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-v, fei -r 1W& aa3&v, JflfeSffl iffWftiliUMfT" COCONINO SUN. J" DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. r Primaries Held Under the Crexwford 'System Make Democrat Wotvry. The Democratic primaries held Tues day under the Crawford primary system t'lldn't seem to give an exceeding limount of satisfaction to the voters. I The result is practically two elections --one wide open affair and then the strong pull in November which gives tin average candidute a d ragged-out feeling long before he knows on which sidti of the salary line he is located. Tiie contest in Flagstaff was a heated one all day, and had all the features, and a few extras, of a regular election. Tho voting wus done in the old Fisher building, with the following re sult: V. COUNCIL. Ashurst. . 220 jl ASSEMBLY. Cana'.i ...'. 180 SHERIFF. Job nson 217 ;a. B. Jones...... 60 Donahue 8 TREASURER. Devine 188 Baty 11)0 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. J. E. Jones 212 RECORDER. T.J.Ross 160 PROBATE JUDGE. "Acker 125 Milligan 122 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Conrard 201 SURVEYOR. Lockridgo 133 SUPERVISORS. Phelan 34 Martin 47 Cornish 150 Carroll 59 Weatherford 52 Marshall 108 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Qulnlan 230 CONSTABLE. Hogan 5 There was a total of 324 votes can at the primaries, and though the vote from the different precincts is not yet yet in, it is altogether probable that the following will be tbe Democratic nominees: Council Henry Ashurst. Assembly Chas. Canal). Sheriff James Johnson. Treasurer Thomas Devine. Recorder T. J. Ross. Probate Judge J. C. Milligan. Superintendent of Schools H. Con rard. Surveyor W. H. Lockridge. Supervisors A. T. Cornish, G. W. Martin. Justice of tho Peace I,. W. Quinlan. Constable Dun Hogan. Sheriff Johnson 27 Jones 7 Probate Judge Ackers 6 Milligan 18 Treasurer Baty 4 Devine 30 Supervisors Cornish 20 Weatherford 11 Martin 3 Walsh 4 Carroll 1 Marshall 6 Phelan 0 MAINE'S VOTE. Maine cast 30 voles, which resulted as follows: Council Ashurst 30 Assembly Canall 21 Sheriff Johnson 24 Jones 10 Treasurer Devine 10 Baty 10 Probate Judge Acker 0 Milligan 18 District Attorney Jones 30 Recorder Ross 23 School Superintendent Conrard... 25 Supervisors Cornish 5 Walsh 20 Phelan 4 Martin 25 Weatherford 1 Marshall 1 Carroll 5 I860 40 YEARS The- 1902 Washington Insurance Company OF NEW YORK V. A. BREWER, Jr., Pretideat ES. FRENCH, ViccPretidtot His Life Saved by Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Dltvirhoetv Remedy. "B. L. Byer, a well-known cooper of this town, says he believes Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved his life last summer. He had been sick for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery, and could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy. It gave him Immediate relief," says B.T. Little, merchant, Hancock, Md. For sale by Pione?r Drug Store. f THE VOTE AT WILLIAMS. The total vote at Williams was 220, resulting as follows: Council Ashurst 1G8 Assembly Canal i 100 Sheriff Johnson , 117 Jones , 85 Donahue 8 Treasurer Devine 80 Baty 68 District Attorney Jones 118 Recorder Ross 160 Probate Judge Acker 63 Milligan 71 Superintendent of Schools Conrard .201 Surveyor Lockridge 122 Supervisors Phelan 90 Martin 150 Cornish 179 Walsh 87 Carroll 12 Weatherford 18 Marshall 7 PRIMARY VOTE AT BELLMONT. The total vote cast at Bellmont was 30, with the following result: Council Ashurst 28 Assembly Canall 27 Col. W:Uor Exudes. Col. Wilson agitated the atmosphere for several hours it a Democratic meeting held at the court house here Tuesday evening. There were about ISO people present when the meeting opened. Dr. D. J. Brannen introducedMr. Herndon, who opened the meeting with a neat speech from a Democratic point of view, and was followed by the redoubtable Col onel, who became lighter and lighter as the night progressed.-. He failed to inform .lis hearers of what the Democracy had done, but painted glowing things thy intended to do. Devoured by Wormi.i Children often cry, not fron pain, but from hunger, although fed abun dantly. The entire trouble arit'esfrom inanition; their food Is not assimilated, but devoured by worms. A few- doses of White's Cream Vermifuge will cause them to cease crying and begin to thrive at once, very much to the'sur prlse and joy of the mother. 25c at tho Pioneer Drug Store. f Three new forest reserves bavo been created in the past year In Arizona. The Mount Graham reserve containing 118,600 acres in Graham coi'i'nty; tbe Santa Catallna reserve of 155,520 acres in Pima county, and the Cilricahua reserve in Cochise countybf 169,600 acres. The total area of f irest reserves in the United States niw acsrrerate 58,850,925 acres, or 91,951 square miles of reserves, amounting to an area of nearly twice tbe sb,s of the state of Pennsylvania, y I! Croup Usually begins with the symptoms of a common cold; tliere is chilliness, sneez ing, sore tbroat,' hot skin, quick pulse, hoarseness and impeded respiration. Give frequent fjosos of Ballard's Hore hound Syrup (the child will cry for it), and at the flrstbijj'n of a croupy cough apply frequently Bollard's Snow Lini ment externally to tne throat. 