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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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p:iiif. H 3&retefo w Sib. . . 6 COCONINO SUN. M -A..SiK ,-" I LOCAL BREVITIES. '; Timerhoff has Coca Cola on tap. Fresh fruit received dally at Black & Jones. y Boys' school suits at cost at the.Now York Store. An olgbt-foot showcase for sale cheap by Timerhoff. For a nice cool drink of any'klnd go to Black & Jones. ' Timerhoff flavors his soda syrups with pure fruit juices. t - ' James Loy t nd wife of Phoenix spent several days here this week. L. H. Chain era came up from Phoe nix Saturday i and spent Sunday with his family. Wanted Two gentlo rkrfng ponies, single-footer or lox trotureforred. Give price. Address this office. Forest Supervisor Breen returned Thursday from a tour of Inspection of the Grand Canyon forest reserve. J. C. Grim, one of the republican candidates for the nomination for treas urer, spent yesterday in Williams. Eugene, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Treat, fell down stairs Wednesday, the fall breaking his collar bone. J. J. McMurtrey returned Wednesday from a trip to the Verde valley, where he purchased a herd of 300 Angora goats. Fire Insurance ThoTArlzona Cen tral Bank represents anumber of the largest American and English com panies. J. C. Phelan is In town looking after his re-nomination for member of the board of supervisors at the democratic primaries. Newt Grecnleaf and sister, Miss Ada, spent Tuesday here, on their way from Prescoti to Wichita, Kansas, where they Intend to locate. O. Gibson returned to-day from his California trip, having enjoyed a pleas ant visit among friends and relatives. Tombstone Prospector. Miss Bertha Beecher, who has been visiting friends here, left for Williams Monday to take a position as teacher in the public schools of that place. There are twenty-six cases on the civil docket for hearing at the Septem ber term of court in this county. There is less business In the court than at any term since the organization of the county. , E. J. Babbitt and wife, after an ex tended visit here, left for their home in Cincinnati Wednesday. Tbeirmany friends here are looking forward to the time when they will become permanent residents of Flagstaff. Supervisors J. C. Phelan and George Babbitt left this morning to inspect the work recently done on the Oak creek canyon road. The road was com pleted last week and the Verde valley ranchers have a much shorter route to Flagstaff. J. A. Barkley and Rev. McNamara left Wednesday for Phoenix and Tucson. They travel by wagon and go by way of the Verde valley. Futber McNamara will spend some time In Tucson, going from there to Albu querquo, where he has been appointed chaplain at St. Joseph's' Sanitarium. During his stay here Father McNamara inado many warm friends, who will regret bis departure. Buy a Biownle kodak, 91, at Babbitt Bros. For Vichy and seltzenwater go to Imerhoff's. ' J candles A specialty at Timerhoff Home-made Black & Jones. John Skagga was in from Beaver oreek this week. Eastman's kodaks and photo supplies at Eastern prices kt Babbitts'. Furnished Rooms for Root In good brick house. AddrossfP; O. Box 381, Flagstaff. V For Sale A Fraaier, Pueblo, steel tree saddle, In good condition; $20. In quire at this offlcfe' J. E. Jones, district attorney, at tended the Democratic territorial con vention at Tucson this week. J. C. Grim Thursday took the oath of office as a member of the board of trus tees of the Northern Arizona Normal. F. D. Eaman, who has been spending tho past four months in camping out In this vicinity, left for Denver last night. Mrs. C. P. Wilson of Pomona, Cal., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Robinson, and will remain several weeks. Wm. Rudd, the popular clerk at P. R. Weather ford's, returned Sunday from a visit with his parents in Spring erville. A. Barmann of Los Angeles, Cal., who Is interested In tho Grand Canyon Electric Power Company, spent several days here this week. Plain and Ice cream soda, for the old and young, flavored with pure fruit juices, also Vichy and seltzer mineral water, at Tlme.'hoff's. Walter T. Gregory of Phoenix has been appointed secretary and U. G. Wilder of Yuma assistant superintend ent of the territorial pi ison To each cash custodier G. H. Coffin will pre&it'some pltce of imported cblnaware This ware Is beautiful In desIgthHfd the niflto of a well-known manufacturer of chlnaware. t A. W. KInsey, who is engaged in farming near Camp Verde, was in town this week. He is greatly pleased over the advantages in farming in the valley and says his crops are excellent. E. N. Crawford, the jewoler of Wil liam", has made arrangements with C A. Keller to receive watches and jew. elry for repairing. All work will re ceive prompt attention and will be guaranteed. C. A. Greenlaw and wife were In from Greenlaw mill. Mr. Greenlaw reports heavy rains in that vicinity. A rain on Friday last