for the Interest of Flag staff, Coconino county and Northern Arizona. C. M. Funston Is the pub lisher and editor. Albuquerque Clti- POSTMASTER GENERAL PAYNE Start ed on his business career as a dry goods clerk and the new secretary of the treasury, Shaw, was thirty years ago peddling fruit trees to make his living. These things go to show that the road to competence and-hlgh position is still open to poor boys In the United States. Three notable selections of United States senators occurred this week. Senator J. B. Foraker was re-elected by the Ohio legislature. Arthur P. Gorman will again represent Maryland in the senate. Senator Allison was selected by the caucus to be elected to the senate from Iowa for tho sixth time. The New Year's edition of the Min ing Reporter of Denver, Colorado, con tains many unices of interest to those interested in mining. It elves the out put of mineral for the year 1901 in the states and territories of tho Rocky Mountains aud the coast. The Reporter is one of the best journals of its class and It would be to the advantage of every one interested In mining to be a subscriber. The January number of the Out West, hitherto tho Land ot Sunshine, edited by Chas. F. Lumnls, is undoubt edly the best issue' yet published of tlmt.always interesting periodical. A write-up of Prescott, by Sharlot M. Hall, an Arizona writer, is one of the features of the issue. The description and'tllustralions are both excellent. Fire early Thursday destroyed the Reese and Wirscher block In Los An geles, and gutted the stores ot Nemark Bros., coffee and spice house, and HayJ den & Lewis, saddlers. Prompt re sponse of the fire department only saved the entire block from destruction. The the is supposed to have started In a cof fee roaster in the store of Newmark Bros. The loss Is placed at $150,000 and Is well Insured. The Albuquerque Citizen of January 10 has the following special from Wash ington: "What are you doing with the statehood bills?" asked Dalzell of the committee on rules ot Chairman Knox of the committee on territories. "We are going to report statehood for every territory and recommend immediate action by the house. Then we are going to. request the committee ou rules to give us just one hour. 'In that time we will pass all of them," was the chairman's reply. A Profitable Investment. "I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and in bed half my time," says R Demlck, Somervllle, Ind. "I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely well." You don't live by what you eat, hut by what you digest and assimilate. If your Htomach doesn't digest your food you are realfy sturvlng. Kodol Dyscpsta Cure does the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach trouble. Arizona Confirmations. The Senate on Tuesday confirmed the following among other nominations: B. S. Baker, of Nebraska, to be aso elate justice of the Supremo court of New Mexico; George R. Davis, to be associate justice ot the Supreme court of Arizona; James W. Reynolds, to be searetury of the territory of New Mexl co; I. T. Stoddard, to bo secretary of the territory of Arizona: F. S. Nave, to be United States attorney for the terri tory of Arizona. It was expected that the nomination of B. F. Daniels, to be United States marshal for Arizona, would betaken up. But it it was considered Tuesday, no announcement has been made ot the probable action of the senate. This case Is attracting a great deal o' Inter est in Washington City by reason of the protests which are pouring in from all parts ot the country. Some of them are addressed to the president and oth ers to senators. The president has not signified what course ho will take In regard to the nomlni.tlon. The appointments of three of the jus tices for Arizona were made about tho same time, but forsomo reason which has not been explained only that of Judge Davis has been confirmed. It is expected that a decision In the matter of Chief Justice street will be reached in a day oi' two. Don't LWe Together. Constipation and health never go to gether. De Witt's Little Eraly