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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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iiaKgaaaamesax&satmaaMitBmium rt . t 1 ''h.UtAht jmta mawmWm i3i,3i&T jtamiwv-mwwmmm;3r& COCONINO SUN. ARIZONA NEWS. Item of Interest Culled from Our Tor. rltorla.1 Exchanges. Gov. Brodle lias appointed F. W. Nel son at Holbrook a member of the Ter rltoaial board of equalization to succeed R. M. Tredevlcks, resigned, and Geo. A. Olney of Solomonville to succeed Michael Olney, resigned. Accord! dc to a report printed In the Boston papers, the Shannon Copper company produced between May 6th and August 1st, 1,400,000 pounds of cop per, equal to about eight tons a day. The cost of production is stated at a fraction under 10 cents a pound. Tho Prohibition territorial conven tion met at Phoenix last week und nominated O. Gibson of Tombstone for delegate to congress. John Wlx Thomas of Phoenix took a prominent part in the proceedings and was made chair man of the convention. A full ticket has been nominated in Maricopa county. Tho recent rains have filled the water holes In the volcanic regions of the county and at the same time gave new life to the springs in tho moun tains. The prospector will now have no troublo In getting into the country heretofore considered Inaccessible, where ho can prospect to his heart's content. Mohave Miner. Hon. James B. Greeory of Dragoon has Invented a patent street railway tie which has received the approval of some of the most eminent railroad men in the country, aud bids fair to receive general adoption. It Is sure a money getter, and will realize the gentleman a handsome fortune. Mr. Gregory has worked upon this patent the past six years. BUbce Press. J. B. Alexander has been transferred from tho position of inspector of the Indtan schools to the Sucaton agency. A change has been mado by the depart ment whereby tho agency and the agency school and all institutions ap purtenaut to both are to be consolidated and placed under the superlntendency of Mr. Alexander, thus relieving Agent El wood Hudley and J. R. Mesklmons, who has hitherto been school superin tendent, but will now probably be transferred to some other school. Re publican. The board of regents have Anally ad vertised for sealed bids for the univers ity bonds, which will bo turned over to them by the governor in a few days. The bonds are now being printed. They will be issued in the shape of $1,000 bonds, and there will bo twenty- five of them, the amount of the appro priation. The issue should bring a premium from all Indications. Several eastern brokers are anxious to get them, and the bidding, no doubt, will be lively. Tucson Citizen. Tho New Mexico & Pacific Railway company was Incorporated at Santa Fe, N. M., this week by the following St. Louis capitalists: Hugo Koehler, Paul Relss, Max Koehler, Thomas B. Har lan and Orvllle Turner. The company intends to build to the Pacific coast, following closely the thirty-seventh parallel. A contract for the first eighty miles of road, from Raton and Eliza bethtown, has already been made. Tbe thirty-seventh parallel Is the dividing line between Arizona and Utah and the proposed line would open up northern Arizona and southern Utah. Much excitement was caused at Doug las, Ariz., by the news of the finding of some rich nuggets of gold on the property owned by the Sonora River Placer Mining company, a few days since. A Mexican woman went to a spring to get water for cooking and in digging along the side of the pool un earthed a massive nugget. She took It to her husband, who Immediately came to Douglas with his find, and was paid $500 for the nugget by a merchant here. A large number of prospectors are working in the new field and a number are leaving Douglas every day for tbe placers. International. The many old-time friends of Henry W. Murphy will learn with regret of his death in West Prescott Sunday evening, says the Jouroal-Mlner. The deceased was a brother of F. M. and N. O. Murphy. He came to this terri tory in 1884 and followed the business of mining, operating in Jerome, Con gress, Hillside, Poland and other camps in the territory. About six years ago he was stricken with a malady which resisted the efforts of tbe best obtainable physicians and re sulted