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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
. " jSiXSMHi mmsmmmmm COCONINt SUN. lt? ocmtiutf mt. The citlzoos of Ludlngton, Mich., liavo established a precedent which may bo widely copied. Incensed at tho charges of their physicians, they con tracted with one physician to care for tho health ot tho town at a stipulated salary of $1,809 per annum, agreeing to pay a stipulated fine where tho doctor found he had been called unnecessarily. Entered In the Postofflce at Flagstaff at second class matter. JUDGED BY HIS CLOTHES Issued every Saturday. Subscription price, two dollars a Tear, In advance. Ktcry paper Is stopped at the expiration ot the time paid for. C M. FUNSTON, Editor. i-a, .fiM6fKmptetmmmmm muMmp Saturday, July 19, 1902. Tho surplus in tho United States treasury for the year just closed is $92, 190,000, and yet some people have the lernerltv to talk of a deficit. Kansas, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Minnesota have all warmly indorsed President Roosevelt to succeed himself in 1904, and Senator Piatt Is authority for tho statement that New York will do likewise. Despite the billious wail of octopus haunted fiction writers, tho world is a better place to work, sleep, eat and think in than at any previous epoch. We have a promise that it will be better to-morrow than it is so-day. The statistics of tho treasury depart ment for tho fiscal year just closed prove that the estimate furnished by Hon. Lyman J. Gage, then secretary of the treasury, last November, have been borne out with remarkable accuracy. The Arrow of last week contained a good description ot. Chloride; also a half-tone cut of the town. Since mov ing to Chloride the Arrow has a more prosperous look, and it is doing much to make the resources of that section known. Before leaving Washington for his vacation the president directed the civil service commission to issue an order to the effect that no promotions of employes of the government shall be made except upon the recommenda tion of their immediate xuperior. Gov. Brodle has uppolnted I. M. Christy territorial treasurer. The bond of the treasurer is $40,000, and the Pacific Surety Company will furnish the bond. It has been presumed for some time that Mr. Christy would be the choice of Gov. Brodie for this Im portant position. Among other reforms which Secre tary Moody has introduced in the navy department U an order discontinuing tho supply of dally paper at govern ment expense. Hereafter employes ot that department must supply their own papers and must refrain from reudlng them during office hours. Before congress adjourned Postmas ter General Payne submitted to that body the draft of a bill providing for postal currency, for which Mr. Payne believes that a necessity exists. It Is hoped that congress will not fail to provide such a medium of exchange during the short session. In view ot the continual reports of a scarcity of farm labor in the western stales, It would seem that a most prac tical philanthropy might consist of some means whereby the laborers In the conjested centers of tho east might be transported to the localities where their services are in demand. The Arizona number of the Pacific Coast Miner is a splendid edition of that enterprising mining journal. Min ing Is the chief industry of Arizona and it is the most promising mineral field in the world, and the attention of thousands of readers will be called to the mining regions of Arizona through the special number of the Miner. Tho president has appointed Major Mlcali Jenkins, formerly ot the Hough Riders, internal revenue collector for the district of South Carolina. This is the same Major Jenkins to whom Mr Roosevelt presented a sword when he was In Charleston. Senator Tillman's nephew, It will be remembered, bump tiously advised tho president to stay away. F. II. Newell of the geological survey estimates that In tho next hundred years there cannot possibly bo irrigated moro than 00,000,000 acres of arid land, notwithstanding the claim In congress that something like 200,000,000 acres of arid land could be reclaimed. It will doubtless be two or three years before the actual work of construction will be begun In any locality. The Democratic territorial conven tion has been called to mnot In Tucson on Wednesday, Soptember 3. Tho con vention will have one hundred and seventy-two delegates, and nine delegates is tho representation to which Coconino county is entitled. The committee recommend tho adoption of the primary election method for the selection of candidates for the respective county offices. There are a score of men in America whose fortunes exceed those of mon arch of one hundred years ago. But Instead of using their va6l wealth in selfish pleasure and extravagant pa geantry many of them are using it for the promotion of industries through which thousands live with comforts un known to kings of the past century, while a few, of whom Mr. Curneglo ie most conspicuous, are lavishing mill ions for tho public benefit. A school for commercial students has been established In New York. The building will cost $300,OJO. Only ma ture students will be