Risers promote easy action of tho bowels with out dittrees. "I have been troubled with costiveness nine years," says J. O. Greene, Dopauw, Ind. "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." COMMANDING ATTENTION vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvivvvvvvvvvvvvvv. There are several ways of get ting attention. You can attract it, draw it, plead for it, ask for it, insist on it and command it. Which would you rather do with your printed announce ment? Everyone who makes things to sell or who does things for money, has something to say to the pub lic. The way that you say it is as important at least as what you say. What you say is your part. The way you say it is ours. Printing that cannot be turned down, mislaid, sidetracked or overlooked is the kind we do. It is distinguished printing printing that not only may, but which must be seen printing which doesn't simply ask, but which demands and commands attention. Are not these the characteris tics you want in your printing? Then come in and talk to us about the next booklet, folder, circular or other business-bringing printed thing. C FlWSTOffA Frhtct. TIME &m TABLE In Effect Nor. 3, 1901. KfeaSB WST BOUND. "8T BOUSD. STATIONS. No. 7. No. 3. No. I. No. 2. No. 4. No. 8. lOOOp Hoop lOOOp Leave Chicago Arrive 7-40 a 2 15p voop 2SSp 8 45 al 100 a Kansas City lP S40a 7 15 a 8 00p 8 Ma 8 00p -Denver .. 9 30 a oOOp 600p 7 40 a 10 35 p 7 40a La Junta . 10 20 P 11.47 a 8 o5 a irafp"iriS"a 10 SOP. .. . Albuquenjuo ..- ........ I 8 05a"Tri 45p 7l0p 4 So a 5 00 a Wingate... -., 3 14 a 1 42 p 5 10 a 4 10 a 5Sa Gallup 2 40a J45p 115p 7 35 a 8 00 a Holbrook Il22p 045 a 845a 7l0p 9 10 a .WInslow -I0 25p 3 10p 8 45 a UK a 9 35 p 1147 a .............-......Flagstaff........ -... 8 Sip I25p 8 52 a l(Mp I0 55p I 30p - Williams 8 60 p IS 07 p 6 10a SOOp tlfiSp S30p Ash Fork 6 25 p II 00 a 420a 2 35 D 12 05 p 3 05 p Pacine Time SelUnnan.. . Mount. Time 2 55 p 8 55 a 3 15 a 4S0p Peach Springs . I 10 p ' 12 85 a 520p 225a 08 p Klninnan 10 40 a 8 13 a 10 15 p 8Wp 350a 8 10p The Needles 7 45 a 4 00 a 7 40p H&Op 605pl0 10p Qoffs . 825a f.OOa 8D0p 10 20p 8 28 a 1155a Ilagdad 340al'l40a 4 10p 12 51 a 2 45a Daggett - l 30a II 2 00p 130 a 9 55 a Ilarstow l50p lJOp 2 20 a ., - Kramer .. ...... . ... v 12 25 p 3 10a 18 05 a I Molave. 45p 1135a '7 13 a S 40 a 8 30 a I Arrive ....-I.os Angeles.......... Leave! 7 15 p 10 p 12 45 p 12 45 p I2 45p Arrive San Diego Leave! I p I 35 p .' . . 805a lllda .... Balterslield. .. I VVypPUVTp 10 30 a 1160 a . . .. .. Fresno ... .- 2 85p 3 15 a 2 30p 3 00p ... ... Stockton... 1160 a H25p 665p 6 56p Arrive . -San Francisco. . .-..Leave 9 00a 8 00p Nos. 2 and 8 carry Palace and Tourist Sleeper and free Reclining Chair Cars from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Ash'Fork. Dining Car Stockton to tlakersfleld. Palace Sleeper Ash Fork to Phoenix, which ts occupied tilt morning. Nos. I and 7 Palace Sleeper Phoenix to Ash Fork. Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free Reclining Chair Cars Ash Fork to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Not. I and 2 carry between Ash Fork Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free RccllnlngChalr Cars and Palace Sleeper between Ash Fork and Phoenix. Nos. 3 and 4, California Limited, carry between Chicago and Ash Fork Palace Sleepers, Observation Car, Composite and Dining Cars. Palace Sleeper between Phoenix and Ash Fork No extra fare Is charged on this train. Regular first-class tickets are required. Santa Fe, P. 8r P. Railway, WIST. BAST. STATIONS. No. I. ' No.2. 5lp Ash Fork 1 05p 7 20p ..- Jerome Junction.. 11 10 p 8 0Sp . Prescott..., . II SO a 11 Sip , -.. Congress Junction ......... 7 11a 2 05 a .. Phoenix 4 SO a The Santa Fe Is the most comfortable way across the con tlnent. Dining Rooms and Dining cars art managed by Mr. Fred Harvey, and are perfee In every detail. Rates, tickets and full Information cheerfull furnished on application to O. E. Suixivan, Agt., Flagstaff J. J. Bronx, O. P. A., J-os Angeles. wwwwjgasMjiresBaSB J8K& rv l&H'?mi&)Fi3&iSK