in his death Sunday evening. He was a genial, whole-souled gentle man and bad a host of warm friends. F. B. Dorr, for several months past city editor of the Review, leaves this morning for Douglas, where he will make his home in the future. Mr. Dorr last week purchased tbe Douglas Dis patch from A. F. Banta and will be tbe sole proprietor and editor In the future. The Review regrets to lose Frank Dorr from tho editorial staff. He is a bril liant writer and a newspaper man of mjch merit. Before coming to Blsbce Mr. Dorr was with the Los Angeles Time?, uUo the Herald. Slnee coming to Bisbeo he has made many friends, who will see that he does not want for patronage In his new business venture. The Review wishes the young man that full measure of success be justly de serves. Bisbee Review. Do Good-It Pn.ys. A Chicago man has observed that, "Good deeds are better than real estate deeds some of tho latter are worth less. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helping band. You cannot possibly I030 by it." Most men appreciate a kind word and en couragement more than substantial help. Tbero are persons in this com munity who might truthfully 6ay: "My good friend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there Is no dan ger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine. It always cures. I know it for It has helped me out many a time. For sale by Pioneer Drug Store. f Open For Settlement. Department op the Interior, ) United States Land Office. Presoott, Ariz., Sept. 13, 1902. J Notice Is hereby given that plats of tbe surveyof tbe following townships, viz : Frac. T. 31 n., r. 1 e.; T. 31 n., r. 2 w.; T. 31 n., r. 2 e.; T. 30 n.. r. 2 w.; Frac. T. 32 n., r. 2 w.; T. 30 n., r. 2 e.; T. 30 n., r. 3 w.; T. 30 n., r. 4 w.; Frac. T. 31 n., r. 3 w.; T. 31 n., r. 4 w., and T. 32 n., r. 4 w, have been received at this office and will be officially filed Oc tober 13, 1002, on and after which day and date we will be prepared to receive and act on applications to make entries in said townships. Fen. S. Hildreth, J. M. W. Moore, Register. Receiver. Mother Who would keep their children in good health, should watch for tbe first symptoms of worms, and remove them with White's Cream Vermifuge. It is the children's best tonic. It gets diges tion at work so that their food does them good, and they grow up healthy and strong. 25c, at Pioneer Drug Store. W. L IKK J0 Douglas $3.50 Shoes Have been worn by Uncle Sam for the past forty years, Pulliam & Vail, the Gents' Furnishers) are the only firm in Flagstaff who sell the Douglas Shoes, They have the most complete stock of Gents' Furnishings in North ern Arizona. When you need Shoes remember Douglas and Pulliam Vail Railroad Ave. and Leroux Street, Exclusively Gents' Fnralsfeers. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ, A Gash Prize Offer Te be Given Away $200.00 J.J.McMURTREY Has set aside the above amount to be awarded to his customers who estimate the nearest to the number of beans in a jar at his place of business HFPF IQ HIR OFFER' For every dollar spent with him nene io mo urrtn. at one purchase you wm have one guess at the number of beans in the jar. The $200.00 has been divided into 103 prizes, and will be awarded to the persons who make the nearest correct estimates as follows: $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 . $1.00 The guessing will close December 25th and the jar will be opened the following day by three disinterested judges who will count the beans and award the prizes. The names of prize winners and their estimates will be published in the Flagstaff papers, together with a certified statement of the judges. If there should be a tie in the estimates of two or more persons for any one of the prizes, the money will be equally divided. No changes allowed after estimates are once made. Employes of my bar will not be allowed to enter the contest. Remember for $1.00 you will receive the best liquors, wines or cigars in town, at live-and-let-live prices, and a chance for one of the 103 prizes. J. J..McMURTREY, TEMPLE BAR SALOON. Flagstaff, Arizona. First Prize Second Prize Third Prize The acxt oae hundred persons miklot tbe aetrest ejuauits wiu eacn receive S, BARRON, X . MERCHANT TAILOR, JC 3T FLAGSTAFF. RAILROAD AVE. 2) so msms&i -rie &ia&j:z ywxaiimBmimMi