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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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0U iiiflhtf-rtWiitei mMVi n MitoirymWi ! J,- SvFJJVU COCONINO SUN. ; LOCAL BREVITIES. Fre9h oysters at Mtllsup's, 60 cents pep quart. Tho New York store elwlraoce snlo, ii.11 dress goods at cost. Leo Vorkamp returned from Cincin nati, Ohio, this morning. J. E. Jones, district attorney, returned Tuesday from bis trip east. Hot vifjoral relieves that tired feel ing. Try it at Timerhoff 's. Eastman's kodaks and photb supplies at Eastern prices at Babbltty; Walter Bceson came up from Needles lust night and will remain a few days. Read tho advertisements of Dr. Geo. B. Pratt, tho leading optician of Ari zona. Underwear, $1.25, $1.00jjad 75 cents, at 45 cents at clearance salp at New York Store. ' J. C. Mitchell, the line repairer of tho Santa Fe, is attending the El Paso carnival this week. Dr. J. C. Portz and sister, Miss Carrie, left for Wlnslow Thursday. They ex pect to be away a week. T. E. Pulliam, who has been confined to his home for the past two weeks with an attack of la grip, is improving. Mrs. V. S. Robinson left Wednasday morning for a visit to her parents Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Wilson in Pomona, Cal. J. F. Alexander, one of the accommo dating clerks at P. R. Weatherford & Co.'s, is enjoying the El Paso carnival this week. Georgo Babbitt and T. A. RIordan returned yesterday from trip to the IUbbit tradlngposts on the south side of the Navajo reservation. S. Barron, the merchant tailor, is taking in the sights of the El Paso car nival this week. He will visit his father who resides In Mexico before ho re turns. Wallace and Lewis Gatehouse, of Car rlngton, N. D., are stopping here for a few weeks. They are old friends of Dr. E. S. Miller and the doctor is showing them the sights of the town and vicinity- Town taxes are delinquent on Tues day, the 21st. Five per cent will be ad ded to your taxes as penalty, unless paid. Tax Collector Baylcss will be on the.war path, so pay up and avoid his tomahawk. J. E. Ruffln, R. J. Walker and A. E. Douglass are expected to leave for Nee dles Monday, and from that place they will go down the Colorado river to the Gulf. The bait in which they will make the trip Is now being built for them and will be ready for them on tbelr ar i ival at Needles, and they anticipate a novel and interesting trlpdowntho river Oliver Lippincott and P. D. Berry came In ftom tho Grand Canyon ourly Thursday morning on the automobile. It was the return trip of tho automobile which left here January 4. Mr. Lippin cott Is entirely satisfied with tho ex perimental trip of tho automobile to tho Grand Canyon and return, and he is decidedly of the opinion that an au tomobile can be successfully operated between Flagstaff and the Grand Cany on. On the trip several experiences were met with that would not occur were there supplies placed at proper places along tho way. Mr. Lippincott obtained some fine views at the Canyon and the scenery along the road. Buy a Brownie kddak, $1, at Babbitt Bros. Hot tomato bouillon at TlmerhotT's drug store. Frank A. Zuck of Holbrook was hero on business this week. Jos. Fisher left Thursday for a trip to Southern Arizona town. Hot celery bouillon is pleasant and invigorating at Tlmorhoff's. Miss Margaret Murray returned on Tuesday from a few days visit in Wins low. One dollar buys a $2 fat or a $2 pair of pants at the Now Yoiflc store clear ance sale. Mrs. Sam Withers, of Williams, spent Sunday here with her sister Miss Ber tha Beecher. C. W. Davis, the Bellemont merchant, roturned Tuesday from a month's trip to Chicago, III. Mrs. D. J. Brannen roturned Monday from Tucson where she had been visit ing the family of Phil Brannen. The Junior League of tho M. E. church were entertained at the par sonage by Rev. Henry lust night. Thos. Rlckol, of Babbitt Brothers, is making a business trip to the towns along the Santa Fe as far west as King man. Fire Insurance Tho Arizona Cen tral Bank represents a number of the largest American and English com panies. Chas. Canall was In town yesterday making arrangements to connect a num ber of business houses with the long distance telephone system. Venlo Powell left Monday for tho Golden Queen mine in Yavapai county near Jerome. He will assume charge of of the mine and direct development work. B. F. Alsop is In town from Ash Fork nursing a hand which ho burned In handling gasoline. Don Keller Is in charge of the Alsop barber shop in Ash Fork. Ed. Howell returned Saturday from Demlng, N. M. He says thatDemlng Is a lively town. The building of the El Paso and Blsbeo railroad has put now life into tho former rival of El Paso. Chas. E. Howard left last night for a visit to Baltimore. Md., and his old Virginia home. He expects to be ab sent several months. Mr. Howard will bo missed in the society circles of Flag staff. H. P. Do Muud at.d C. E. De Mund, of tho Do Mund Lumber company of Phoenix, wero here this week looking over the timber prospect and tho possi bility of putting in a saw mill at Chal lender. W. C. Hogaboom, of tha Los Angeles Herald, returned from the Grand Cany on on Saturday night via Williams. The