washed out all the bridges and a half mile of track. The rain, however, filled their reservoir. The A. L. & T. Co. gave a farewell concert to Mr. Sumner, its organizer and manager, Wednesday evening. The elegant new Conn instruments, which the band, with the assistance of the company, has just purchased, were used for the first lime. One of the prettiest parties of the year was given Monday evening in the Bank Hotel by Mrs. F. W. Slsson In honor of her brother, Mr. Harold Wil cox of Peoria, III., and Mr. W. N. Sum ner, who left this week for Chicago. The dance hall wa elaborately decor ated with Indian rugs. Miss Whittlng ton furnished the music. Mr. Keller served refreshments during the even ing. All present pronounced It a most enjoyable occasion. a They Fizz," 'Cause The're Fresh. You've noticed the difference, no doubt, in Seidlitz Powders had some that didn't act just right-didn't get the relief you expected after taking them. 'We know that you will not be disappointed in the ywprfc" of our Seidlitz Powders. We know what's in them and that is a guarantee of their purity. W, H, TIMERHOFF, Druggist E.N. Crawford, the Williams jeweler, was in town this morning on business. Misses Ida and Kittle Rudd of Spring erville returned here Sunday. They resumed their studies at the Normal. For a bad taste in the mouth Uke Chamberlain's Stomuchand Liver Tab lets. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. N. O. Murphy and wife returned Tuesday from a trip to the east. Tbey will make their residence in Phoenix. The school at Rhoades opened Mon day with Miss Mattoon as teacher. There were sixteen pupils in attend ance. M. J. Kennedy left Tuesday for Fort Apache, where he has a contract for building an Indian school. It will take about three months to complete his contract. Mrs. Sutton and Miss Alma Sutton, mother and sister of Mrs. A. T. Cobb, loft for their home at Ottawa, Kansas, yesterday, after making an extended visit here. Miss Lulu Swltzcr arrived Thursday from Los Angeles, Cal. She will enter the Northern Arizona Normal. Miss Swltzer Is a sister of W. A. Switzerand Mrs. Stanley Sykes. Miss Emma Schaefer of St, Cloud, Minnesota, the teacher in tho primary department, arrived Sunday. She has the reputation of being 'an excellent teacher and Is a valued addition to the faculty of the public school. C. H. McCluro returned from a pros pecting trip in California and Nevada this week. Mr. McClure thinks ho has a good thing in a placer proposition which he found. His specimens cer tainly were not found in malpal. Howard Marine has been appointed by Gov. Brodie to tho position of guard at the Yuma territorial prison, and he has assumed his duties. Mr. Marine can be relied upon to perform his duty and will make an excellent official. Miss Grace E. Grim arrived yester day to take charge of the musical de partment of the public school system. Miss Grim has been In the Normal School at Flagstaff and should be a strong member of the present corp of teachers. Bisbee Review. Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Sumner coun ties, W. Va., most likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor. He was almost hopelessly afflicted with diar rhoea, was attended by two physicians, who gave him little, if any, relief, when a neighbor, learning of his seri ous condition, brought him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which cured him in less than twenty-four hours. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. II Hello ! Did you say , you wanted a Shavoor Haircut? Well, then go to the 'T STREET" BARBER SHOP they do first-class work. OUR GYPSY QUEEN HAIR TONIC CURES DANDRUFF. Hot and Cold Baths in connection. W. H. FALDER, Prop. FLAGSTAFF ASSi OFFICE, DOVCLASS Ot .FRANCIS. eZ- Flagstaff, nf Arizona. Offlco bourn tin. m. to 12 m. ALL A88AY8 DONE IN DUPLICATE. RHKS i i illnitr- - The ilmpleit remedy for Indlf ettlou, conitlpa tton. blUouueu and the many aUment axlatnr rrom auordered stomach, liver or boweu u &lDans Tabules. Ther hive accomDllihed won- den, and their timely aid removes the necessity of calling physician for many Utile Ills that be set mankind. They ro straight to the seat ot I .be trouble, Tellers tbe distress, cleante and cure I be affected part, and (ire the system general ti in Inn up. The Fir Cent packet la enough for an w dlnary oocaslon. Tbe family bottle, & cents, n lelni supply for a year. All druggists pell thei n. II Fortune Favor ex Texrxn. II "Having distressing pains in bead, back and stomach, and being without appetite, I began to use Dr. King's Nevr Life Pills," writes W. P. Whitehead 7 of Kennedale, Texas, "and soon felt like a new man." Infallible in stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c at all drnggists. f Tbe democratic candidates are mak ing an active canvass for nomination at the primaries to be held on September 23, and from now until that date the voter will be subject to interviews by the anxious democrats desiring a nomi nation. jprrr