accepted. It is proposed to teach modern languages, especially French, Gerraau and Span ish. The object, In short, Is to enable tho American drummer pushing Amer ican commercial enterprises in foreign countries to compete with his polyglot confrere from Germany, France, Eng land or Spain. Hitherto tho American drummer In foreign parts has been compelled to introduce his goods by pantomime. The Gila county Democrats have adopted the Crawford primary election plan for the selection of county officers, and the Silver Belt comments on it as follows: "Every Democrat who has tho wel fare of the county and of the party at heart will applaud tho action of tho county central committee in adopting the Crawford primary plan fur the selection of candidates for county of fices. It Is only those aspirants who are uncertain of their strength with the party voters who oppose the primary plan, and who would rather trust to the manipulation ot a convention to effect nominations. At the Demo cratic primaries to be hold In the sev eral precincts of this county on August 23 the name ot every declared aspirant for office will appear on the ticket and the choice of candidates for the re spective offices will He entlroly with voters ot the party, and if they fall to exercise tho privilege or to choose wisely there will be no one to blame." ft it Hodja, the famous Turkish jester, once went to a feast clad in a very old and ragged tunic. He received very little attention and no place was made for him at the table. He at once hurried home, put on his best and most gaily em broidered tunic and appeared again. He was given a seat of honor at the tabic. As soon as the first dish was served he took a large spoon and began ladling the food in his sleeve. "What are you doing? " ask the guests. " I am feeding the tunic," he said. "You have no welcome here for me but only for my clothes." This may not be right, but it is human nature. People judge you by your printing. If it is carelessly done, taste less or commonplace, they think your business methods are likewise. The safest and best way is to dress your printing in its very best tunic, and this will attract the attention of the public to you and your merits. ' ' Good printing has sound logical reasons in its favor, and good printing can be had here at the cost of the poorer. C. M. FUNSTON, Job Printer. to to to to to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to & TIME In Effect June 1, 1902. TABLE WEST BOUND. EAST BOCNO. STATIONS. No. 7. No. a No. 1. No. 2. No. 4. No. 8. IU 00 p M 00 p 10 00 p Leave Chicago . . Arrive I 7 40 a 2 15 p I 8 47 p 235p 8 45a 1100a . .. Konsos City. 555p 2 31a 802a S2Sn 8 00p ..... -Denver .. 9 30 a OOOp flOOp 740 a 10 35 p 4' n La Junta - 10 20 p II 47 a II 35a 10 4.Vp" TToiTa 8 iSp .. Albuquerque . . "Tf30a II 55 p IS 45p 3 57 a 2 28 a Wlngato 3 14 a 150p 4 3i) a 355a 300a Gallup 250a 850p 125p 8 48 a 5 54 a . . Holbrook ....... . ..... II 25 p 10 00 a 805a 700p 725a ...... . Wlnslow . l0 30p SlOp 9 00 a 10 35a 6 25 p 10 35 n .... Flagstaff. 830p 125p 700a 12 17p I0 45p 12 45p Wllllums .. 705pl2l2p 525a 140p U45p 2 10p Ash Fork . . 6 35 p II 00 o 420a 155p I155p 2 20p Pacific Time. Sellirman Mount. Time 4 10 p 10 00 a 3 15 a S42p Peach Springs 138p 12 02 a 435p 2 15a 5 2lp Klmrman 11 91 a 8 05a 10 15 p 840p 4 00 a 8 OS p ..........The Needles ... 8 15 a 400a 740p 805p 505p 9 3 p ... . Gods ... .... ... 700a 300a 820p 9S5p 8 29 a 1125a Bagdad 420 a 1240 a 410p 2 00 a . . Daggett !..... 2 00 a 2 00 p 1 05 a 9 35 a Harstow 1 45 a 10 60 p I 40 p 1 52 a Kramer 12 33 p 260a II 15a I ., ...Molitve ".. II 45a 830a 2 10 a 8 00 a Arrive Ixis Angeles Leave! 8 00 p Slop 12 45 p 12 45 p 12 45 p Arrive San Diego ..-.Leave 1 45 p 1 45 p 7 00a 2 50 p Uakerstlcld. 5 30p 800p 10 40 a 5 30p Fresno 2 40p 3 25 a 2 40p 8 18p Stockton 1160 a I125p 600p II lOp Arrive San Francisco Leave 900a 800p No. 2 and 8 carry Palace and Tourist Sleeper and free Reclining Chair Cars from San Francisco and Los Angeles to Ash Fork. Dining Car Stockton to Hakersflcld. Palace Sleeper Ash Fork to Phoenix, which Is occupied till morning. Nos. 1 and 7 Palace Sleeper Phoenix to Ash Fork. Palace and Tourist Sleepers ond free Reclining Chair Cars Ash Fork to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Nos. 1 and 2 carry between Ash Fork Palace and Tourist Sleepers and free RecllnlngChali Cars and Palace Steeper between Ash Fork and Phoenix. Nos. 3 and 4, California Limited, carry between Chicago and Ash Fork Palace Sleepers. Observation Car, Composite and Dining Cars. Palace Sleeper between Phoenix and Ash Fork. No extra fare is charged on this train. Regular first-class tickets are required. No. 3 passes Flagstaff Mondays and Thursdays. No. 4. Tuesdays and Fridays. Santa Fef P. & P. Railway, WIST. BAST. STATIONS. No. I. No. 2. 53Up Ash Fork .. 2 00 p 7 00 p .. .... Jerome Junction ... 12 27 p 7 45 p Prescott . II 47 a HS2p Congress Junction 7 11a 140 a . Pboentx 5 45 a Grand Canyon R, R. 7 00p Lv. Williams Ar. 11 60a 10 00 n Ar. Grand Canyon Lv. 9 00 a Rates, tickets and full Information cheerfully furnished on application to O. E. Sullivan, Agt., Flagstaff. J. J. Btbns, O. P. A., 1xs Angeles. s m