account of his trip to the Grand Canyon in an automobile will be writ ten by T. II. Chapman. Mr. J. S. Noble, a prominent sheep man from Coconino county, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Noble has recent ly brought his herds to tho valley for the winter. A short while ago he sold about $15,000 worth of sheep and still has plenty left. Gazette. Mrs. W. M. Tipton, of Santa Fe, N. M., who has been visiting friends hero for several weeks past, left Saturday for El Paso. Mrs. Tipton Is tho wlfo of tho well known Spanish translator for tho government, and he now holds a respon sible position In tho Philippines. Lon.Dt.Unoo Telephone. F. Millard of Los Augulcx, Cal., and E. C. Geo uf Phoenix, Arizona, repre senting the Pi.o'.tlo Stales Telephone & Telegraph Company, have been here during the week obtaining subscribe! s for the extension of llie long-distance line f i om Jerome to Flagstaff. It is the Intention of tho company to build the line by way of Oak ci euk and put in as many telephones between the two places as is deemed advisable. The Hue will be commenced at once, If the weather permits, and it will take about sixty days to complete the line. Tho line will connect Flagstaff with the company's line at Jerome, and the sys turn extends to Prescotl and surround ing milling camps, Phoenix and the towns of the Suit Itiver valley, Tucson and Nogales. During the year the system will be extended to Globe and the Gila valley, thus connecting all the telephone sys tems In the territory. Williams will be reached over the Canall line, now in operation between Flagstaff and Williams. Mr. Gee and Al Doylo left this morn nlngfora trip over the proposed lino between Flagstaff and Jerome to locate the route. Chas. Bull came in from the Lust Chance mine, Grand Canyon, last night with a broken shoulder. A slide from the sjde of the cum on caught him and he could not escape tho flying rock and was struck on the shoulder. Georgo Hoxwortb, treasurer of Coco niuo county, has obtained perml-slon from tho board of supervisors to leave the territory for thirty days and leaves for Long BeachCal., today. Mr. Hox wortb lias well earned his vacation and will spend It on the coast where he ex pects ut the expiration of Ills term of cilice to make his future home. If troubled with a weak digestion, belching, sour stomach, or if yon feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomuch and L1vm- Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Pioneer Drug Store. Episcopal Church Service. Services of the Episcopal ohurch will be held on tomorrow, Sunday, In the Musoiiiu hull at 4 o'clock p. m. Tho public are cordially invited to attend. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Prescott, Ariz., Jan. 18, I90i Notice U hereby given that the following named settler has Sled notice ot his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the Probate Court at Flagstaff, Arizona, on February ZJ, 1902. viz: Cyrus 1L Dartt of Win alow, for the SSHT'(,NtV SW U and fiW H NW H Sec SO, T. 18 N., R. II K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. Creswell of Wlnslow, Arizona; J. N.Pcmbcrton of Wlnslow, Arlzonu; J.J. Wcemcrof Wlnslow, Arizona; J. F. "Jain ot Wlnslow, Arizona. Fhkdehick A. Tum.K, Jr., Register. First publication January 18, 180 1 Flagstaff WOOD -Yard Rear of Hotel Weatherford BuUdlaf. Wood Cut to any desired length at Reasonable Prices. Leave orders at P. R. Weatherford & Co.'s store. D. A. KINNEY. mmnimiMitiimitmmtm DR. GEO. B. PRATT, THE OPTICIAN, Will be in Flagstaff again soon. I THE EYE There aro Just three ways, and only three, by which you may have eyo troubles accident, disease and defect. We correct e) e defects eye troubles that call for glasses, and by so doing we correct 75 per cent of all eyo ailments. Ono eje in lire thousand meets with accident this calls for the surgeon. One In a thousand becomes dlseascd-hcreln lies the only legitimate work of the oculist the medical doctor who treats disease. Klghty per cent of nil persons have eyo de fectsneglect may cause things more serious, but if taken time our glasses will remedy. No human brain ran conceive the complicated character ot the organ of sight. The eyo alone guides us through Nature's Universe and Is worthy of the y cry best of care. Many living testimonials In this city and vicinity attest to my ability to care for and preserve eyesight. One standurd of excellency In nil branches of my business, and that the highest. Is ulwnjs maintained. Will be in Flagstaff the first week in February. DR. GEO. B. PRATT, "Arizona's Leading Optician," MO W. Washlniton St.. Phoenix. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. A, J, GARCIA, JC BOOT AND SHOE SHOP First Door North of Iron Building on SAN FRANCISCO ST. ALL WORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASS READING ROOM LUNCH COUNTER NOW OPEN. MRS. STKRNS, .... Manager. Give It a trlul. Oood. Clean. Rates mod erate. Open 7 a. m. to 10:20 p. m. East Side of Sao Francisco Street. Half Block from Depot. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. Caras aH stomach traaMaa Prepared only by E. 0. Dr.Wirr & Co., Chicago The $1. botUecontai2K times tbeboc. alae. nwiiwaaww!! E-USt79it ' r 5 ". gTsS-t'WWS :