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'- JWffliiifeijWI A'4 JZZmvmtsa&mfgt 8 COCONINO SUN. ; LOCAL BREVITIES. j; On Friday of last week, while Mrs. J. Back man was canning peaches, one of the cans exploded, and tho contents struck her In tho .face, severely burn in? her. For a time it was thought she might lose her eyesight, but fortu nately, although badly burned, hereyes were not injured permanently. The cause of tho explosion was due to tho overheating of the tin fruit can after partial sealing. After thirty-seven ballots for sheriff the Yavapai county Democrats nomi nated M. J. Uickey for sheriff, J. D. Hooker withdrawing in favor of Hickey. The convention was in session from Saturday until Wednesday trying to decide whether it should be Hobbs, Hickey or Hooker for sheriff. The thirty-sixth ballot stood: Hickey, 47; Hobbs, 34; Hooker, 28; Jolly, 15. The ballot which decided the contest stood: Hickey, 69; Hobbs, 54. W. T. McCrelght, business manager and city editor of the Albuquerque Citizen, and wife and sister, Mrs. H. W. Hendricks, and eon Hyde, were pas sengers on No. 1 Wednesday, on their way to spend the week at the Grand Canyon. Mr. McCrelght, while he is out for pleasure, Is doing some adver tising for the Albuquerque fair, which he says will be the most attractive fair ever held in New Mexico, and it is ex pected a large crowd will attend. Probate Judge F. C. Held, ex-officlo superintendent of public schools, held a teachers' examination Monday and Tuesduy in the courtroom. There were four applicants for certificates David D. Rust of Provo, Utah, who will be principal of the Fredonia school; H. W. Judd, who expects to be the assistant of the Fredonia school, and a resident of thai place; Miss May Rogers of Los Angeles, Cal., and G. W. Pilchard of Pomeroy, Ohio, and principal of the Williams school. Henry Gates, special deputy of the supreme lodge, A. O. U. W., Is in town. Mr. Gates Is here for the purpose of adding now members to that popular and numerically stiong fraternal so ciety. During the past year be has devoted his energies to the upbuilding of the order in this jurisdiction and has added over eleven hundred mem bers to the roster of the various lodges .In this jurisdiction. During his stay here he expects to largely increase the membership of Flagstaff Lodge, No. 13. The Journal-Miner of Tuesday says: Death Is always a sad occurrence, but in some Instances it seems to be attend ed with greater features of sadness than others. Such a one occurred yesterday morning in tho demise of Mrs. E. J. F. Home. Their little baby, born on Sunday evening, Is also dead. Mr. Home has the sympathy of the commu nity in his affliction. During recent year Mr. Home has been called upon to suffer more afflictions In the loss of dear ones than ordinarily falls to the lot of a humau being during the same period of time. The funeral will take place to-morrow at 10 o'clock from the Catholic church. A Sa.d Disappointment. Ineffective liver medicine is a disap pointment, but you don't want to purge, strain and break tho glands of the stomach and bowels. De Witt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid matter and do it so gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects. They area tonic to the liver. Cure bilious- torpid liver and prevent fever. W. H. Tlmerhoff. i Colonist R&tti From tho Ea.t to CU. lfornla Common Point. Flagstaff, A. T., Aug. 6, 1902. Colonist rates to California points, which will also apply to Intermediate points, .have been authorized for west bound tickets only. From Chica go, $33 ; St. Louis, Memphis, New Or leans and common Mississippi river points, $30; from Kansas Ciey, St. Jos eph, Atchfson, Omaha'ort Worth, Houston and coiimoillssourl river points. $25. Tioketsrlll be sold at these rates dally ibmng months of Sep tember .and October, 1902. Will be second class only and limited to contin uous passage fronsfilrtjirfc point to des tination. Deposits rill be taken at ticket office for persons desiring tick ets furnished from the east at these rates. GEO. E. SULLIVAN, Agent. Water Cure for Chronic Constipation. Take two cups of hot water half an hour before each meal and just before going to bed, also a drink of water, hot or cold, about two hours after each tucsl. Take lots of out-door exerclso walk, rfdc, drive. Make a regular habit of this, and In many cases chronic constipation may be cured without the use of any medicine. When a purga tive Is required take something mild and gentle like Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Pio neer Drug Store. , 2 There can be no good excuse for people staying lu Chicago with rate of $33 to tbe coast. See Santa Fe agent about it. Devoured by Worms. Children often cry, not from pain, but from hunger, although fed abun dantly. The entire trouble arises from inanition; their food Is not assimilated, but devoured by worms. A few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge will cause them to cease crying and begin to thrive at once, very much to the sur prise and joy of the mother. 