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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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COCONINO SUN. SEPTEMBER GRAND JVR.Y. Examine County Offices and Reports Favorably on Condition of the County' Affairs. The grand Jury for tho September term wero discharged Tuesday, after two short days' work. , The different committees reported on county officers and county affairs as follows: COUNTY TREASURER. We, the committee detailed to exam ine tho books lo the county treasurer's office, have completed the duty assigned U9; have to report that we have found nothing that is not in order in the ac counts of said office. Our Investigation has impressed us with tho belief that the duties of the office have been well and faithfully performed. E. A. Sliker, W. H. Pierce, G. W. Black, 1 Committee. t PROBATE JUDGE AND SCHOOL SUPER INTENDENT. We, your committee appointed to ex amine tho office of the probate judge and ex-offlclo school superintendent, beg leavo to report that we find the office well kept, the books in neat order and everything in satisfactory condl tion. We observe, however, that the office seems to lack the necessary furniture for properly conducting the business thereof, and we would recommend to (ho board of supervisors that a steel filing cabinet be purchased for the vault similar to that now in the vault of the clerk of the district court: also, 'that a desk be purchased for uso in the probate business, especially as the offices of probate judge and school superintendent are about to be sepa rated, and the only desk in the office at present which is county property, be longs to the school superintendent. Respectfully submitted, George P. Campbell, A. G. CmsnoLM, C. M. Wolf. SUPERVISORS AND RECORDER. Your committee, appointed to exam ine into the condition of the office of the board of supervisors and recorder, beg leave to report as follows: We find the office of the supervisors to be In most excellent condition. All the accounts are so systemlzed that the transactions and condition of every office in the county can be ascertained in a moment. It is our belief that a more perfect set of books or more accu rate accounts can not be found in the territory. Every account is complete to date, and an inspection of them shows the affairs of the county to have been ably and conscientiously managed. We can not close our report of this office without mention of the highly valuable service rendered by the clerk of the board. It is due to his industry and skill that the accounts of the office are in such admirable condition, and it is only fair to say that in conducting the affairs of his office he has shown administrative ability of a high order. Wo find the recorder's office to be in the best condition it has ever been in the history of the county. During the last two yean the work has more than doubled, yet it has been handled with out increase of expense to tho county. The receipts of the office are very largely in excess of tho expense of maintaining it in faot it contributes largely to the revenue of the county. The books of record are In perfect con dition, and every Instrument filed are recorded forthwith. Your committee desires especially to commend the in cumbent of this office for his fidelity and conscientious regard of. the county 's interest. Respectfully submitted, C. H. SCHULZ, W. H. Campbell, Frank Beasley. sheriff's office and jail. We, the committee appointed to ex amine the jail anc1, sheriff's books, find the same in good 'order. A. P. POLSON, E. M. Twitty, I A. J. Diamond, county hospital. We, the committee appointed to visit the county hospital,-beg leave to report as follows: We have visited the couu!y hospital and find everything in urst-class"condI-tion, and believe there can be no cause for complaint. August Tetzlaff, William Souder. buildings and grounds. We, your committee on buildings and grounds, beg leave to report as follows: We recommend that all the outside woodwork of the buildings belonging to the county be painted, and that a fence be constructed around the court house grounds. Such enclosure should be constructed in a oubstantial manner, your committee believing that it will improve as well as beautify the prem ises, as there are ample funds in the treasury. In general, we find all the county buildings to be in good condition, the only requirements being suggested above. Respectfully submitted, E. A. Sliker, C. H. Schulz, A. P. Polson. LIST OF GRAND JURORS, SEPTEMBER TERM, 1902. The list of grand jurors for the term were H. E. Campbell, foreman; E. A. Sliker, secretary; George Black, Geo. P. Campbell, Wm. Campbell, C. H. Schulz, W. H. Pierce, A. J. Diamond, A. Tetzlaff, C. M. Wolf, E. M. Twitty, A. P. Poison, A. G. Chlsholm, Wm. Souder, Frank Beasley. Bewcre of the Knife. No profession has advanced more rapidly of late than surgery, but it should not be used except where abso lutely necessary. In cuse3 of piles, for example, it is seldom needed. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures quickfy and permanently. Unequalled for cute, burns, bruises, wounds, skin diseases. Accept no counterfeits. "I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength," says J. C. Phillips, Paris, 111. "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me In a short time." Soothes and heals. W. H. Timerhoff. Open For Settlement. Department of the Interior, ) United Slates Land Office. Prescott, Ariz., Sept. 13, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that plats of the surveyor the following townships, viz: Frac. T. 31 n., r. 1 e.; T. 31 n., r. 2 w.; T. 31 n., r. 2 e.; T. 30 n., r. 2 w.; Frac. T. 32 n., r. 2 w.; T. 30 n., r. 2 e.; T. 30 n., r. 3 w.; T. 30 n., r. 4 w.; Frac T. 31 n., r. 3 w.; T. 31 n., r. 4 w., and T, 32 n., r. 4 w, have been received at this office and will be officially filed Oc tober 13, 1902, on and after which day and date we will be prepared to receive and act on applications to make entries in said townships. Fen. S. Hildreth, J. M. W. Moore, Register. Receiver. JJ fW. L. I BO vm ak HSJJlpMFqiJJJJW fBMIl BBBMll IMIw in I 21 Yeexr at. Dyppt!o. R. H. Foster, 318 S. 2d street, Salt Lake City, writes: "I have been both ered with dyspepsia or indigestion for 21 years; tried many doctors without relief. Recently I got a bottle or Hero ine. One bottle cured me; lam now tapering off on the second. I have rec ommended It to my friends; It Is curing them, too." 60o at Pioneer Drugstore. Douglas $3.50 Shoes Have been worn by Uncle Sam for the past forty years. Pulliam & Vail, the Gents' Furnishers, are the only firm in Flagstaff who sell the Douglas Shoes. They have the most complete stock of Gents' Furnishings in North' era Arizona. When you need Shoes remember Douglas and Pulliam . Vail Exclusively Cents' Furnishers. d UrouVs'treet FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. A Cash Prize Offer To be 6iven Away $200.00 J.J.MoMURTREY Has set aside the above amount to be awarded to his customers who estimate the nearest to the number of beans in a jar at his place of business UFRF IR Hl flFPFR' For every dollar spent -with him 10 1110 UlTLn, at one purchase you will have one guess at the number of beans io-the jar. The $200.00 has been divided into 103 prizesyand will be awarded to the persons who make thetiearest correct estimates as follows: jr First Prize -Second Prize Third Prize The next one hundred persons maklaf the earesi estimates win eicn receive $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 . $1.00 The guessing will close December 25th and the jar will be opened the following day by three disinterested judges who will count the beans and award the prizes. The names of prize winners and their estimates will be published in the Flagstaff papers, together with a certified statement of the judges. If there should be a tie in the estimates of two or more persons for any one of the prizes, the money will be equally divided. No changes allowed after estimates are once made. Employes of my bar will not be allowed to enter the contest. Eemember for $1.00 you will receive the best liquors, wines or cigars in town, at live-and-let-live prices, and a chance for one of the 103 prizes. J. J. McMURTREY, TEMPLE BAR SALOON. Flagstaff, Arizona. S, BARRON, JC MERCHANT TAILOR, RAILROAD AVE sr FLAGSTAFF. BaHBj(53l