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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
.&. :temi imm- mm&sim jjK-.SSW ljg COCONINO SUN. i.. i, faf1--' ARIZONA NEWS. Items of Interest Culled from Our Ter ritorial Exchange. There are thirty-three prisoners in the Graham county jail. Now Jersey uow manufactures Moqut pottery and Navajo blankets. Somo day those pesky Easterners will be putting bogus sandstorms on the mar ket. WInslow Mail. Work is being prosecuted with vigor at the mines of the Dragoon Copper Mining and Smelting Company, in the Dragoons, and some rich ore is being hoisted to the surface. Tho company propose somo extensive development work and are preparing to push same forward. Tho Socialists this week, at Chloride, nominated A. H. Dryden for the legis lative council, Charles Parisla for sher iff and William Nelson for supervisor. With exception of C. R. Cooper for justice of the peace no other nomina tions were mude. The men named are among the belt citizens of Chloride and will cai ry a big vote in that camp. Mohave Miner. When tho lines of El Paso and Tomb stone are completed the E. P. & S. W. mileage, outsido of the Nacosari line, will be about 3o0 miles. The steepest grade on the whole line is that coming into Ulsbee, being 2 5-10 percent, while on the rest of the main line 1-10 Is the maximum. Between Disbeeand Doug las there are several ten-degree curves to work against the speed to be made. Blake Station, on the Santa Fe west of Needles was renamed GofTs not many moons ago, and now word comes that Maovel, north of Blake, has been renamed Barnwell, because the Santa Fe has a Manvel in Texas. The Cali fornia Eastern railroad has been pur chased by the Santa Fe and Is now called the Barnwell branch of the Ari zona division of the Santa Fe. Where aro wo a-coming at? Redlands Cltro graph. We understand that there is an oil expert in Winslow who is paying his own way and who says the indications for striking a large body of oil are ex ceedingly good. He has so much faith that n large drilling outfit will be shipped in from San Francisco within the next fifteen days and put up about eight miles from the town. He esti mates that oil will be struck in about 2,200 feet. lie has all the capital he needs and is not offering any stock for sale. The people of Winslow are locat ing all the available land in the neigh borhood. Gallup Republican. Geo. H. Vanderwalker was brought in from his sheep camp on the San Carlos strip on Tuesday and taken be fore Justice Hyatt on a charge of bring ing sheep into Graham county and fail ing to comply with the statute regulat ing the removal of sheep from one county to another in Arizona. Mr. Vanderwalker entered a plea of guilty and was fined $25, which he paid. He stated that previous to his arrest bo was ignorant of the violation of any law. He held a receipt showing he had paid the tax on the sheep In Cochise county. Solomonvllle Bulletin. 21 Yasxrs v Dyspeptic. R. H. Foster, 318 S. 2d street, Salt Lake City, writes: "I have been both ered with dyspepsia or indigestion for 21 years; tried many doctors without relief. Recently I got a bottle or Herb ine. One bottle cured me; I am now tapering off on the second. I have rec ommended it to my friends; it is curing them, too." 60c at Pioneer Drugstore. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. Headquarters of Republican Central Committee of Coconino County, Arizona, Flagstaff, Au gust 7, IMS. A delegate convention of the Republican of Coconino County Is hereby called to meet in tho Courthouse In Flagstaff, Arizona, on Monday, September 22, 190'!, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tho following purposes: 1. The nominating of Republican condldates for the various county offices, to be voted for at the next ensuing election In November. 3. The selection of a County Central Commit tee, to serve for the ensuing two years. 3. The transaction of such other business as may regularly come before the convention. The basis of representation In this conven tion will be one delegate for each twenty votes cast for Hon. N. O. Murphy for Delegate to Congress at the November election lu (MX Upon this basis the several precincts of Co conino County are entitled to representation as follows: 4 Precinct. Vote. Dele. Flagstaff 201 IS Williams -.183 9 Bellcmont ... . .. .. 1 Canyon Diablo....- . 5 1 Maine 15 1 Greenlaw Mill 18 Tuba City 1 Frcdonla . ................ ..., 7 1 Mormon Dairy ....... - .... 4 1 Grand View ......... Jt .. . 1 Bright Angel 1 Ryan.... x... . .... 1 Hay Lake . J ....... I Total J MS 33 No precinct shall fce rmrcsented In the said convention except bl aqj&ctuat resident thereof. Primaries will bolhld In tho above-named precincts between tl hours of 7 o'clock and 0 o'clock p. m. on Monay, September 8. 1MB, for the purpose of electing delegates to said County Convention. Members of the local committee of the re spective precincts aro requested to arrange for the holding of such primaries. Dy order of the Republican Central Commit tee of Coconino County. J. O. VCBKAMP, Chairman. C. M. Fbkstok, Secretary. A R.eme.rkk.ble Record. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been in use for over thirty years, during which time many million bottles have been sold and used. It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup In thousands of homes, yet during all this time no case has been reported to the manufacturers in which it failed to effect a cure. When given as soon as the child be comes hoarse or even as Mon as the croupy cough- appears it will prevent the attack. It Is pleasant to take, many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by the Pioneer Drug Store. J Pariles in Bisbee are orgonizlng an Angora goat company and are offering stock for sale at popular subscription. There Is no doubt but what the Angora goat business is going to be one of Ari zona's chief Industries In the very near future, for the reason that we have the country best adapted to that kind of of business. Any place in Southern Arizona Is well adapted to the raising of any kind of goats. The Oracle goat people are making a success of this same business, and they have only been in the business a little over a year. Oracle is forty-five miles north of Tucson. Post. Lingering Summer Colds. Don't let a cold run at this season. Summer colds are the hardest kind to cure and If neglected may linger along for months. A long siege like this will pull down tho strongest constitu tion. One Minute Cough Cure will break up the attack at once. Safe, sure, acts at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. The children like it. W. H. TimerhofT. Any Santa Fe agent will now receive deposits for tickets s&ld at? exception ally low rates in the east forCailfornla points auring septemoer ana uctoner. To Cur ev Cold In One Devy Tako Laxative Bromo-Quinje Tablets. All druggists refund themoney If It fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. I' r. A. MOKDAN. FmkkaL U.J. UOtDAN.SttnUrr P.T. SISSON. Tnmittt. . I ARIZONA LUMBER AND TIMBER COMPANY. I i Miaultcturtrt ot J Native Pine Lumber, ; Props, Stulls, f Boxes, Utb, Piling, Shingles, j jl Ties, Lagging. Sash and Doors. j; f s Flagstaff, Arizona, i; ARIZONA CENTRAL BANK, FLAGSTAFF ARIZONA. OLDEST BANK iK NORTHERN ARIZONA. Interest Paid on TimVand Savings Deposits. Drafts Sold Upon all For eign Coantries. We have an extensive Patronage and Correspondence through out Arizona, and invite your Banking Business upon Liberal aod Conservative terms. T. POLLOCK, President. T. J. POLLOCK, Vice Presldeat. C O. ROBINSON, Cashier. ( JULIUS AUBIHEAU I DCA.CN in ' Ji FINE - S WINES, WHISKIES I 7 LIQUORSCIGsRS Quietest town. S 3 No gtmblwg1 tllowed 1 Family Trade Solicited. 7 B. HOCK, Stationery lews Stand FINE CIGARS, Domestic and Havana. Fresh Fruits ail Confectionery. i RAILROAD AVENUE. I. W. HARPER WHISKY Sold for Medical Purposes only. J. J. DOflflHdB; Sole Agent foi npizona. --- J W a&ste mWISkmmmSSr7SSSSSSaSbBmsPs.