25c at the Pioneer Drug Store. t For rates, tickets and Information re garding low rate from the East see Santa Fe agent. I nave rtaa occasion to use tout Stool and Poultry Mtdi.B 'Wack-Draught cine and m utedanvthm good Mtttl mend It to J and Poultry Mtdl. to uv that I never itock that gave half i I Heartily rtconv i of stock. IELSHER. St Louis. Mo. Sick stocx or poultry should not eat cheap stock tood any more than sick persons should expect to be cored by food. When your stock and poultry are sick give them med icine. Don't stuff them with worth less stock foods. Unload the bowels and stir up the torpid liver and the animal vfll be cured, if it be possi ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads the bowels and stirs up tho torpid liver. It cures every malady of stock if taken in time. Secure a 25-ccnt can of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pay for itself ten times over. Horses work better. Cows give more milk. Hogs gain flesh. And hens lay more eggs. It solves the problem of making as much blood, flesh and energy as possible out ox the smallest amount pf food con sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. NEW BRANDS APPLIED FOR. The following brands and earmarks have been offered for record with the Live Stock Sanitary Board and are herewith ad vertised in order that cattlemen may be given an opportunity to protest against any that in their opinion conflicts with any ex isting Irons. This list will appear twice In this paper, and all applications will bo withheld from record for 10 days after second publication. All communications to bo addressed, LIVE STOCK SANITART BOARD, PHOENIX, ARIZONA. C- &CXD - c f OS c CCXD c AD93 c ZIZOQ -Left hip. H. Left hip. Ynez Ortiz, Arivaca, Arizona. Left ribs to thigh. H Left thigh. J. C. Brooks, Naco, Arizona. , Left shoulder. H. Left shoulder. Lorenzo Solores, McDowell, Ariz. Left ribs. H. Left hip. John Jepson, Alpine, Arizona. Left ribs. H. Left shoulder. Adam Sliger, Clifton, Arizona. Left shoulder to hip. H. Left shoulder to hip. 4 Williamson, Duncan, Arizona, eft shoulder to hip. H. Left soouider to tnlgn. Harper, Ulltton, Arizona. hip. H. Left thigh. Irk Harper, Clifton, Arizona. f"CO DflF 93 h CO v DO b CO SOUUI! F A. C Lf 1 1 C Lift shoulder to hip. J.Vfe D. Kelly, Douglas, Arizona. C Both ribs. Right thigh. H. 'Serrano, Patagonia, Arizona. C Right ribs. H. Left thigh. Frank Baca, Concho, Arizona. C Left shoulder to hip. H. Left' thigh. Mrs. J. A. Balrd, Clifton, Arizona. C Left hip. H. Left shoulder. Geo. W. Davis, Rucker, Arizona. Left bin. H. Left shoulder. M. J. Smith, Palomas, Arizona. -Both bins. H. Both hips. David Murdock, Flagstaff, Arizona. Both hips. H. Both hlns. David Murdock, Flagstaff, Arizona. Left rlbn to hip. H. Left shoul der to hip. Haldermau Bros., Co chise, Arizona. C- C- LETTER LIST. List of letters remaining in the post office, uncalled for, for tho week end ing September 6, 1902: Dulrcs, Fryer Kendrick, Dan Mitchell, Fred G (2) Turpen, John Wareck, Joe Willis, Allox Butler, Geo Humphry, G W McColam, Chas Sheel, I H Wallace, T J Williams, Maude Willis, W C MKXICAN LIST. Nava, Morlco Sabcdra, Mateo Sanches, Larenso When inquiring for the above mail please say advertised. T. J. Coalter, P. M. TaJce of tho Stomsxoh. Tbe man or woman whose digestion Is perfect and whose stomach performs Its every function is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purifies and sweetens the stomach and cures positively and per manently all stomach troubles, indlgeb tion and dyspepsia. It Is the wonder ful reconstructive tonic that Is making so many sick people well and weak peo ple strong by conveying to their bodies all of the nourishment in the food they eat. Rev. J. H. Holladay, of Holladay, Miss., writes: Kodol has cured me. I consider it tbe best remedy ever used for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. I was given up by physicians. Kodol saved my life. Take it after meats. W. H. Tlmerhoff. I PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR SERVICE AT HALF RATES ' WHEN YOU TRAVEL IN TOURIST SLEEPERS DAILY TO THE EAST VIA THE SANTA FE & frmrz' This Ifnstnre li on every box of tho genuine Laxative Bromo-Quifline Tabieu the remedy that enrrs n eoM la oat qr J M -. i &St 9 9 J 't :?mm,mLiAiiK'Wk m,i.t$ it,"T.'-s-'"3f. .;. terns