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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
" mM " ss COCONINO SUN. Seniors Entertained. A Washington's Birthday party was .riven by Misses Hunter and Bury at, ho homo of Miss Hunter Saturday after noon to the senior class of the Normal School. The rooms were tastefully decorated with the class colors In honor of Iho .voting ladles, and the afternoon was given over to a full enjoyment of tho occasion under tho management of tho two accomplished hostesses. Kach member of tho class was pre sented will) an exquisite booklet, with olass colors, as souvenirs of the happy event. At the conclusion of the games Misses Bertha Becdher and Nina Burns were presented with prizes for their skill. Refreshments that delight the hearts of joung ladles weio served in the evening. The inembersof Iho clas are: Mit-scs Bertha Beecher, Nina Burn", Ci'eola lllack, Mary Funston, GracoGrlm, Mina .lone, Virgio Hudd. The Vice of Na.gln Clouds the happiness of tho homo, but unagging woman often needs help. She may be so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. 'If she is melancholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleepless ness, constipation or fainting and dizzv -pell, sho needs Electric Bitters, tho most wondeiful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female trouble, nervous troubles, back ache and weak kidneys have used it and become healthy und happy. Try it. Only 50c. Alldrngglstsguaranteo satisfaction. ' t Stops the Cough a.nd Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets cure a cold in ono day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. Mining. Wo are open to act as fiscal agents in Boston and New England for the sale of tho treasury slock of a good mining company. Address, with full particu lars, Edward Hedges & Co., bankers and brokers, 1!) Congress street, Boston, Mass. 3 l-3t Mis. C. E. Van Dcuscn of Kiltourn, Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation for a long time. Sho sajs: "I have tried many preparations, but none have done me the good that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabids have." These Tab lets are for sale at Pioneer Drug Store. Price, 2-5 cents. Samples free. J V. D. Fuller of tho Los Angeles weather bureau will have charge of tho weather station here during the absence, of Mrs. E. L. Renoe. Headache often results from a disor dered condition of tho stomach and constipation of tho bowels. A (lose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabids will correct these dis orders and cure the headache. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. f To Cure tv. Cold In One Dtvy Take Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cuio. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. Notice for Publication. Land Office) at I'rescott, Ariz., Feb. SB, IWi Notice Is hereby Khcn that the following nimeJ settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of hit claim, ami that said proof will lio mado before Cleric of the Probate Court at Flagstaff, Arizona, on Anrll 7 190C. viz: Chan. Carlson, of Hdlcmont. y rlz., for the S K H Sec. Sfl. T. 2? N., It. 5 E. I He names tho following witnesses to piote his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, lz: Jos.iMorltz.of Hellemont, Arizona, Krlc Denver, of llellemont, Arizona, Henry Smith, of llellemont, Arizona, and K, TV. Payne, of llellemont, Arizona, Khbdehick- A. Tiutle, Jr., Register; First publication March 1, 100.. (ft u e E Wo have received our Spring stock of Ladies', Men's and Children's shoes Thoy represent tho latest fads and fancies, as well as all shapes and styles; high or low cut. Patent Leather, Enameled, Vict Kid, or Velour Calf. You are invited to call and inspect our lino of Clover Brand shoes. J. HERMAN, (9 3 e n , a MILLIGAN, MANUFACTURER OF Brick and Lime, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER . Estimates Made on aoy kind ot Stone or Brick Work FLAGSTAFF ARIZONA. NEW BRANDS APPLIED FOR. LEARN TO WRITE WELL FOR 25 CENTS. A small mechanical device just Invented by a Professor In Heidelberg, Germany, makes the poorest penman a splendid writer In a few days. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents and Educators, generally In Europe and America. Sent postpaid on receipt of SJ cents in coin or stamps. State whether for man, woman or child. Agents wanted on salary and commission. EDUCATIONAL MFG. CO. 119 S. 4th St, Philadelphia, Pa. TmKU Juk Illv9rrrrrr. Tho following brands anil earmarks have lieen offered for record with tho Lve Stock Sanitary Board and aro herewith ad vertised in order that cattlemen may bo given an opportunity to protest against any that In their opinion conflicts with any ex isting irons. This list will appear twice In this paper, and all applications will bo withheld from record for 10 days after second publication. All communications to bo addressed, LIVE STOCK SANITARY BOARD, PHOENIX, ARIZONA. C. Right ribs. H. Right shoulder. Mrs. Milissa Hunter, Ash Fork, Arizona. C.-Lcftribs. H. Left thigh. SaternoOrgano, St. David, Arizona. C Right hip. Watillna Eastman, Casa Grande, Arizona. C Both Shoulders. Chas. Dimmlck, Kanab, Utah. C Right hip to shoulder. H. Right hip to shoulder. Miss L. J. Taylor, Douglas, Arizona. C.-Lefthlp. H.-Lefthlp. Charles A. Firth, Aravatpa, Ariz. C Left ribs. H. Left thigh. C. G. Curtis, Thatcher, Arizona. Earmark. Harrison and Stevens, Nogales, Arizona. C Loft ribs to hip. Mrs. Robt. Warren, Pcarce, Ariz. C.-Rlght ribs. H. Rlght.thlgh. David H. Morris, St. George, Utah. C Right hip. H. Right thigh. Charles T. Foster, StGcorge, Utah. C Left ribs. Eph Foremaster, St. George, Utah. C Left ribs. H. Loft thigh. Frank Stanlik, Ft. Huachuca, Ariz. C. Left ribs. T. C. Cox, Cornvllle, Arizona. C. Left ribs. H. Loft thigh. Frank Condron, Wagoner, Arizona. W CO JNE CXg tUL DO Co GO mlaGX? 9 vx CO " 'fO OO 002 q3 AkjrVxV I li 2 i " 4"w"' ,u!&m&?. -feMMkil- 1 r!tfST zmwmtimmmmi " PfJSSKB. 4...B7tf'fc'1 "di,