60c at Pioneer Drug; Store.' ( f Survivorship Dividend Policies These Policies are Easily Defined THEY ARE- Non-forfeltable. THEY ARE- Unrestrlcted a to residence and travel after one year. THEY ARE- Incontestable after one year, except as hpeclttcally provided. THEY ARE- Sccured by an Invested Reserve. THEY ARE- Solidly backed by Bonds and Mort gages, Qrst liens on Real Estate. THEY ARE- Safer than Railroad Securities. THEY ARE- Not affected by tbe Stock Market. THEY ARE- Better paying investments than U. S. Bonds. THEY ARE- Less expensive tban Assessment Cer tificates. THEY ARE- More liberal than tbe law requires. THEY ARE- Deflnlte Contracts. J. H. OTUELLY, General Macager New Mexico and Arizona, ALBUOUEROUE. N. M. TOBASOO that is the name of the horse that is going to give Arizona the world's harness record. In fact one of his colts has almost got it now. He will make the season of 1902 at tho ranch of W. K. Ross, eight miles south of Rhoades, Arizona. Terms? 12.50 for the season. Lingering1 Summer Cold. Don't let a cold run at this season. Summer colds are the hardest kind to cure and It neglected may linger along for months. A long siege like this will pull down the strongest constitu tion. One Minute Cough Cure will break up the attack at once. Safe, sure, acts at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, all tbroat and lung troubles. The children like it. W. H. TlmerhofT. LETTER LIST. List of letters remaining in the post office, uncalled for, for the week end ing September 27, 1902: Anderson, A. H. Bargeman, E., 2 Clouse, Ida M. Duran, P. E., 3 Donley, Geo. Elder, J. C. Hofer, D. D. Long, Lewis Mansbolt, Fred, 2 Moore, Chester, 2 McFadden, John, 2 Nlckalson, W. M. Nickile, Ephram Nlckell, W..E. Patchett, Ed, 2 PenningtonSutten2 Powell, Otis Kelly, Chas. W. Roberts & Peterson Vilarde, Victor When inquiring for the above mall please say advertised. T. J. COALTER, P. M. Tbere can be no good excuse for people staying in Chicago with rate of 933 to the coast. See Santa Fe agent about it. t : FLAGSTAFF ; : UNDERTAKING PARLORS jj $ ED. WHIPPLE. $ Manafer sad Eafcalucr, 5 ' A fun stock of up-to-date 5 and- METALLICS CASKETS. m m m m m a t i i - i.t m i A IdlgC 123UIIII1CUI Ul A7UIS41 j ill Robes for men, women and chil- 9 dren. m Saa Fnaclsco St. aear Railroad Ave.. FLAGSTAFF. ' ' ARIZONA. 44444444444444444444443t SOME MEN PAY $10,000 Sr S.SK their advertising. There are others tc ff foranan who pay JOaWV sual sub scription to Printers' Ink and learn what all the advertisers are thinking about. Even these are not the extremes reached. There are men who lose over $100,000 SolTnS For sample copy send 10c ther one. to PRINTERS' IKK. 10 Spruce St.. li. Y. LODGE DIRECTORY. MOUNTAIN LODGE, NO. IS, K. OP P. Meets In Masonic Hall every Wednesday night Visiting knights arc cordially Invited to attend John Marshall, C. c T. J. Ross, K. of R. and S. W. H. TMEHHorr, M. of P. COURT COCONINO. NO. 896, INDEPEND ENT OKDEK or rORESTKBS. Meets Tuesday ntahts In Masonic Hall. Visit ing members invited to attend tbe Court meet ing. A. A. UDTIBB, J. M. Clark Hitt, Recording Secretary. Frank L. Hkal, Financial Secretary. FLAGSTAFF LODGE. No. 499. BENEVO LENT AMD PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS. Meets everv Tuesday night In B. P O. E. hall. corner of San Francisco street and Aspen ave nue. Visiting brothers cordially lnvueu to attend. J. E. RUFFIN, E. R. H. P. Cuujnan, Secretary. 7LAGSTAFF LODGE, NO. IS, A. O. U. W. Meets every Thursday night In Elk's Hall. Visiting members Invited to attend. J. J. WILLIAMS, ai. w. Clark Hitt, Rcc J.c.GBi,Fln. FLAGSTAFF LODGE NO. 7, P. & A. M. RMnilsr mretinir. on first Saturday of each month at F. and A. M. Hall, over City Hall. Visiting brethren Invited to attend J. K. KurriN. sec. E. . millek, iv. ra. FLAGSTAFF LODGE, NO. 11, 1. O. O. F. Meets first and third Friday evenings of each month. Visiting members Invited to attend. Chas. A Clark, N. G. N G. Laytoh. Secretary. Thos. G Job. E. S. Clark. JOB & CLARIv, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Bank Building, Prescott, Arizona. TX7- S. ROBINSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Flagstaff, Arizona. Once In Postofflce building. Office hours. 10 to 11a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. CHURCHES. QHURCH OF THE NATIVITY, Rev. Valbre, rector. On Sundays: Low mass at 8 o'clock a. m.; high mass at 10:50 a. m. Sunday school at 11:30 o'clock a. m. Rosary and benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. On week days, mass at 8:15 a. m. All cordially Invited. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. J. H. Henry, pastor. Sabbath services-Sunday-school. 10 a. m.; preaching service, 11 a. m.; class meeting, 12:00 m.; Junior League J p.m.; Epworth League. 6:S0 p. m.; evening service, 7:30 p.m.; weekly prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Every one Is cordially welcome. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Geo. Logie, B.D., pastor. Services: Sunday-school and Bible Class, 10 a. m.; morn ing service, 11 a. m.; Young People's meeting, 8:45 p. bl; evening service, 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. You are cor dially Invited. Strangers In town are asked to come and make themlseves known. V 'rltolsimim&viS&i