Newspaper Page Text
' : -vj- '"!, yffiflSflh r" 8 COCONINO SUN. NORTHERN ARIZONA NORMAL Continued from I'age 7. . 1 tZ" J..-M Board adjourned subject Ho call .01 the chairman. ' Ar A. Dutton. Secretary. Approved: T. E. Pollock, "Chairmun pro tern. - FlaostakPh April 20, ll)0U , A meeting of the board was called by Mr. T. E. Pollock, for the transaction of business, the following members being jirese'rit: "T. E. Pollock, chairman pTb tem.A'. A. Button, secretary. The following .claims were allowed nod ordeiedpald: 11. Taylor, A.'N." "salary" as ' prXocIpaVfqf ' April $15 DO Jury; Francis H., salary as 2 ' teacher for April,...-... 110 00 Hartwell.-Cornelia; salary as teacher for ApriLv5 100TOO ' BabeockfMaude K.,wlary"" l as teacher for-Aprilr, 5500 11. Hitt, Clark, salary as jan itor for April s.... ' 45 00 Board adjourned subject to 5the call of the ehaiimaot v- A. ATDuttOX, Secretaiy. Appimed: T.J2. POLLOCK. Chairman pi o tern. Flagstaff, May 17, 1961. A meeting of the board was called b X. Ej. Pollock for the transaction pf business, the following members be ing present: T. E. Pollock, chafrnian pro tern.; A. A. Dutton, secretary. Tho secretary was instructed to In clude in the ralnutesof the transactions of the board tlm verbal agreement: viz: "That ft be agreed and understood between the Board of School Truitees of the Town of Flagstaff and the Board of'Educatton ut'tKcTNor'tneFn Aflzoria Normal SchooJ that the practice" school existing! and" supported jointly by the public and normal, schools during the present ear, the teacher of which the Normal Board" reserves the right to appoint at a salary pf one thousand Jul Jars, half of which amount was to be paid by-each board, be continued and supported in like maimer during the school year of 1000-1002." The following claims were allowed and ordered paid: 12. Taylor, A. "N., salary as prJncipal'for,May 175,00 8UxyJinQSSJHiiialaryaj. h . teacher for May, .,.... , Hart well, Cornelia, salary , as teacher fori May. .r. r Bibcock. Maude R., salary as,teacher for May...m :). FuDstOD. C. M,, stationery Z-T1 "$45725 Board-adjourned -subject to call of chairman. -, " . 'A, DtJTTON, Secretary. T. E. Pollopk; ' J Chairman pro tenw .1 diplomas, providing they pass the re quired examinations. The following claims wero allowed and ordered paid: ' ' " ' " "J j Lone K. L...ier diem and - mUeagp'raeeU'hgs'of Ap rll, May and 'June "... Pollock, T. E., per diem meetings of April, May and June . . . ,. , . 1G. Dutton, A. A., per diem meetings of April, May ' aud Juno' and service , as secretary... 17.Kupanke, Edw., salary as janitor for May ...v.'. 14 15 1 HT90 18 00 - i 40' 00 45 00 $192 00 The following teachers wero appoint ed for the school year of 1901-1902: ( . Namo ' Salary. Taylor, A. N., principal,'.. 2,000, 00 Bury," Frances II. 1,100, 00 Ha'rtwell, Cornelia, r. . .-.. . . .- 1,100 00 Hunter, TiultCR 1,000' 0C "F6r'Wecomlng school year life fol lowing, were appointed the Board of Visitor.,: Messrs. M.J. Rtordan, F. W. Sls-on and Rev. Geo. Logic. Edward Kapnnke was appointed jan lt6r for the buildings and grounds at a salary' of $45.00. J Board adjourned sujbect to call 'of chairman. " A. A. Dutton, Secretary. Approved: RL. Long", Chairman. 110 06 9 100,00 I I '. 50 00 22 25 A. Approved: ' t r.uAuaiAtr, n. J.., June ifjaua. The regular semi-annual meeting'of the boanKwas held at the Normal School for the transaction of Business, the-followlng members being-present: R. L. Long, chalrmanfA. ADuUou, becretaryj T. Ej-oljock. This being the semi-annual meeting of the board! -it was ordered tttufall former accounts allowed by the 'board be approved. , . The principal was authorized to pre pare a catalogue pertaining t6 Tthe Normal School abd-to' have printed Hve hundred coplcsjl alsOj'to procure Of teen diplomas in blaiik. It was ordereit b'y the iboard that the fnllowinjflsTudenUi, M-trgart Lolem Wallace, Clai-A -Maxwell -KendrlcW, Margaret A., WUHaWis and 'Alice Mar tin Campbell, having completed the nescribed course of study, begranted Brutal Treatment of . Woman. Monday morning about 3 o'clock at .Williams a Navajo Indian entered the house of one of the demi-monde of that place and choked iter to insensibility. She was alone in the house and In her nightdress. After choking the woman until she was unponsclous tho Indian 'dragged her to the railroad track, about 400 feet, and. -placed her. under- a car, whero'she remained -uuccnsclous. until 7-o'clock Jn lha morning," wheB -she was discovered? by somq., railroad em . v - . ' ployes and was restored to conscious? ness by a physician. The" woman was naked' and bruised from' head to foot. She'does not remember anything after the Indian choked her. TheJndlan was arrested at.McClol lan on Thursday, and was examined be fore the justice of the peace at Wil liams yesterday and was held to appear before the next grand' jury. Ho is now in the county jail. The recovery of. the unfortunate woman is yet doubtful, and. it la evi dent ttjat the brute beat ber wlpi a club, and left her to be run over by a train or die from exposure. ''Some time niro mv daughter caught Hli. a severe com. ane compiamea oi pains In her cbest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy according to directions and in twVjlnys she was well and ablofto-go to school ,1 hare used ,thS remedy Jin roy'famlly or the past seven years and have never known'lt lo fail," saya-Jaraes Prender gast, tnerchant, Annate Bay, Jamaica, India (stands, ,T;he painb In the chest Indicated an approaching attack of pneumonia, which' in this instance was undoubtedly warded off v by Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts any 'tendency of acold toward pneu monia. Sold by Pioneer drug store: , , PloneerSr. Attention ! Ro'idlaKtponthlymeeiingof he com pany trill be held at the city hall Jan. 21st. at 8 o'clock o m. Election of 'offi cers to fill vacancies and otherbuslness or importance. uy oraer oi-roreman. JfEDWARD Priest, Sec. 1 . A'Curefor-Luanke.goi ( , YTrff. Williamson, of AmherstVa., says : "For more than a year Is suffered from lumbago. I finally, tried ctiam berlaln's'Paln Balm and it gave me entire-relief, which all. other remedies had failed to do." Sold.'by. Pioneer drug store. J, .J! MCMUR,TREY Surely leads tho procession when it comes to handling The Finest Grades of Whiskey, He has just received a now supply and invites you to call and see him. Bottle and Wine Trade a Specialty. -Only 5c Beer in Town. NEW BRANDS APPLIED FOR. c f" ffi The following brands and earmarks have been offered for record with the Live Stock Sanitary Board and are herewith ad vertised in order that cattlemen may be given an opportunity to protest ngalnH any that in their opinion conflicts with any ex1 istlng Irons. ' This list will appear twice in this paper, and all applications will be withheld from record for 10 days after second publication. All communications to bo uddresscd, '" w " LIVE STOCK SANITARY BOARD, - r v PHOENIX, ARIZONA. -Left shoulder., H. Leftthigh. W. L. MulkeyKDragoon, Arizona. 3X QS) " cx?-' Ta -tX3 ? -X DO 5U EXb. t 02 p3' H. Left hip. . Chas. Dunlon & Lawrence Borzord, 'Globe, Arizona. , , C.-Loft hi?. !H;-Left tfilghT; Fi-D. Blackmer, Phoenix; Ar Izona. C Left ribs. H. Left thigh. Geore Elkens, Douglas, Arizona. C Right shoulder. Bar under tail. H. Right shoulder, C. L. Beaty, Douglas, Arizona. C Left ribs. H. Left shoulder. J. II. Morgan, Williams, Arizona. C. Left hip. . Grindoll Bros. Pantano.Arlzona: , J, " C.-IUght-ribd. H.-Right thigh. Moroni Litrson, Plmai Arizona. , - i C Left ribs. H. Left thigh. W. J. Scbultz, Duncan, Arizona. C. Left shoulder to ribs to hlp. J. J. Burns, Blue, Arizona. C Right hip. Mrs. Phoebe' Burns, Blue, Arlz6na. Q liiinuCO y C Left ribs. H. Left law. l.-ftBhlMr Leo Solomon, Aravalpa, Arizona.' I . . Child' Worth .Millions. "My child I worth millions to me," sajs'Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrlsburg. Ia., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased .a bottle of One Mlnufe Cough Cure. OneMinute, Cough Cure is a sure, cure ior coughs, i-rouy and throat and lung trouljles. An absolutely ,safo cough, euro wfiicb acts immediately. Tho youngest child can, Uke it wltli entire safety. The little' ones likehe taste and remember how often It helped, them., Everyfamlly. should have a bottle of ;.Ono, Minute Cough Cure bandy.- At tuts season especlally'lt .may'be rieededsudde'nly; '$& ywt This signature is on every box-of the gooulm UxatiVe Bromo-Quifiiiie Tbieu ,te remedy that nntva n coltl In om ftay ' Cut this out and tuke It to PlonCer Drug Store and got a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets, the best physic. They also cure disorders of ihef sioihacb, biliousness and headache. I Stops the Couh .nd Works off the Cold. ' ' " "Xaxatlve Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets cure a cold In one day. No cure', no pay: Price 25 cents. f , i i hi&GSskmSA mm "' . T