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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
(JHlipfflF ' , . i iV "H? COCONINO SUN. Ch&mpagno Woodward. Last Saturday evening, July 12, at the homo of Mr. and Mr. J. M. DoduU at Rhoades mas solemnized a very pretty home wedding between Porcy B.Cham pagne and Miss Harriet Mao Wood ward. The house waa beautifully dec orated with carnations, potted plants, native ferns and wild roses. Rev. llenrj of Flagstaff performed the cere mony and Miss Eckerraann played Men delssohn's wedding march. I von Dennis was best man and Miss DeMund bridesmaid. Miss Mattoon of Muskegon, Mich.; Miss Nellie John ston of Fort Worth, Texas; Miss Fay DeMund and Miss Dennis were maids of honor, and Sylvester DeMund, Ray DeMund, James Parker of Phoenix and W. W. Nier of Santa Barbara, Cal., wero ushers. After the ceremony there was soi ved a very pretty wedding lunch. The bride and groom were the recipi ents of congratulatory telegrams from friends in the East; also many beauti ful presents. Mr. Champagne is the bookkeeper for the Dennls-DoMund Lumber Com pany of Maine, and was formerly of Merrill, Wis. Mrs. Champagne is from Merrill, and arrived in Rhoades from the East Saturday noon on No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Champagne have a new home built and have gone immediately to housekeeping. De.ya. Vacation time is here and the chil dren are fairly living out of doors. There could be no healthier placo for them. You need only to guard against the accidents incidental to most open' air sports. No remedy equals DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stoppihg pain or removing danger of serious con' sequences. For cuts, scalds and wounds. "I used DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve for sores, cuts and bruises," says L. B. Johnson. Swift, Texas. "It's the best remedy on the market." Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. W. H. TlraerhofT. J Exciting! Chase. A telegram from Tucson says: Line Rider Charles Hollingshead of Nogales custom house service arrived In Tucson the other day with six Chinamen cap tured in a roundup near Douglas on Sun day night. Hollingshead and another lino rider, R. M. Smith, rooeived a lip that a professional smuggler who had been operating for a long time on the lino between El Paso and Yuma had concealed a bunch of Chinamen in a secluded house across the border, with the intention of smuggling them into tho United States. The lino riders crossed Into Mexico and laid out three nights. The third night, under the direction of tho smuggler, the China- inon crossed tho line, followed by tho line riders, and when in tho United States the command was given to halt. Tho Chinamen fled in all directions and the officers opened fire. Six Chi namen were captured, but the smuggler and the balance escaped across tho lino into Mexico. It Is estimated there are between twelve and fifteen in the drove. This is the largest capture on the Ari zona border for some time. Another Hound. Probate Judge Langstonhad another round in the Jared Woodbridge estate yesterday. Mrs. Mary W. Gorman and Joseph W. Woodbridge appeared and heard the claims against the estate al lowed by Administrator Lloyd B. Christy. They agreed that for several reasons the court should allow tho fol lowing bills: A. J. Bradley. $437.75; E. K. Ellinnood, note and interest, $18, 729.29; Nell Mclntyre, $70: Win Wylie, $00; William Duffleld, $250; costs J. N. Hollister vs. L.B. Christy, $50.70. Ga zette. Cholera. Inla.ntim. This has long been regarded as one of the most dangerous and fatal diseases to which infants are subject. It can be cured, however, when properly treated. All that Is necessary is to give Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain. For sale by the Pioneer Drug Store. LETTER LIST. List of letters re office, uncalled for, ing July 19, 1902: Bruggemon, Frank Blslee, Frank Callan, C D Ooldtlp, W W Miller, J J Runkle, Irvin A Rore, Mary Ward, Myrtle Woodbridge, H B MEXICAN. Castillo, Placido Garay, Jose Rodriguez, Juan Valdes, Silvestre When Inquiring for the above mall please say advertised. T. J. COALTER, P. M. inalning in the post for tho week end Buckley, J M 4 Button, Jeff Enrique, Seferjna Jenkins, A B2 Rore, G L Reed, Fanny Sullivan, W M Wilson, Gus The Perfect Liver Medicine. Mrs. M. A. Jolley, Noble, O. T., writes: "I have used Herblno for a number of years, and can cheerfully recommend it as the most perfect liver medicine and the greatest blood puri fier. It is a medicine of positive merit, and. fully accomplishes all that is claimed for it." Malaria cannot find a lodgment in the system while the liver is in perfect order, for one of its func tions is to prevent the absorption of fever-producing poisons. Herbine Is a most efficient liver regulator. 50c at Pioneer Drug Store. J Elected Colonel. Tho officers of the National Guard of Arizona have elected Major James H. McCllntock, postmaster of this city, colonel of the First Regiment. Colonel McCllntock has decided to accept the position that has been offered him and will enter upon his duties In a short time. Col. McCllntock is one of the best known military men in Arizona, and the honor shown him by the Na tional Guard is well deserved. Ga zette. Poisoning the System. It Is through the bowels tho body is cleansed of impurities. Constipation keeps these poisons In the system, caus ing headache, dullness, and melan cholia at first, then unsightly eruptions, and finally serious illness, unless a remedy Is applied. DeWltt's Little Early Risers prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and promotes easy, healthy action of the bowels. These little pills do not act violently, but by strengthening tho bowels enable them to perform their own work. Never gripe or distress. W. H. Tiraerhoff. t For Sale tire wheels office. Albany i b; canopy t carriage. Rubber- top. Apply at this Kodol DyspepsiaCure Digests whatyou eat. t artificially digesK tho food and aids taturo In Btretigtlicning and recon structing tho exhuustcd digestive or gans. Itls tlielutest discovered dlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation cau aDDroacu it in eniciency. n in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dvsneus a. inti location, uearinurn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick IleadaclielGa3tralgla,Crnmp9 and tll other resul Is of J niper feet digest I on. 1'rlcoGOc.andtl. Lnrxealze contains tH timet inull sue. Bock all about dyspepsia mailed f roe Wepartd by E. C. DeWITT A CO. Chicago ' F.T. SISSON. Tnsminr. ' APT7HMA T TTKJmTJD A ATTTk nriJUIWCD JUUIVIIJEIK JTS.1VJLS 1 I1V11JU1K : LiUMrsuyr, i ' Manufacturer o7 ' Native Pine Lumber, ; Props, Stalls, Boxes, Lath, ; ruing, amngies, ; ! Ties. Lacrfifincr. Sasb and Doors. !: i! ii , Flagstaff, Arizona, ij ARIZONA CENTRAL BANK, FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. OLDEST BANK IN NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on Time and Sayings Deposits. Drafts Sold Upon all For eign Countries. We have an extensive Patronage and Correspondence through out Arizona, and invite your Banking Business upon Liberal and Conservative terms. T. E POLLOCK, President. T. J. POLLOCK, Vice President. C O. ROBINSON, Cashier. I LIQUOR STORE 1 JULIUS AUBINEAU. I OCALCR IN f L FINE WINES, WHISKIES I 7 LIQUORSGIGARS i Quieteit place in town. S J No gambling allowed L Family Trade Solicited. B. HOCK, MB""" 1 Stationery News Stand, FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Fresh Fruits and Confectionery, RAILROAD AVENUE. I. W. HARPER WHISKY Sold for Medical Purposes only. J. J. ftOfiAHLfH, Sole Agent for nrizona. 9 WimPVML ?) j- -&. iS'i( &.&- IfjJ till ..III wmu eraaHaMfc5Wt;: y-r t "Ji M."